Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
The Church Age begins at Pentecost (Acts 2) lasting until the church rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) covering a period often referred to as the "Age of Grace". We are currently living in this period as of the year 2022. In prophetic history, it falls between the 69th and 70th year of Daniel 9's prophesy (Daniel 9:24-27; Romans 11). Jesus predicted the Church Age in Matthew 16:18 when He said, “I will build my Church.” Jesus has kept His promise, and His church has been prospering for almost 2,000 years. The church "rapture" will be an event that will end of the Church Age and usher in the Great Tribulation, a final seven-year period in which the Antichrist and his False Prophet emerge to rule over all nations.
Jesus left warning signs to His followers in order to prepare them for their heavenly departure and to encourage them to warn unbelievers of the church rapture and of His return. Below is a detailed description of these warning signs divided into those involving the Jewish people and those directed to all believers. End times prophecy's concerning these signs are primary covered in Daniel 7, 8, 12; Matthew 24, 25; Mark 13, Luke 21 and the Book of Revelation.
While living in Washington, D.C., we would often take the metro train into the city. In the cities Metro Center, there's a line of circular floor lights next to the train track that would start flashing faster and faster as the train approached. The flashing lights act as a warning sign to passengers that the trains arrival was approaching very soon. Just like flashing lights, the Bible has left us warning signs that as we approach the end of the age, “all these things” or warning signs that will all occur simultaneously at one point in history just before Christ's return. The word "until" appears in each of these verses indicating that something important is about to happen. When all of these major prophecies are fulfilled, Jesus' return is imminent. No one, not even Jesus knows the exact moment or day when He will return, only God the father knows. The verse below doesn't declare we can't know the time though. This is because Jesus wants us to know the time so we can prepare ourselves for exiting this world and warn others through these signs. God will reveal to His prophets with greater and greater accuracy as to the time of the event as the sign(s) are being fulfilled.
God throughout the Bible doesn't reveal to us the exact degree of precision, the day and the hour, as a general rule of prophecy. For example, God didn't tell Noah the day or the hour when the rains would come. He just said it would start to rain hard and to go and stay inside the ark. It took an entire week before it started to rain. Imagine all the people outside the ark laughing and ridiculing Noah and his family sealed inside. It was a measure of their faith to remain locked inside the ark. What a test for Noah who took 100 years to build the ark and now he's told to sit and wait patiently. Their patients paid off by obeying God.
Jesus left us a series of signposts that if any one of them came true is not a big deal, but when we see all of these things or signs converging at one point in history, you can be absolutely sure that our redemption is closing in.
These great signs converging specifically relate to God's chosen people, the Israelites, signaling that His return is imminent. We will identify those great signs and apply them to current events to see if the scripture prophecy has been fulfilled and do we see them converging at the same moment in history. Below you will find that some of the signs have already been fulfilled and the remaining ones are partially fulfilled.
Jesus uses an old Jewish proverb; "Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather." This verse has two underlining meanings. The primary meaning's that when you see one sign it means nothing. If you see two signs happening at the same time in history it probably means nothing, but if you see all these signs circling or converging at the same time in history be assured His return is near. The secondary message has to do with vultures. Vultures were always seen as unclean, representing death, and are a symbol of God's judgment. A gathering of vultures also indicates a "diseased" spiritual condition. As bad as the tribulation period will be, far worse is being spiritually unprepared when Christ returns or being judged as unworthy to enter the second creation.
“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
― Corrie ten Boom
Dutch Christian Watchmaker & Writer
After World War II, the extermination of six million Jews in German Concentration Camps across Europe caused guilt among many countries (who turned a blind eye) which lead to the new State of Israel. God used one of the most horrific events in history to deliver a miracle to His chosen people. In 1948 the British mandate to rule Palestine expired, opening the door for a possible Jewish state. On May 14, 1948, in Tel Aviv, Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaims the State of Israel, establishing the first Jewish state in 1,900 years. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.
Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann wrote a letter to President Harry S. Truman asking him to recognize their new state even though it was nameless because Zionist leaders were still arguing over the name. It was rumored at the time that the name of the newly created nation would be called "Zion" (or "Judea)". At the conference David Ben-Gurion (Prime Minister) stood and said the name of the new state would be "Israel". David Ben-Gurion was an Atheist and demonstrated no great sympathy for the elements of traditional Judaism so it is highly unlikely that he understood that he fulfilled Isaiah 44:5 prophesy that day.
As we come closer to the end of the age, we should expect to see the the Jewish people back in control of Jerusalem. The verse "until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." is synonymous with the Christian "Church Age" which is basically a ~2,000 year interruption in God's plan so he could focus on the Gentiles. At the end of the Church Age (see "Rapture"), God is going to turn His attention back to dealing with the people of Israel. All Christian or primarily Gentiles will be gone and God will return to dealing with the people of Israel. As this time approaches Jerusalem will not be in the hands of the Gentiles anymore, instead it will be back in the hands of the Jewish people. As the return of Jesus draws near we should see the Jewish people back in their land.
Prior to 1948, the idea that there would be a nation of Israel would be a outrageous statement since there had not been a nation of Israel in 1,900 years. The Romans destroyed the second Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. and Titus laid siege to Jerusalem (this event caused the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora).
There has never been a people who have been separated from their homeland for 1,900 years and reclaimed it, much less survived. There has never been a language (Hebrew) that died out as a living, spoken language and was revived as a living, spoken language with the exception of Hebrew. If you go to Israel today there are you will witness Jews speaking and writing Hebrew like they did back in the days of the Bible. This type of event has never happened in human history.
When can we say that this prophesy was fulfilled? We could say it was when the State of Israel was created in 1948 or June of 1967 when the Jews reclaimed the entire city of Jerusalem (Six Day War). Either way, the point is that a miracle has happened in our lifetime just as predicted. Think of all the ancient enemies of Israelites that are no longer around; the Egyptians, Amalekites, Hittites, Canaanites, Persians, Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Babylonians, Philistines, Assyrians, but the Israelites are still here. The Jewish people are still here because God isn't finished with the Jewish people yet. He's recreated the State of Israel and given them their homeland back because this has to happen in order to fulfill Bible prophesy and for the Lord Jesus to return.
This prophesy has been fulfilled.
This is the one singular event that must occur in order to initiate al the other prophesy events leading to the return of Jesus Christ and Armageddon. None of the other events were relevant until this one event was fulfilled. These other essential events that play into this scenario are listed below in the section called; "1948, A Miracle Year".
The new Nation of Israel needed arms in order to defend themselves against their enemies. Isaiah prophesized that the funds would be provided by distant nations (below). In 1948 Golda Meir was sent by David Ben-Gurion to New York City with $10 in her pocket and a one-way ticket to raise the money needed to purchase arms. She raised a couple million dollars in New York, then some more monies in Chicago. By the time she returns to Israel she has $50 million. That was enough money to turn the tide of the war. Israel purchased arms from Czechoslovakia which helped launch Israel as a Nation.
Ever since the appointment of Abraham, the Israelites were treated as a nation until the 10 northern tribes broke away from Judah after the reign of King Solomon. Amos, the 3rd of 12 minor prophets, prophecy below fulfilled in 722 B.C gives an indication of a change in God's attitude towards the 10 northern tribes as a nation which signals a sort of final judgement upon them. The call to repentance still continues, but the idea of the nation responding is lost. The evidence of this is revealed in their history, for we know that judgement came upon the northern kingdom in days of their last king, Hoshea. Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, was God's agent in judgement and the nation was carried off into captivity, and Samaria was totally defeated. This was in the ninth year of the reign of Hoshea as recorded for us in 2 Kings 17: 1-6. The 10 northern tribes fade out of history from this time.
"All things are mortal, except the Jew. Other forces pass but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"
― Mark Twain
The Law of Return is an Israeli law, passed on July 5th, 1950, which gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship. Both the scattering and return of the Jewish people to their homeland is prophesied in the Bible. God's plan for the Jews was to be missionaries for the rest of the world (gentiles), but because they rejected Jesus the Messiah, God scattered them across many nations in 70 AD. with the Roman's destruction of Jerusalem. After the holocaust many Jews had no home to return to. This spurred a mass migration from Western Europe and for those who survived the death camps to the Holy Land (Palestine) which was strictly limited by the British from 1917 to 1948. There were also immigration bans put on Jews by some countries (Soviet Union, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia). These immigration bans were later lifted. Bible verses prophesying the scattering the Jewish people among all the nations of the world. (Deuteronomy 4:25-30, Hosea 9:1-3, 9:17, Luke 21:24, Ezekiel 36:19).
The end of this prophesy predicts the sale of Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Titus in 70 AD according to Roman history. Afterwards this the Romans round up the remaining Jews and take them to Egypt to be sold as slaves. There were so many Jews being sold as slaves their price went down to zero, so they were giving away Jews for nothing (4-5 million Jews were sold). Moses predicted this event over 1,500 years before it occurred. God punished the Jews by scattering them for not being a light to other nations and preaching the Gospel to them. The Jews were blaspheming the name of God to other nations by preaching that they don't need a redeemer, your good works are enough to save you. God judged the Israelites twice for their disobedience. The first diaspora was caused by the Babylonians who took them captive as Moses predicted in Deuteronomy 28:47-55. This short-lived exile that would last exactly 70 years as predicted by Jeremiah below until a Persian King would set them free to rebuild their nation. They did stop practicing idolatry but were still not faithful in spreading the good news about God to the world. Not many gentiles became Jews during the Persian Empire which caused the second diaspora.
After some time, God will migrate all the Jews in the world back to their homeland. The Bible says that 1 day to the Lord is 1,000 years on earth. The following verse says that in 2,000 years, He will restore Israel which refers to them returning to their homeland and on the 3rd day or another 1,000 years, He will restore us which is the Millennial Kingdom period when Jesus reigns on earth as a ruler. Israel was recognized as a nation 1948 and their land was restored in 1967. In the end times every Jew will be living in Israel which will cause them to expand their boundaries causing Jordan to become a nation state for Palestine. Every Gentile nation will expel all the Jews from their country. Just imagine the US expelling 6 million Jews back to Israel.
Bible verse prophesying the rebirth of Israel. The "valley of dry bones" gives a picture of the Jews killed by the Hitler and the Nazi's in WW2 where six million bodies were dumped in mass graves of concentration camps valleys like Auschwitz and Dachau. Later it was discovered that two million more jews were slaughtered by Stalin in the Soviet Union. These images were printed in newspapers all over the world in 1946 & 1947. Everyone thought the Zionist movement was finished with the center of the movement being from Europe, but at the same time the world became aware of the horrors of the Holocaust. It wasn't until the people of the world saw the "valley of dry bones" images that the nation was reborn against all odds.
Psalm 102 is a prophesy by King David written over 3,000 years ago describing the second return of the Jews to the land of Israel. It would be the Jewish prisoners of the Holocaust that escaped and survived who would be the ones to rebuild Jerusalem. This corresponds to Ezekiel 37 vision of the valley of dry bones. It's the Jews that came out of the Nazi death camps that were put in battalions to fight the wars to save the nation from Muslim insurgency.
Jesus Second Coming cannot occur until every Jewish person has migrated back to Israel (Ezekiel 37:21-28). Not until Israel is disarmed as a nation can this prophesy be fulfilled. How does God get all the Jews back in the Land of Israel? Could it be prosecution at the hands of other nations? We can only speculate, but what we do know that it could be by Israel's prosperity in the latter days because they are prophesied to become a very rich nation once again. Our best guess is that this prophesy will be fulfilled with a combination of persecution and economic opportunity.
This prophecy is currently being fulfilled (~50% of Jews in the world live in Israel as of 2022).
There is an initial settlement order prophesied in which the Jewish people would migrate back to their homeland for a third time found in the Psalms and the Book of Isaiah 11:11-16 just before the end times. Petaḥ Tiqwa was the first village (founded 1878) in the modern Jewish settlement of Palestine and is known as Em ha-Moshavot (Hebrew: “Mother of Villages”). Below is the precise order in which they would inhabit the areas until 1940's.
The following prophesy found in Isiah 11 also states that the Jews will be united as one. In the Old Testament, the kingdoms were divided into a north and south.
Jews have always occupied Jerusalem but confined to inside the old city walls and as the end times approaches, the city walls for the first time would not be big enough to hold all the people migrating back, so new suburbs would have to be built in the high places surrounding the city (the ancient lands of Ammon (Ammonites), Moab (Moabites) and Edom (Edomites) aka Transjordan before 1948 and Jordan thereafter). Ezekiel 25 says that the people of the East (Arabs occupying Ammon, Moab and Edom) will rise up to take possession of the land, but in due time Israel will gain control of these ancient high places of worship found in 1st & 2nd Samuel, Chronicles Kings (Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, Mount Moriah, Samaria, etc.). In 1967 during the six-day war this prophecy was fulfilled as the prophet Ezekiel predicted ~2,500 years ago.
Jeremiah predicts that when the Jewish nation comes together for a second time gives the exact locations and sequence in which these new settlements in the suburbs would be built beyond the city walls because the city of Jerusalem would not be big enough. This settlement consists of nine new suburbs from outside the Tower of Hananel and ending at corner of the Horse Gate. The was no settlement outside the city walls until after 1885. In the Jeremiah prophecy back in the day it sounded strange that the suburbs would be built in that exact order because the best places to construct them were build last with locations of seven, eight and nine. These suburbs just happened to be located inside the border between Israel and Jordan before it existed.
This prophesy has been fulfilled.
Two other migration predictions found in Isiah 11 are that the Gulf of Suez will dry up and that the Euphrates River will be broken up into seven independent streams. He does this to permit the last of the remaining Jews from other nations to migrate back to Israel.
Winston Churchill said that “with the stroke of a pen one Sunday afternoon in Cairo” on August 19, 1921, he created the British mandate of Transjordan, now known as the Kingdom of Jordan. This area consists of the ancient lands of Ammon, Moab and Edom. Apparently, having been drinking that day, the colonial secretary’s penmanship was wobbly, “allegedly producing a particularly erratic borderline.” The resulting zigzag that delineates the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia is sometimes referred to as “Winston’s Hiccup” or “Churchill’s Sneeze.”
An operation between June 1949 and September 1950 that brought 49,000 Yemenite Jews from Yemen to the new state of Israel. In Ethiopia, they have discovered through DNA what is believed to be from the tribe of Dan.
There are also over 9,000 members of the Jewish community living in India's northeastern states, half of them are in Manipur and Mizoram. Called the Benei Manashe, these Jews are believed to be the descendants of the Menashe tribe. They have documentation tracing back 2,700 years.
"To have and not to give is often worse than to steal."
― Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Writer
Another major sign we should witness before Jesus return is that we should see Jewish people coming to faith in Jesus Christ. After rejecting Jesus for almost 2,000 years as their Messiah we will see a unprecedented increase in Jewish believers.
In the verse the Apostle Paul says that Jews will experience a "hardening in part" meaning that the reason a lot of Jewish were not coming to faith in Paul's day (and the reason they haven't for the past 1,900 years) is because, as a result of the rejection of their Messiah, God has placed a spiritual judgement on them. This judgement or "spiritual callousing" was placed on the Nation of Israel so that not only do Jews have the natural spiritual blindness that all gentiles have to overcome to believe in Christ, but they also experience this restraint that makes it even more difficult for them to believe in Christ. That's probably why we haven't seen many Jewish people coming to Christ until now. It's only a partial hardening so there have been some coverts.
As God begins to wrap up the Church Age (Gentiles) and get ready for the return of Christ this hardening or spiritual callousing will be lifted and we should expect to see Jewish people believing in Christ at a rate we have not seen for the last 19 centuries.
In the 1950's you could count the number of Jewish Christians on both hands that were in the US and Canada. In 1998 there were approximately 60,000 Jewish Christians and around 5,000 of them were living in Israel. My Jewish Pastor said that each year when he traveled to Israel, he would meet some of them. As of 2012, population estimates for the United States were between 175,000 and 250,000, between 10,000 and 20,000 from Israel alone, and an estimated total worldwide of 350,000. The total number of Jews worldwide stands at approximately 15.2 million. Among the global Jewish population, the number of Jews in Israel is close to 6.9 million, while about 8.3 million live outside Israel (~6 million live in the United States). The updated estimates by Professor Sergio Della Pergola of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem published in the American Jewish Year Book 2021. Approximately, 30% of Jews in the world will believe in Christ before Christ returns as prophesized in Zechariah 13:7-9 below. This means that 2.3% (350K/1,520K) of all Jews believe in Christ currently so we have a long ways to go.
Note: Jesus Christ will not return until the majority of the Jewish people are back in Israel AND the Gospel has been preached to every ethnic group on earth. This will occur the second half of the seven year Tribulation period. (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21).
This prophecy is currently being fulfilled.
"I think there is only one quality worse than hardness of heart, and that is softness of head."
― Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President
As the end of the age approached we should expect to see the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. This is another great sign pertaining to the restoration of the Jews.
3rd Temple Construction Article
Daniel 9 is probably the most incredible prophecies in all the Bible because it forecasts that exact time when the Messiah would be cut-off or killed. Daniels prophesy states that there is a total of 70 groups of sevens or 490 sevens. Daniel provide a sort of “clock” that gives an idea of when the Messiah would appear and be crucified. There are 7 sevens and 62 sevens for a total of 69 sevens. According to Daniel 4:16, 23, 25, and 32, each “seven” in the vision represents seven years. This is the only detail Daniel received, but this one detail provided a critical clue for later generations. The expression literally means "seventy sevens" and the year-for-a-day principle applies here (see Numbers 14:34, Ezekiel 4:4-6).
This is further divided into 69 sevens and 1 seven (69 + 1 = 70 years). The first 69 year period is further divided into 62 sevens (434 lunar years) and 7 sevens (49 lunar years) periods when the anointed one is "cut-off". The first unit of 49 years covers the years that it took to rebuild Jerusalem, “with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble”(Daniel 9:25). This rebuilding is chronicled in the Book of Nehemiah. The 49 sevens represent the Hebrew year of Jubilee or the year at the end of seven cycles of shmita (Sabbatical years). According to Old Testament regulations, this year had a special impact on the ownership and land management in Israel. According to the Book of Leviticus, Hebrew slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of Yahweh would be particularly manifest. Christ free us from sin by paying our debt with His death on the cross.
Seven ‘sevens' = 49 lunar years
Sixty-two ‘sevens = 434 lunar years
Total of 483 lunar years (483 x 360 = 173,880 days/365 = 476.4 solar years)
There are 483 lunar years (Hebrew calendar) and we convert them into solar years, which equals 476 solar years until the Messiah comes and is put to death (cut-off). A Hebrew calendar year can be 353, 354, 355, 383, 384, or 385 days long.
Converting the 360-day year used by the ancient Jews, 483 years becomes 476 years on our solar calendar. Adjusting for the switch from B.C. to A.D., 476 years after 444 B.C. places us at 33 A.D., which would coincide with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1–9). The prophecy in Daniel 9 specifies that, after the completion of the 483 years, “the Anointed One will be cut off” (verse 26). This was fulfilled when Jesus was crucified. Daniel 9:26 continues with a prediction that, after the Messiah is killed, “the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.” This was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.. The “ruler who will come” is a reference to the Antichrist, who will have some connection with Rome, since it was the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem. The final "seven" or a seven year period is covered in Revelation section. Daniel received and recorded this prophetic revelation while serving as Chief Counsel in the Persian court.
Historians know of at least four decrees made by the Persian emperors "to restore and build Jerusalem." Cyrus made one in 538 B.C, Darius I made one in 520 B.C and King Artaxerxes Longimanus I made two, one in 458 B.C. and another in 444 B.C. Some decrees were to rebuild the temple and/or others were to rebuild the city. Persia’s king Artaxerxes issued the long-awaited decree (actually two decrees) to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Only one of them fits Daniel's time constraints and this becomes clear when we work out the puzzle of the seventy "sevens". Below is the breakdown:
476 years - 538 B.C.= ~62 B.C. No significant biblical event
476 years - 520 B.C. = ~44 B.C. No significant biblical event
476 years - 458 B.C. = ~18 A.D. No significant biblical event
476 years - 444 B.C. = ~33 A.D., Christ's ministry ends, His crucifixion and resurrection
God made it easy, we only have one correct choice! This is one of the most precise, chronological Biblical prophesy's anywhere in the Bible requiring basic math to prove its accuracy. On March 5, 444 B.C. King Artaxerxes in his 20th year gave Nehemiah permission (decree) to return and rebuild the city of Jerusalem (see Nehemiah 2:1-8). This confirms our starting point. If you count the days from the date of King Artaxerxes decree the end date is Sunday March 29, 33 A.D. Of the 70 “sevens,” 69 have been fulfilled so far in history.
This prophecy has been fulfilled.
This leaves one final “seven” year period yet to be fulfilled. Most scholars believe that we are now living in a huge gap between the 69th and the 70th seven called the Church Age. The prophetic clock was put on pause temporarily by God due to the Jews rejection and crucifixion of their Messiah. Because the Jewish people rejected Jesus as their Messiah, God scattered them throughout other nations (Leviticus 26:32) and turned His attention primary to the gentiles since Christ's crucifixion ~2,000 years ago. As the Church Age comes to an end, Christ will rapture all Christian's living and dead to closeout the age of grace. Next, God will immediately turn His full attention back on the Jewish people during 70th Tribulation period. Daniel's final “seven” years is what we refer to as the seven year Tribulation period. Half way through this seven year period (3.5 years), an Antichrist figure will arise and fulfill Daniels prophesy.
In 70 A.D., the second temple was destroyed, along with the city of Jerusalem, by Titus' Roman army. Daniel states that a third temple will be rebuilt in its place when he says, "And at the temple he (anti-Christ) will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." What we do know from this verse is that the "abomination that causes desolation" will happen in a wing of the third temple. You are correct in thinking that there is no third temple in Jerusalem today.... but there going to be. There has to be in order to fulfill this prophesy. And the idea that the Antichrist will set himself up as "God" in God's holy temple is a desecration.
Jews today are quietly planning the construction of the 3rd Jewish temple. The Temple Institute's founded in 1987 ultimate goal is to see Israel rebuild the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, in accord with the Biblical commandments. They are in the process of reconstructing the 103 implements required to do Temple worship as they did back in the Old Testament.
One thing is certain: God has a timetable, and He is keeping things on schedule. He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), and we should always be looking for the triumphant return of our Lord (Revelation 22:7).
This prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.
Bible prophesy says that Israel will be the wealthiest nation on a per capita basis in the world once again prior to Jesus' return. After WWII many Jews have migrated back to the Land of Israel because of persecution. It still exists today with the Ethiopian Jews migrating back to the homeland. Although we now see American Jews migrating back because of economic interests. The economic climate in Israel today has become a lot more attractive and is only going to get stronger. Israel has the third most companies listed on the NASDAQ, after the United States and China. Since the 1980's over 250 Israeli companies had an initial public offering on the Nasdaq and 93 on NYSE.
The Jewish population at this time will be equivalent to that of the days of King David or in the days when Christ was wondering the earth. So after the Jewish nation is reborn there will be more than 6 million As of 2023 there are ~7.5 million Israeli Jews.
This gives us an idea of what the population and economic level must be when this prophesy is fulfilled. The economies during the days of King Solomon were 666 talents of tax collected each year. The law for kings outlined in Deuteronomy 17, prohibits the king from multiplying horses and chariots, wives, and wealth. This is exactly what Solomon is doing in 1 Kings 10-11. Six is the number of man and the number 666 is associated with King Solomon in his fall, his abuse of power, and his turning away from Yahweh to false worship. In 2023 Israels GDP was $564 billion US dollars and rising. A talent of gold is worth $2.1 million today so that's $1.4 billion in taxes Solomon collected in current USD.
This prophecy is currently being fulfilled.
A shekel was an ancient unit of weight of the Babylonians. From there the term came to be applied to a coin of this weight and became currency in ancient Tyre and ancient Carthage and then in ancient Israel under the Maccabees. The shekel (or sheqel) was the monetary unit of Israel which was replaced by the British Pound. In 1980, Israel replaced the pound as its monetary unit with the shekel. Hyperinflation forced the replacement of shekel with the new shekel in 1986. Today, the new shekel is simply called a shekel. Three shekels equal ~$1.00 US dollar.
Just before Christ's return Israel will be a nation without walls. The only way this can happen is if there is a peace treaty between itself and the surrounding Muslim nations. Not until Israel is disarmed as a nation can this prophesy be fulfilled.
This prophecy has not been fulfilled.
Another sign of the end time is the emergence of Israel as a top exported of fruit including oranges, bananas, pineapples and tomatoes. When we see the desert bloom, and the fruit trees growing in a place that was once a desert we know Christ is sending us signs for His return.
This prophecy is currently being fulfilled.
The city of David was abandoned and laid under a pile of rubble for 2,500 years. The city was first excavated in 1979 where a few of the storerooms of King David were uncovered. Today the entire city has been unearthed and exposed for the first time. Israeli archeologists have exposed it and the ruins are in beautiful condition to be seen by all as in the days of King David and Solomon. The city will not be revealed until the desert blooms.
This prophecy has been fulfilled.
Before the migration back to the homeland in 1967 photos depict the Judean hills surrounding Jerusalem as a barren desert with little sage and vegetation because of the lack of water. The Judean Hills today are covered with cedar, olive, and pine which were planted after the six-day war conquest. Since the reforestation efforts the rainfall has also doubled within the region as predicted by Isaiah.
There is also a prophesy that when God performs these miracles the Jews take credit for renewing the land. In Isaiah 48:3-11 passage the Jews are resistant in giving God credit, but in the end through His prophetic word God will convince them that it is He who worked the miracles. This was God's purpose in having hundreds of predictions in the Old Testament concerning the second return of the Jews to the Land of Israel. The Jews are currently resistant, but one day soon their eyes will be open to giving God the credit.
This prophecy has been fulfilled.
"But there is one great difference between Socialists of the Christian era and those of today The Socialism of the Christian era was based on the idea that ‘all mine is yours,’ but the Socialism of today is based on the idea that ‘all yours is mine.’"
― Winston Churchill
There are precursor warning signs Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 24 as a double prophecy. Jesus was answering their two questions with one prophecy, two separate events. We can distinguish a double from a single prophecy because there are two time indicators in that text implying that the prophecy will be fulfilled twice (there are triple prophecy as well).
There will be rumors of wars, earthquakes, disease, signs from the Heavens, etc. These events have always occurred in human history, but what Jesus is referring to is the increasing of these signs leading up to the destruction of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem as the first part of the prophecy. The second part being similar signs transpiring in the end times just before His return. These signs are the beginning of birth pains, in other words the signs will be in concert with each other, becoming more frequent and more intense as the event time approaches. Fulfillment of these signs will be witnessed by the generation living at that specific time. We know from history that the first prophecy was fulfilled in 70 A.D. in which the disciple's generation saw the destruction of the temple, Christian persecution, four large earthquakes in Jerusalem in 69 A.D., severe famines, rumor of wars and the scattering of the Jews who were sold as slaves (Deuteronomy 28, Moses prophesized two Jewish exiles). It's recorded that the signs from the heavens in the first century occurred when intense meteor showers were caused by a comet that came close to hitting the Earth. One million Christian Jews escaped Jerusalem before the Roman armies attacked the city because they saw all these prophetic signs coming true at the same time. They Listen to Jesus' warning signs in Luke 21 and took action when they saw the Roman armies surrounded the city lead by General Titus. All of these events occurred within 40 years of Jesus preaching this message on the Mount of Olives.
The disciples were disappointed that Jesus didn't return at that time, but it was because they didn't understand that Jesus was prophesying about two separate events. Christ's return would be witnessed by a future generation according to Luke 21. Jews were scattered in 70 A.D., but not throughout the world and it was not a time when Jerusalem was ruled by the Gentiles for many generations. It is important to reference all the gospel books when evaluating a prophecy because each account may contain additional clues to the event time unfolding.
The danger has been that previous generations have been tempted to say that His return is near because each one has experienced many of these minor signs outlined below. The problems been that all the signs didn't occur simultaneously at an unprecedented frequency and severity. We would need to look for something out of the ordinary at a significate degree.
The signs below are a reflection of the increasing decline of societies morality and are all sins God detests. Many of them are covered in Romans 1:18-32 which is a comprehensive description of mankind's wickedness in the end times. These are signs that will be increasing that have to do with the deterioration of the spirit.
The Olivet Discourse or Olivet prophecy is a biblical passage found in the Synoptic Gospels in Matthew 24 and Matthew 25, Mark 13, and Luke 21. It is also known as the Little Apocalypse because it includes the use of apocalyptic language, and it includes Jesus' warning to his followers that they will suffer tribulation and persecution before the ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God. The Olivet discourse is the last of the five discourses of Matthew and occurs just before the narrative of Jesus' passion beginning with the anointing of Jesus.
The following outline is a comparison of some sign events throughout human history before and after 1945 to see if the overall trends are increasing or decreasing geometrically (doubling or tripling every year). We picked the WW2 because it also correlates with the 1948 major sign of Israel's return to their homeland along with all the other events transpiring around that year (see section below, Nineteen Forty-eight). These event trends provide a good precursor to whether we are approaching the end time or not. In summary, the rate of these signs that Jesus spoke of on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24, 25; Mark 13; Luke 21 and Daniel 7, 8, 12 have always been increasing since or flattening off, but never trending down. These signs also seem to be either increasing together and/or flattening together. These can further be divided into two types; physical and spiritual catastrophes signs.
The most significant thing is that this is the only period in human history where we see all these signs lining up at the same time.
Footnote: In 2011 we experienced a magnitude 5.8 earthquakes in Washington, D.C. that split the Washington Monument. Another one occurred in Milford NJ in 2020, 2.51 magnitude. Earthquakes on the East Coast are rare. We should expect that as the return of Jesus approached earthquakes that will be more frequent and intense happening in unusual places.
What do these warning signs mean for believers? Get ready, because your redemption is near (see "Rapture"). We are leaving this place and those who remain on Earth will sadly experience God's end times judgement.
The oarfish, which can grow to be 56 feet long is the largest bony fish in the world. The silvery creature has a blazing orange head tassel and a dorsal fin that runs the length of its long body. This serpentine "mythological" looking creature dwells between 656 and 3,200 feet below the ocean's surface is rarely seen. Many believe that an oarfish sighting indicates that there would soon be a terrible earthquake.
There were many incredible events and technological advancements that took place in and around the year 1948 including the birth of the computer age. It is believed that the birth of the State of Israel started a countdown to a series of events leading to the return of Jesus Christ. The year Israel became a nation can be interpreted as 1948 when the United Nation confirmed Israel's charter and US confirmed it as a nation. It can also be debated that Israel didn't become a nation until 1949 when a peace treaty was signed with Israel enemies because in 1948, five Arab nations were trying to exterminate it. Another birth date to consider is 1967 when Israel regained control of the city of Jerusalem during the Six Day War (Arab–Israeli War). We believe that 1948 was the more significant year because it's the date most accepted by history and because it was a pivotal year economically, socially and politically. Listed below are historically significant events that originated around that time:
List obtained from Hal Lindsey Report
1948 Hinge of History Part I & II
April 1, 2011 & April 8, 2011
"A secular society will continue expecting God to bless them even after they eliminate all evidence of His existence from the public square."
― Michael Crist
We believe the 1948 generation will live to see a one world government, a one world currency and a one world religion. This will be a globalist's "dream come true" and the stage has already been set. This generation will live to see the end of the Church Age (rapture) and the rise of the Antichrist and his False Prophet. Those left behind will experience the horrific events of the seven year Tribulation and the Tribulation survivors will witness the return of Jesus Christ. We believe 1948 generation is the Biblical generation defined as those born between 1948 to 1986. A biblical generation is defined as a period of 20-40 years. It's the time between when we are born until the average age of reproduction. Today, the average age of first-time mothers is 26, up from 21 in 1972, and for fathers it's 31, up from 27. Jesus said that this generation will not pass until they witness all these things.
The Biblical generation may be linked to Daniel 9:24–27, which states that 70 "sevens" of years or 490 years would pass between the restoration of Jerusalem and the coming of the messiah. Since generations were commonly placed at 35 years, this means exactly 14 generations (W. D. Davies, Dale Allison). The traditional “40 years” in the wilderness from Joshua 5:6 is also widely accepted as the biblical definition of a generation. More critical calculations based on Numbers 33 has conclusive evidence that the "majority view" is wrong and that Israel actually spent 38 continuous years at Kadesh Barnea (details below).
Many Bible prophecy events have laid dormant for hundreds of years until their appointed time in history. These future predictions have now become relevant. These events are starting to come together with amazing speed and precision. Notice Daniel was so amazed at what the Angel had revealed to him, he persisted in knowing the ending.
The angel gave all these details, not for Daniels, but for the generation who would live to unlock the secrets of his vision, the 1948 generation. The Bible says that no person will live past the age of 120 years and the global average human lifespan (both sexes combined) is ~73 years. Psalms says we live seventy to eighty yease so the midpoint would be 75 years.
Our estimates show that we are currently living in the "time of the end" described in Daniel 12:4 where there is "increase knowledge" (technology-Internet). After doing the estimates below, we realized these events are closing in much faster than imagined. We should see the rapture of the Church and the return of Jesus Christ falling sometime between the years 2021 to 2106. Whether we use the Biblical generation definition or another definition, we show that we have already entered the end times. With the rapid move toward secular societies across the globe, we would expect to witness these events much sooner, then later. We believe it will happen sooner because the signs are being fulfilled at a much faster pace. We think a more accurate estimate would fall between the year 2023 to 2061.
BG = Biblical Generation (1948-1986) - 38 years Moses spent with the Israelites in the wilderness
The rapture of the Church will happen before Christ's return and during the end of the first half of the Tribulation period when the Antichrist is revealed and rises to power.
The entire discussion and context is the time it takes to get from Sinai to Kadesh: a normal 11-day journey via a standard caravan but since Israel was disobedient, this same trip took 38 years before they moved on. The Bible specifically says "they spend many days at Kadesh" which contradicts those who claim they spend only a few days there and left for 38 years and returned again for a few days. The bible specifically says that from Kadesh to crossing the Zered was 38 years. Nowhere is there any indication they left Kadesh and returned.
“What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.”
― John Wesley
Theologian, Evangelical Leader of Methodism
Roughly 20% of the world's population as of 2021 are fully committed Christians who bring others to faith in Christ. The great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) will be fulfilled when one-third or roughly ~30% of the world's gentile population including ~30% of Jews become believers in Christ leaving the other two-thirds apostate. This is clearly stated in Zechariah's prophesy below referring to the Jews. Once this prophesy is fulfilled Jesus Christ's return is impending.
This prophecy is currently being fulfilled.
This timeline is confirmed by a couple of very important Bible verses. In the New Testament Jesus has a very critical appointment with a Samaritan woman at the well. Samaritans were part Israelite and part race other types of people, who were not exiled when the Northern Kingdom was destroyed in 722 B.C.E. The Israelites detested Samaritans and would avoid all contact because they were not fully Jewish. In the verses below Jesus (fully Jewish) is telling her that a day will come when both Jew and Gentile will worship God together.
Later in the story the woman converts many of the other Samaritan Gentiles to believers in Christ after her encounter at the well and they invited Him to stay with them for 2 days.
The following verse is an Old Testament prophesy about when God will restore and revive Israel after 2 days.
These two verses speak about Jesus' (Messiah's) return. The first one is addressing the Gentiles and the other one is to the Jews. On God's timetable one day is equal to 1,000 years on Earth (2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4). So, two days is 2,000 years, Jesus is saying that two thousand years from His ministry on earth, He will restore Israel as a nation at a time when both Jew and Gentile will worship together as one body in Christ. If we add 2,000 years plus 33 A.D which is the year Jesus ministry ended we get the year 2033. It's unlikely that this is the exact year of His return, no ones truly knows, but we can say that the date falls into the time table estimates of 2021 to 2059 above. The important thing to understand is that we are living in the period when all these events will take place (The Rapture, Tribulation and Jesus' return). This second verse also says that on the 3rd day, or add an additional 1,000 years, Jesus will restore us which is referring to the thousand year, Millennial Kingdom period after His return, when Jesus reigns on Earth as a ruler and Lord. We also believe this "third day" or three days reference mirrors Jesus resurrection on the third day.
If you have not received the free gift of pardon that Jesus Christ paid for on the cross, please do not delay a decision for God any longer. The end of the Church Age will happen in an instant and if you have not made a decision for Christ, you will find yourself living in a secular, Satan worshiping world of unimaginable horrors.
"If Christians worldwide would invest 1% of their income we could share the Gospel with enough people to fulfill the great commission within a minimum of five and a maximum of ten years. It's currently at 0.1%".
Ralph Dana Winter
Founder of the U.S. Center for World Mission
American Missiologist & Presbyterian Missionary
"Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today."
― Abraham Lincoln
The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered to be the archaeological find of the 20th century worldwide. Back in 2004, the Dead Sea Scrolls paid a visit to Houston's Museum of Natural Science. I was fortunate enough to attend the exhibit. One thing that sent chills down my spin after touring the exhibit was that the Dead Sea caves are the only place on the planet where these scrolls could have survived primarily because of the salt in the atmosphere which is a known preservative. Truly, a miracle.
The ancient scrolls provide a rare window to Judaism and Christianity during the late second temple Or Solomon's Temple period (200 B.C.E. to 70 A.D.), a critical, formative period for both faiths. The scrolls were purposely separated into fragments and The scrolls contain the oldest known biblical manuscripts, prior to their discovery 20 miles east of Jerusalem, the earliest Hebrew biblical texts were dated to about 1000 A.D. More than 200 of the papyrus and parchment scrolls were copies and fragments of the Hebrew Scripture, known to Christians as the Old Testament. Scholars believe the Essenes community likely hid the scrolls in the caves around Qumran during the Roman invasion that destroyed the religious community in 68 A.D. and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The Essenes hid parts of each book of the Old Testament in various caves, so if found by the Romans, each book of the Bible would survive. The skins of the Dead Sea Scrolls came mostly from sheep, though some were goat and cow skins. The scrolls required sequencing DNA from the fragments to match the bewildering bits and pieces .
The scrolls prove the Hebrew Bible text still used for translation today is very nearly the same as it was during the time as Solomon's Temple. That means this is the same biblical text that was used to formulate Rabbinic law and was studied by Jesus and his disciples. God wanted these scrolls to be found to show this generation of sceptics that His word has not changed and the scrolls are the proof.
Just as the miracle of the Jews migrating back to Israel after being scattered for over 1,900 years is the miracle of the Dead Sea coming back to life again.
There are no plants, fish, or any other visible life in the Dead Sea. Its salt concentration is a staggering 33.7%, 8.6 times saltier than ocean water, which is only about 3.5% salt. The stones at the water's edge encrusted in salt are a good clue in that department. As a result, the Sea is famous for its body buoyancy properties, as people who take an exploratory dip generally find themselves riding high on its waters. The Dead Sea is also the lowest point on earth, and getting lower every year, as water that would ordinarily fill it by flowing in from the Jordan River has been diverted to quench the thirst of Israel, Jordan, and Palestine. Every year, the lake drops over a meter per year.
Ben Gurion University researchers have discovered deep springs on the floor of the Dead Sea, which provide fresh water to the rapidly dwindling lake. Video below.
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