Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
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The Hebrew word to describe the flood, "Karabakh", never means the entire planet which was used to describe regions (i.e. Mesopotamian Plain). More importantly, The purpose of the flood was to rid the world of ungodly people who lived in specific regional locations because humanity was not global at that time. For example, no humans lived in Antarctica in the ancient world, so there would be no reason to flood that location or any others like it. DNA evidence proves that people were concentrated in one location around the time of Noah's Flood and then quickly dispersed to all other continental landmasses, excluding Antarctica shortly after the flood.
Noah's Flood only lasted 13 months and was not a catastrophic, global flood. A global flood model would not permit the existence of life and there is no supporting scientific evidence of this in the tectonic plate movement, Antarctica & Greenland annual ice core layers, volcanic annual dust signature eruption layers, raised mountains signs or changes in laws of physics for a flood that covered the entire earth's surface.
The following verse is concrete biblical evidence that Noah's flood was not global. Psalm 104 was written before the flood describing creation day three. This is repeated in Job 38, Proverbs 8.
The last ice age occurred between 15K-130K years ago, but the Bible hints the worldwide flood occurred ~45K years ago during the last ice age before the well-established dates for the great migrations of humanity occurred between 40K-45K years ago to all parts of the world that first originated out of the regions of the Persian Gulf, Arabia and Eastern Africa to Europe and Asia. The second great migrations were to North America, South America and Australia occurred between 13K-40K years ago. This means that Noah's had to be living years before these great migrations happened or longer than 45K years ago. It's not until Genesis 10 that we see any scripture that mentions the names of places located outside of described regions of the Middle East (Mesopotamian Plain). In Genesis 11, after the flood God had commanded Noah's sons to multiply and populate the world and they disobeyed God. The Tower of Babel fell so humanity would migrate and populate the world as God had commanded in Genesis 9:1. God ultimately forces mankind's hand because both Adam & Eve and Noah disobeyed God by not migrating and populating the entire earth.
Based on the scripture verse in Genesis 8:2-6, it takes almost a full year for the flood waters to completely recede so Noah's family could leave the ark. For it to take that long for the water to recede would require enormous amounts of melting ice and snow to replace the waters of the flood running downhill into the Indian ocean. This is why we believe it occurred during the last ice age because only during an ice age would there be warming episodes that could release these huge amounts of snow and ice. It also fits the scientific dating of the flood event because we now have accurate carbon-14 dates that tell us there was this very rapid, aggressive migration from the Middle East and Northern Africa local into all the landmasses of the world between 40K to 45K years ago which means the flood would need to predate that event. This also This same type of event is exactly what we are experience today in long lasting floods. A modern-day example would be the record snow melt off the Rocky Mountains flooding the Mississippi Valley 50 feet and lasted 4 months.
A supernova event is often caused by a dying massive star exploding. This happens when a star at least five times the mass of our sun goes out with a fantastic bang! Massive stars burn huge amounts of nuclear fuel at their cores which produces tons of energy, so the center gets very hot. Heat generates pressure. When a massive star runs out of fuel, it cools off. This cooling causes the pressure to drop. Gravity wins out and the star suddenly collapses. Imagine something one million times the mass of Earth collapsing in 15 seconds!
Evidence points to a supernova that caused 95% of the deadly cosmic rays that we humans experience occurring 120K to 20K years ago. This exposure to radiation is one reason why humans experienced a transition from the maximum lifespans in Noah's day in Genesis of ~900 years to a current lifespans of 120 years (Noah lived to be 950 years old). The supernova caused a radiation event which aided in decreasing lifespans. This is only one of the four factors that have contributed to shortened lifespans.
Even with out a supernova event, humans wouldn't be able to live 900 years since we are all exposed to igneous rocks. Before the flood humans were living in one local on a large sedimentary plain and not going outside that plain. This isolated humans from radiometric decay that happen in igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are loaded with long lived radiometric isotopes like uranium, thorium and potassium. Our exposure to them impacts our lifespan as well as living at low or high elevations. At high elevations there is less atmosphere sheltering them from cosmic radiation. One other major factor is that humanity was on a vegetarian diet before the flood. Eating meat today isn't going to shorten your lifespan if we only live 120 years maximum, but if the human lifespan is 900 years eating meat will impact it significantly. Meat has about 1,000 times the concentration of heavy metals than vegetable material.
The last human lifespan factor is a change in telomeres activity. Telomeres function prevents chromosomes from losing base pair sequences at their ends. Telomeres protect the end of the chromosome from DNA damage or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes. Our chromosomes get shorter and shorter as we age which enables us to deal better with cancer because they are also less able to reproduce cancerous cells and thrive. Shorter chromosomes results in less telomere activity. This is a good thing by design because chromosome shortening results in a factor of 20-30 times less cancer deaths. The enhancement of shortening of chromosomes occurred after the flood. There would be a lot more early cancer deaths if humans had the same telomere activity they had before Noah's flood.
There has been a lot of interest over the year about the location of Noah's Ark after the Great Flood. It didn't come to rest on Mount Ararat, instead It came to rest on the mountain range of Ararat. Today, it is in the country of Armenia and portions of the southern range north of Iraq. The Ark resting spot is most likely located in the far southern mountain range near the city of Nineveh (the closet one of six ancient cities where the ark likely rested). The Ark was built out of high tensile strength gopher wood which was probably taken from the Ark and used to build places in Nineveh. Nineveh has been burned to the ground dozens of times over the centuries so the ark remains are most likely found in the ashes.
Long before Noah’s flood there was just one continent. Geologists have a name for it, Pangea. Before Pangea, there were at least five other episodes when virtually all Earth’s landmasses were gathered together to form a single supercontinent.
Earth’s powerful and enduring plate tectonics drives the supercontinent cycle. In each cycle it takes about a quarter billion years for the supercontinent to fully break apart into separate smaller continents. It takes about another quarter billion years for these separated continents to come together to form a single supercontinent. The last time there was a single supercontinent was a quarter-billion years ago. The next time there will be a supercontinent is about a quarter-billion years into the future.
The continents definitely were not gathered together as one at the time of Noah’s flood. From a few million years before Noah’s flood through the present, continental plate movement has never exceeded 6 centimeters per year.
The Bible states multiple times that the laws of physics have not changed. One example is described in Jeremiah 33. Therefore, based on the Bible alone, independent of any scientific measurements, continental plate movement of thousands of miles per year is ruled out. However, Genesis 7–8 informs us that it took nearly a year for the waters of Noah’s flood to recede into Earth’s oceans. For this recession to take that long there had to be a huge quantity of melting ice and snow. This enormous quantity implies that Noah’s flood must have occurred during the last ice age. During the last ice age, the sea level was 200–390 feet lower than it is today. That is low enough that Alaska and eastern Siberia were connected by a land bridge as were Britain and France.
We find it interesting that God purposely divided one large landmass into 7 separate continents so that there would be more than one nation, one city, one culture, one tower, etc. God knew that this idea of "one" would allow the rulers of a one large nation to easily oppress their people. These continents geographical borders are designed such that there are natural borders formed so that large nation and smaller nation can exist side by side without worrying about one nation taking over the entire world. God's whole goal was to scatter us upon these different continents and for us to live in free market competition for citizens. Today's Globalists are trying to reverse what God had commanded us to do in Genesis 1:28, 9:1.
Noah did not build an Ark large enough to accommodate all the animal species on the face of the earth at that time. God told Noah to take a pair of every "basar" on board the Ark which is a reference to the "soulish" animals in relationship to human beings. This did not include the "basar" animals that were damaged by human sin at that time (those animals were destroyed by the flood). These soulish animals God designed to serve and please human beings. There are only two Hebrew words used in the Genesis flood account to refer to the animals destroyed by the flood and to those taken aboard the Ark. The words are nephesh and basar. The word nephesh translates as "soulish" animals and refers to those creatures endowed with characteristics of mind, will, and emotions, creatures with a unique capacity to relate to humans. We call them mammals and birds. It is their soulishness which makes them particularly susceptible to the effects of man's sin. The word basar refers more specifically to those birds and mammals that are part of man's economic system, that is; livestock, poultry, game animals, any birds or mammals that have had contact with man. Noah's flood destroyed the world of ungodly people (which were concentrated in a few regions), not the whole planet. Since the Bible clearly states that it wasn't a global flood, there was no reason to take a pair of giraffe, lions, polar bears, penguins, etc.
Soulish Animals Side Note: Animals are designed to please their owners. If an animal is violent, it's because it's owner teaches it to be violent. The animal isn't sinful, it's just trying to please its owner. So if a dog bits you it's the owner fault, not the dogs.
The purpose of Noah's Ark was not only to rescue his family and certain animals from certain destruction, but it was also used as a pulpit for Noah to preach to his generation and warn them way before the catastrophic event. Imagine how much curiosity would have be generated by someone building a giant boat in a place where it hardly rains. It must have drawn in the crowds.
It is certainly possible. Genesis 5:32 and Genesis 7:6 indicate that Noah and his family had up to 100 years to construct the ark. It is likely that in addition to employing his 7 relatives, that Noah had hired many other workers.
Hebrews 11:7 implies that Noah, like the rest of the prophets mentioned in Hebrews 11, warned the people around him of the coming judgment. 2 Peter 2:5 explicitly states that Noah was a “preacher of righteousness.” Noah’s role as a prophet to his generation would be enhanced by hiring many of them to assist him and his family in building the ark. With a hundred or more people working for up to 100 years and an abundant supply of gopher wood and pitch, Noah would have faced no insurmountable difficulty in constructing a 450-foot-long ark.
It is also possible that Noah may not have been limited to Stone Age technology. The discovery that humans living 14,000–33,000 years ago were involved in harvesting, roasting, and grinding grains to make a variety of bakery products was not made until 2015–2018 because of how small-scale the baking industry was at that time (as a consequence of the extremely unstable climate that persisted throughout the last ice age).1 Similarly, it is reasonable to presume that humans living before the Neolithic Revolution and the Copper and Bronze Ages may have been involved in small-scale metallurgy that archeologists have yet to uncover.
For example, paleoanthropologists have pointed out that the Inuit peoples of northern Canada, for likely at least the past 10,000 years, had made regular trips to northwestern Greenland to recover fragments of the Hiawatha and Cape York impactors (large stainless-steel asteroids) and used cold forging techniques to manufacture from those fragments sophisticated tools. Evidence that the ancient Sumerian and Hittite names for iron bear the meaning “fire from heaven” and that the most ancient iron relics (predating 5,000 years ago) in Mesopotamia possess nickel content ranging from 7.5–10.9%, establishes that ancient Mesopotamian peoples also were cold forging tools from stainless-steel meteorites.2 With the use of such tools, Noah and his family could have constructed the ark in far fewer than 100 years.
Explained in Navigating Genesis, chapter 18, gopher wood likely had a tensile strength much superior to oak.3 If gopher wood indeed was of that quality, it would have simplified the engineering designs of the ark, making its construction even more straightforward.
1. Hugh Ross, “The First Humans Developed Food-Processing Technology,” Today’s New Reason to Believe (October 5, 2015); Hugh Ross, “Confirmation That Early Humans Were Making Bread,” Today’s New Reason to Believe (August 27, 2018).
2. T. A. Rickard, “The Use of Meteoric Iron,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 71, no. 1/2 (1941): 55–66, doi:10.2307/2844401.
3. Hugh Ross, Navigating Genesis (Covina, CA: RTB Press, 2014), 174–75.
What if Adam and Eve had not eaten from the tree of good and evil? This means that they would have eaten from the tree of life instead. They would have lived forever without sin and evil and because the universe and earth are temporal, God would have at some point take them from this universe into the Second Creation.
God allowed the most powerful, intelligent being He created into the Garden of Eden knowing that Adam & Eve were no match for Satan and would rebel. God caused the fall by allowing them to be exposed to His greatest creation. Overcoming this temptation is God's greatest challenge. No human being gets to the Second Creation without being tested by the temptations of Satan. By being exposed to evil also opened up an opportunity for humans to be eternally redeemed because now we were being expose to evil in the greatest context possible in creation. If you can pass the test of the greatest expose to evil then nothing else is ever going to dissuade you. God says there is no way any human can pass the test without His help, but if you come to Him for help He guarantees that you will pass the test.
Adam and Eve are the unique exceptions among humanity. Neither came from the womb of a woman. Therefore, their size is not an indicator of age. God could instantaneously make any sized human being he wants from the dust of the earth. Reliable indicators of age for a human not born of a woman would be the extent of liver spots on the skin, hair color and hair deterioration, erosion of teeth, cholesterol level in the blood, extent of scar tissue, bone density, blood pressure, and pulse rate recovery after heavy exercise. By these scientific measures, Adam and Eve would have measured brand new on the day that God created them.
God creating with the false appearance of age is not an optional belief for anyone who believes the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Since the Bible states multiple times that it is impossible for God to lie or deceive so it would be impossible for him to create anything that would measure to be old when in fact it is young.
This question whether all of humanity descended from one man Adam and one woman Eve has been highly debated. Geneticists have been looking at the genetic diversity of the present human population. They have stated that to have all of mankind descending from one man and one woman in less than 100,000 years is not possible to explain the high level of genic diversity today. Explaining this through supernatural actions would cause conflict and skew these scientific conclusions.
Adam and Eve were the only human beings created, not born from the womb. God intervened supernaturally when he created Adam and Eve. He created Eve with eggs, but her set of reproductive eggs were not genetically the same as the eggs of every women born thereafter. Women today get their genetic reproductive eggs from their mothers. God could have created Eve with the reproductive eggs sufficiently genetically distinct from one another to easily accommodate for the genetic diversity we see in the human population today since this was a supernatural event. This genetic diversity would also alleviate the risk of genetic defects for those born in early Genesis. Over many generations humans have had physical changes to adapt to their different environments. This also explains the different races of people.
Neanderthal, Denisovans, Homo Erectus, and Homo Heidelbergensis were fully human bipedal primates, but went extinct. They are part of the human species, but the primary difference is they were not created in the image of God like us (Genesis 1:27). Evidence shows that there were no technological advancements by these species. Although they did use tools, but there were no tool advancements over the time they existed on earth. There is also no evidence that these species had symbolic capabilities either. When we examine the earliest bipedal primate's fossil record and then move to the later ones, we do not see a gradual rise in increasing capabilities or brain size relative to body size. With the skulls we do not see a linear progression with respect to time. From a naturalistic perspective we would expect to see the skulls gradually get progressively larger over time to become more human size. This is not the case, instead we see an up and down sawtooth pattern, not linear. A good example is the latest bipedal primate that was recently discovered, Homo Forensis, has a smaller brain size than any of the earlier ones and it shows up at the end. Homo Heidelbergensis was another later one whose brain was the size of a chimpanzee, four times smaller than a human. The only linear capability pattern was an increase capability and capacity for them to hunt large body mammals and birds. God knew that we humans were in danger of eliminating the very bird and mammal species that He created to help us launch and sustain civilization, so he created the sequence of bipedal primates to train these animals to recognize that when you see a tall, bipedal primates with a weapon, run away from them.
The greatest evidence for these bipedal primate fossils is found in Sub-Sahara Africa where the extinction rate for large body animals was only 4.5% whereas in Australia the extinction rate was 94%. Aborigines were not able to progress out of the stone age and launch civilization because they killed off the majority of the large animal species. Human beings quickly replaced all other bipedal primates because we were made in the image of God. Our unique, sophisticated brains (complex thought) and slender bodies were created in such a way that allowed us to control other animals, hunt, and develop technological advances.
Recent publications demonstrate the reason why Neanderthal and other human species that went extinct were due to their really low population levels in which there were no more than 25,000 Neanderthals existing at one time on earth. Anthropologists believe the level was more like 8,000 Neanderthals or a population density of .002 per square mile. They were living in small family tribal groups widely spread out over a large area and were highly inbred. Their population levels were too low for them to progress as a species, and this is evident in the fossil record (they lived between 50K-300K years ago). The family tribes didn't interact with other family tribes, and this is what likely what led to a sudden extinction event ~45,000 years ago. When we compare Neanderthal bones found early in their existence to the ones found later, we see no difference or evolution in the bone morphology. In addition, there was no evolution in their DNA, anatomy, or technology. If they really were like us humans, we would expect rapid technological advancements.
With Homo Erectus who lived between ~1.2M to 1.8M years there is no fossil record evidence that they ever evolved. And with low population numbers too this is exactly what we should expect to see. When Conservation Biologist perform their field experiments, they've noticed that mammal species with an adult body size greater than 3KG will go extinct before it has a chance to experience any significant progress. The two primary reasons why all the bipedal primates that preceded us human beings went extinct were (1) they had very low population levels and (2) they were mammals with adult body size greater than 3 kg. Field studies that tell us that any land mammal with an adult body mass greater than 3 kg (7 lbs.) will go extinct before it can "evolve". This is why there is no evidence in the fossil record of these populations ever advancing. We only find their remains existing on three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa, not in the Americas or Australia, not to mention that we have not found large quantities of bone remains from any of the other human species (bone remains found couldn't fill up a garage).
If all humanity is descended from one man and one woman as the Bible claims, then one of Adam and Eve’s sons had to have married one of their daughters. Evidently, God tolerated brother-sister marriages during the Genesis era. This tolerance is affirmed in the account of Abraham. Abraham was married to his half-sister Sarah.
This tolerance did not last, however. In the Levitical law, intercourse between a brother and a sister was strictly prohibited. Prohibitions of marriage between siblings first appears Leviticus 18:7–18, 20:11–21, but also in Deuteronomy. Indeed, it is prohibited in virtually every nation and culture today.
There is a genetic reason for the initial tolerance and the later intolerance. Animal breeding experiments show that one can have a brother mate with a sister for about 20 consecutive generations before there is a significant risk of propagating a serious genetic defect. On the human level, this became a problem for the Egyptian pharaohs. After many generations of the pharaohs marrying their sisters, the pharaohs became afflicted with hemophilia.
In Deuteronomy 7:15 and Deuteronomy 28:58–60, Moses tells the Israelites that if they obey the laws God has given to them they will avoid many of the diseases and afflictions of the Egyptians. Evidently, what God had in mind included genetic disorders. To avoid such genetic disorders, in certain parts of the world and even in the United States it would be wise to ban not only brother-sister marriages, but also marriages between first cousins.
God commanded Adam & Eve to multiple and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28) and they didn't obey Him. After Noah's Flood, God commanded Noah and his son's to multiple and fill the earth (Genesis 9:1). They didn't obey His command either, so God forcibly confused the languages because at that time there was one clan of people that had one common language and were worshipping the stars (Astrology) in disobedience, so God destroyed The Tower of Babel, confused the languages and scattered them all over the earth (Genesis 11:1-9).
None of the genealogies in the Bible, including those in Genesis 5, 11:10–26, are exhaustively complete. Each one has missing names. The names that are included are intended to make specific theological points. The theological points can be discerned by noting which names are omitted and which are included. For example, in the Matthew 1:1–17 genealogy the names of kings who led wicked reigns and did not repent are omitted. Matthew 1 also names the wives of four of the named men, some of whom were not Jews by blood and some who had committed serious sins. Matthew here implies that the gospel offer of salvation is not just for male blood descendants of Jacob, but for all who repent of their sin and turn to their Messiah.
The best Biblical date for Adam and Eve comes from Genesis 2. Genesis 2 states that four known rivers come together in the Garden of Eden. The only location where they do come together is in the southeastern part of the Persian Gulf. Presently, it is more than 200 feet below sea level. However, during much of the last ice age, this location was above sea level when for the four rivers in Genesis 2 came together. This sea-level constraint implies that God created Adam and Eve between 15,000 and 130,000 years ago.
The best scientific dates for the origin of the human race range from 45,000 years ago to 300,000 years ago. For an article on the statistical and systematic errors impacting scientific attempts to date the origin of humanity, link below.
Genesis 2 implies that God created Adam and Eve sometime during an ice age, most likely the last ice age. The reason why is that Genesis 2 describes four known rivers, the Euphrates, Tigris, Pishon, and Gihon, coming together in the Garden of Eden. Today, only two of those four rivers are flowing, but during an ice age all four would be steadily flowing rivers. The only location where the four rivers come together presently is more than 200 feet below sea level in the southeastern part of the Persian Gulf. During an ice age, however, the sea level was 200 – 390 feet lower. The location where the four rivers come together would have been above sea level.
The location of the Garden of Eden in the southeast part of what is now the Persian Gulf at an elevation more than 200 feet below the present sea level implies that it must have had a year-round warm climate in spite of the colder conditions farther north and at higher elevations. Adam and Eve would not need clothing to stay warm.
One day we will find the remains of extraterrestrial life on the Moon and possibly even on Mars. Not because life originated there, but because the Earth is so prolific with life that every time the earth is hit with a meteor or asteroid, dust and soil from the earth is released into interplanetary space. There is approximately 44,100 lbs. (20,000 kg) of the Earth's soil for every 62 square miles (100 km) on the surface of the moon. If scientist would go back to the Moon and find that transported soil because earth's geology has destroyed the fossil record of the earths first life, but the moon has practically no geological activity. The moon has had such a stable geology for billions of years and has certainly preserved the fossils of Earth's first life. If NASA would go to the Moon and locate those fossils, we can finally provide proof of the origins of earth's first life and determine who got the origin of life model correct. This would finally put it to rest on who go it right, the theist or non-theist.
Is there's a possibility of extraterrestrial life existing in the universe independent of life on earth? In 1995 we discovered the first planets outside of our solar system. There have been over 5,000 newly discovered planets in the past 40 years and it was thought that at least one would be similar to the planets in our solar system. We have yet to find a single planet outside our solar system that is a twin to any planet in our solar system as of 2022, which has led to the discovery that every planet in our solar system plays a vital role in making advance life possible on earth. For extraterrestrial life to exist we would need to find a planetary system exactly like ours. The probability of finding a planetary system that has planets exactly like ours and a sun exactly like our sun is virtually zero. Everywhere we look in our universe we see conditions hostile for life. Scientists have not found a single star that is sufficiently like the sun to be a candidate, or planets like ours that could be good candidates either. This also goes for other galaxies, galaxy clusters and super galaxies that are sufficiently like ours to consider. So we'll leave the idea of extraterrestrial life to Hollywood and the imagination.
Why would God stop at only one planet since He loves creating so much? Now we know there are two trillion galaxies in the universe and each galaxy contains approximately two billion stars. And it's possible there are as many planets as there are stars. Is it possible there are other beings on another planet that do not sin and do not need to be redeemed. This verse would imply that if there were extraterrestrial life God is the one who created it.
99% of UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena. For example, the planet Venus in the very early morning is 10-12 times brighter than in the evening and is the most frequently reported UFO sighting. Fireballs sightings are a close second. The other 1% qualify as residual UFO sightings (i.e,. remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone). There are over 2,000 documented cases of UFO's coming through the atmosphere and crashing into the Earth. When you visit these crash sites there is an impact creator, damaged vegetation and possible melted snow depending on the crash site. What's always missing is the UFO's debris, or any artifacts. If it were a physical craft, there would be remains. Also, if there are enough observers, they can triangulate to calculate the velocity of the UFO which ranges have been between 18,000 and 25,000 miles per hour (mph), yet the witness never heard a "sonic boom". They just seem to suddenly vanish. The speed of sound in air is 761 miles per hour so you must have a "sonic boom". Nor do the eyewitnesses see heat friction coming off the UFO's as it enters the atmosphere. If you don't see heat friction or hear a "sonic boom", it is not a physical object. We do know they are real because there is a creator and damaged vegetation something real happened. Books have been written about and Interdimensional phenomena which is when real objects coming from dimensions outside our length, width, height and time.
The Bible says that God created 2 different species of intelligent beings; physical human beings constrained by the physical laws of the universe and nonphysical beings, angels and demons, that are not constrained and have the power to come into our realm. We cannot travel into their domain, but they can come into ours. The other 1% of the UFO sighting are these angelic beings manifesting themselves into our realm because they are called by the occult. Documented cases of UFO sightings go back 3,000 years so this is not a recent phenomenon. What's interesting fact is that these manifested Angelical beings' sightings over history have changed to keep pace with our technology. For example, a 150 years ago, documented UFO sightings were not flying saucers, they were slow moving dirigibles (airship, dirigible balloon or blimp). During WW2 (100 years ago) they were craft moving at 500 mph. Now that man has spaceships that can travel 18,000 mph, they are manifesting themselves as flying saucers traveling that speed or at rates much higher. Another documented pattern you notice when there is a close encounter with these UFO's is that many people claim to have messages being communicated by beings aboard these crafts and the messages also keep pace with our technology. For instance, 150 years ago the message would be that they were "from the dark side of the moon" which we now know is impossible for the life to exist there. Then messages were from "Venus" which we now know is too hot to have life on its surface, so next planet became "Mars". Now the beings' communications are claiming to be from another planetary system. This is the kind of messaging and pace with our technology that you would expect from beings that have a mission to try and deceive us. If you look at the messaging, you can see the hallmarks of deception.
The best documented example for deception is when people claim to have contact with these beings and are put into a trance, then they are instructed to auto record what these beings want to communicate. The most dramatic example is The Urantia Book which has 4,000 pages from UFO encounters in which two thirds of the book is dedicated to demoting the deity of Jesus Christ and a n attack of the Trinity. Interesting that these aliens have such a devotion to attacking the person of Jesus Christ. The book text only describes limited human technology already known to mankind. 100% of close encounters of the 1st kind (communication closer than 500 feet) are always harmful, and never beneficial. The best that you can come away with is a harmful, recurring nightmare. The worst encounters involve injuries or even death. The fact is that we always see deception and its always harmful means that we are encountering the fallen angels (demons) and not the righteous angels. There also seems to be one to one correspondence between to what we see in these residual UFO's and what we see in demonology. The percentage of the population having these close encounters is proportional to the percentage of the population that has open doors to the occult activity. If you want to stop these encounters in your life, just remove all involvement in the occult. Pray to God that what you were doing is wrong and receive His forgiveness. In summary, we can conclude the following about UFO sightings:
UFO sightings violate our laws of physics, there are no artifacts or sonic booms. There is no physical evidence to support a physical reality for UFO's which leads us to believe these sightings are caused by spiritual beings, not physical.
Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men, June 1, 2002
by Kenneth R. Samples, Mark Clark, Hugh Ross
What convinces a large number of people that reincarnation is real are the many claims of recalled memories from past lives. These memories occur in dreams, visions, and déjà vu experiences when people visit places they have never been before or engage people they have never met before.
There are two sets of explanations for these experiences that have nothing to do with reincarnation. The first is that our brains are capable of storing an enormous amount of incidental data for a long period of time. Thus, while you may be walking down a street in Bologna, Italy, for the first time, decades earlier you may have been exposed to a film, an encyclopedia, a history book, travel brochures, or a friend’s photo collection that planted details of that street into the subconscious of your brain. A recollection from the subconscious part of your brain may deceive you into thinking you must have been there before.
The subconscious part of our brain also houses a huge archive of our past dreams. Our dreams are varied and creative, especially in their background images and portraits of strangers. Given that there are tens of thousands of these background images and portraits of strangers in our subconscious, it is statistically probable that one of them will match at least part of a scene we are visiting for the first time or an individual that we happen to encounter.
Another explanation involves Satan and his legion of fallen angels. Given their vested interest in getting us to fail the test of life, it is to their advantage to plant false memories in our brains that make us think we have had a past life or two. However, lest anyone reading this article wonder whether, in that case, any memory in their brain can be trusted, Satan and the fallen angels need permission to plant false memories in our brains. Such permission is granted whenever a human being acquires occult articles, engages in occult practices, seeks paranormal powers, or worships false gods or demons. If none of these things are in your life, then your brain is protected from the implantation of such false memories.
"The universe is a deadly place. At every opportunity it's trying to kill us."
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist & Atheist
Astronomers use an imaginary line called the ecliptic that marks the path of the twelve constellation of the zodiac. The sun and the moon also fall on the path of the ecliptic. Virgo is one of the constellations of the zodiac and its name is Latin for "virgin". Virgo is the only constellation that represents a woman. For 20 days Virgo is "clothed with the sun" which is an astrological term meaning that the sun appears in the constellation. This information comes from Revelation 12. We also have the "the moon under her feet" in the verse. The important note is that for 20 days the woman is clothed with the sun, but the exact day when the moon is under her feet can only occur during an 80 minute window within that span of time. The sun rests about midway to the outline of her body which is symbolic of the pregnancy. Virgo also has 12 visible stars around the woman's head as shown in star atlas's which is well known ancient world symbology. Above Virgo's head is Leo which symbolizes the lion or the lion of Judah from which Christ descended from King David. At the same time when the moon is at her feet we have a conjunction between Regulus ( Regulus is the largest and brightest star seen in the constellation Leo) and Jupiter know as the King's star in ancient astronomy. Regulus also means "king" in Latin. So we have both the "kings" star and planet. This is all ancient world symbology for a royal birth in the tribe of Judah. it just so happens that we have this simultaneous conjunction in the constellation Leo which in Jewish Astrology was known for centuries as messianic. There have been a number of Jewish Zodiac mosaics uncovered in the early synagogues of early Palestine. Just below her feet are the Libra (Scales), then Scorpio constellations which in the ancient world the two combined were one constellation and symbolized the dragon where Libra was the claws and Scorpio was the tail (not show in image). The important thing to understand is that In Revelation 12 all of these signs can only be present in an 80 minute window of each other.
All of these things did occur in a year that fits well for Jesus birth in 3 B.C.. It's the only year that accounts for all of these symbols. since this can only happen in an 80 minute window we know the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ. That date is September 11, 3 BC, so Mary would have been impregnated in December and given birth in September. It's the only day this occurred for many, many centuries. This date also corresponds to Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1 which is the Jewish new years day (High Holy Days) or day of trumpets (shofar). This was a day that many of the Jewish kings and rulers of Judah reckoned as their inauguration day of rule. This practice was consistently followed in the times of Solomon, Jerimiah and Ezra. This date also aligns with the Jewish calendar marking the birth of the king of the Jews. You won't find this in the scholarly literature because they are not considering Revelation 12. Revelation meaning is the unveiling of Jesus Christ which is why God put this verse is in this particular book.
Another interesting historical fact is that in 4 .BC. the court of Abijah served the last week of May which meant that Zechariah would have gone home and his wife Elizabeth would have been impregnated in June. Six months after June is December. The month of December is exactly six months after John the Baptists conception and is when Mary would have been impregnated. Nine months after December would be September, 3 BC.
We also have another minor piece of information that may help us exclude December as Christ's birth month found in Luke 2:8 when it says "And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night." To this day the shepherds watch over their flocks at night, but not in the winter months. It's cold and sometimes snows in Bethlehem, Israel in December. Chances are the the Shepherds would be in the sheep fold at night keeping warm. It's traditional that the Shepard's would be in the fields until harvest sometime in August before the cold months settle in so a September birth is more probable. Historian Josephus (Antiquities Book 17, chapter 8:1) says that King Herod died 34 years after capturing Jerusalem in 37 B.C., and also says he died during Passover season and shortly after a Lunar eclipse. The only Lunar eclipse to occur in that decade at Passover was in 4 B.C.. We can now put King Herod death around 3 or 4 B.C. After Herod's death his kingdom was divided into four parts. His son Archelaus received Judea, but Augustus had him deposed in 6 A.D. and Judea became an official part of Rome. Pontius was the 5th governor ruling from 26 A.D until the death of Tiberius in 37 A.D.
Michael Heiser
Biblical Scholar History & Prophecy
Based on works by Ernest L. Martin’s work The Star that Astonished the World
*Depending on normal or inclusive date counting method.
Christmas is celebrated on December 25th which coincides with the winter solstice. Winter solstice is December 21st which is the shortest day of the year meaning the darkest day of the year. After December 21st each day increases incrementally in the amount of daylight time. This is an illustration of the light (Jesus) overcoming darkness (Evil) as each day the light defeats darkness.
It was Albert Einstein who said once you have observers in "Universe A", those observers can never detect the possible existence of a second "Universe B". It doesn't mean we can completely rule out the possibility of the existence of a second universe or even an infinite number of them.
The accumulating of evidence of fine-tuned design in the universe has become so overwhelming and compelling that atheist scientist have no other choice except to turn to the existence of an infinite number of different universes or a multiverse theory. This is the only way to escape the conclusion that the God of the bible was the one who designed our universe for the benefit for life and us human beings in particular. This has become the new argument against the God of the Bible. Their argument is that there could be an infinite number of universes that are all different from one another and isn't it possible that we just happen to live in the lucky one universe. If there is a multiverse then...
The Creator and the Cosmos, 4th edition, 2018
by Hugh Ross
“A theory that explains everything, explains nothing”
― Karl Popper
Austrian-British Philosopher, Academic and Social Commentator
It's possible that God enjoys creating so much that he may have created life on other planets. The purpose for God creating is for our redemption. The only biblical constraint on extraterrestrial physical life is Hebrews 9:24–10:14 where the author of Hebrews declares that Jesus Christ was sacrificed at one time and one place to redeem all whom God intends to redeem. Implying that planet earth is the only place in the universe where we have physical, intelligent beings capable of launching civilization, but who are also in need redemption for our sins. This wouldn't eliminate the possibility of God creating bacteria on other planets, grass cows, whales, trees or even people like humans who do not need redemption. This only applies to intelligent beings like us. However, everywhere astronomers observe beyond Earth are conditions very hostile for life and especially for advanced life. God does not need more intelligent, spiritual beings like us who are in need of redemption located on more than one planet to achieve His purposes and most theologians agree.
The gospel accounts seem to imply that God does not perform superfluous, unnecessary miracles. For example, John 6:1–70, given that God’s goal is to eradicate evil while enhancing the free will capability of those humans who choose to be redeemed by God, the universe must be exactly as large and as massive as astronomers measure it to be, but only one planet possessing the features permitting the existence of physical, intelligent, spiritual beings is necessary.
Nevertheless, The remains of life will be found on several solar system bodies. Given how prolific microbial life is on Earth and how frequently Earth has been bombarded by large meteorites, thousands of tons of Earth soil containing the remains of quadrillions of microbes must exist on the surfaces of the Moon, Mars, and other solar system bodies.
According to the Bible, God also created angelical beings. Humans and Angels are intelligent beings, but we humans are constrained by the physics of the universe. Angels are not constrained. They can come into the universe, but are not constrained by it. They are not constrained by the laws of physics or the space-time dimensions of the universe. It appears as if we are the the only intelligent, physical beings constrained by the physicas of the universe.
If God really enjoys creating why would He stop at one planet considering how vast the universe is? The argument is that if God created our Earth in order to fill it with human beings wouldn't He also fill other planets in the universe with intelligent life or did He just require a single planet to fulfill His purpose.
When we looks at the Gospels, Jesus only performs the necessary miracles to fulfill His purpose. He never performs gratuitous miracles. His purpose is to prepare physical, spiritual beings for entry new, Second Creation. God conserves His miracles and only performs the minimum needed to accomplish His purpose. Does He really need more than one planet to accomplish this objective? This would be the primary argument that other planets with intelligent life were not required by God to fulfill His purpose.
Based on Genesis 8:22 alone, the answer is no: “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will not cease.” Scientifically, any stoppage in Earth’s rotation or dramatic alterations of the positions of the Sun and Moon would have wiped out all life on Earth. The miracle described in Joshua 10 likely is limited to the geography of the small Valley of Aijalon.
Joshua 10 is not an easy text to translate into English. The biblical Hebrew original text here can mean either that God brought about an extended period of light of roughly 24 hours in duration into the Valley of Aijalon or that he brought about an extended period of darkness lasting about 24 hours. Which option is preferred depends on whether one thinks Joshua’s troops needed light to see their enemies or they needed the coolness of night to continue the battle. Since the Valley of Aijalon is located in the Negev Desert, which is noted for its heat, most Old Testament scholars prefer the latter interpretation.
One possible explanation for the miracle of Joshua’s long day would be for God to alter the local weather so as to bring very heavy, low-lying clouds over the Valley of Aijalon sufficient to make the valley as dark, or nearly as dark, as night even at noon. While such a meteorological event occurs on rare occasions at mid- and high-latitude rain forests, it is unheard of in the Negev Desert. Joshua and his troops immediately would have recognized the event as a divine miracle.
Another possible explanation for the miracle of Joshua’s long day would be for God to do something akin to the miracles he performed during the exodus from Egypt. There God either put a “pillar of fire” or a “pillar of cloud” adjacent to the Israelite encampment. In the Valley of Aijalon God could have illuminated the valley with “fire” or darkened the valley with “cloud.”
God is light both spiritually and physically. Yet another option for Joshua’s long day would be for God to shine his Shekinah glory into the valley. God also has the power to cause a dark shadow to enshroud the valley.
Joshua 10 gives no specific details on the nature of the extended darkness or extended light in the Valley of Aijalon or exactly how God performed the miracle. Therefore, the list of options for the miracle of Joshua’s long day I have just described is not complete.
Heaven is not in this dimensional realm which is temporal. We live at a time when we can prove that there is a reality beyond the universe through the space-time theorems and now we can prove what Astronomer Carl Sagan once said about the universe; "The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be." to be a false statement. The space-time theorems establish that space and time had a beginning, so there must be a causal agent beyond space, time, matter and energy that brought the universe into existence. With great confidence we know there must be a realm beyond this universe where Heaven dwells. We also know that this universe will eventually disappear because it's governed by the Laws of Thermodynamic (decay) so it will end, but the Heavenly realm will remain forever. Just as Heaven is eternal so is Hell which also exists in another realm. They are not part of the dimensional frame of the universe. The Bible refutes this over and over that the universe is not eternal and will vanish once it fulfills its temporal purpose. The good news is that us humans get to choose which realm we want to go to. If you want nothing to do with God there is a place for you or if you want to spend eternity in relationship with Him there is a place for you too. In both cases the location is eternal and permanent.
According to the Bible in Luke 16:19-31, there is a great "divide" that separates those people in Heaven from those in Hell so that no one can cross over to the other realm. Heaven and Hell are separate realms that will never overlap.
The Hebrew word for heaven, shamayim, has three distinct literal definitions:
When God says in the Bible that He is going to restore the universe, in every instance in the Bible context, He is implying that there will be a spiritual restoration. There will be a point when the universe will vanish and replaced by a new second, permanent creation. As God spoke the universe into existance, He will speak it out of existance. This will not happen until the full number of human beings have been redeemed. Those redeemed humans will be taken into the new creation.
In the Old Testament there were two places for dead people. One place for the righteous and one place for the condemned. The righteous are those who trusted in a redeemer (God the father) before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When a believer passes away today they go to Heaven to be with God in a state of sleep waiting for judgement day.
The New Testament says that when we die we go into a state of sleep like the martyr's under the alter in Revelation 6:9-11. In this passage the Christian martyrs are asking Jesus how much longer are you going to wait to avenge their blood and return to put a stop to all the evil being expressed on Earth. Jesus replies by saying be patient for the victory will come, but there are still some fellow servants on Earth that will repent and join you. The dead believers are still conscience, but are in a state of sleep in that our conscience is limited on how it can be expressed. We are able to observe what is happening on the face of the Earth and in Heaven, but we are not able to take a participatory role. We are like a spectator at a sporting event. We can't participate or change the outcome of the game, but we can express our emotions by either cheering or booing. This also means that we can feel the pain and suffering of our loved ones who are still alive on earth, but there's nothing we can do to comfort them. This is similar to what angels experience in Heaven when humans sin or become believers. The angels join us expressing their emotions in Heaven. They cheer when we repent or grieve when they see us continue down our sinful paths.
When nonbelievers delay or reject God's free offer of salvation during their lifetime and suddenly pass away, they wake up in Hell where they are tormented for all eternity. Nonbelievers will face the White Throne Judgement where they are to give an account of their lives on earth before they are sentenced to Hell.
God created man with the ability to choose good or evil and He is sovereign, so He can't reverse His decisions or contradict His character. Man used that freedom to rebel against God and reject a relationship with Him. At that point, God was at no obligation to do anything. He could have just let man destroy himself. The reason why the Holocaust happened is because God decided to put up with evil men to allow more time to continue in order to give more people the opportunity to be redeemed, accepting the free gift of pardon purchased for us through His son.
The Jewish people as a whole have been rejecting Christ's redemption offer for the past 2,000 years. Prior to 1950, there were approximately 150 known Christian Jews in the United States and Canada (Martin "Moishe" Rosen, Founder of Jews for Jesus). God already knew that some of the Jews in the holocaust camps might turn to Christ for salvation, but the majority of them would not. God used evil men's (Satan) genocide attempt on His people to allow more time to redeem future Jewish and Gentile Believers. Since 1950 there have been ~350,000 Jewish people come to Christ worldwide and many, many more Gentiles. God also used this event as a wakeup call to the rest of the world which eventually resulted in the Jewish people regaining their homeland back after 2,000 years. In 1948 a miracle happened and the state of Israel was reborn. God's knows how to take the most evil human act and turn it into something good (Romans 8:28).
God's not finished blessing the Jewish people. They will fulfill their purpose as the chosen people to evangelize the world (link below).
A lot of unbelievers look at earthquakes and other natural disasters as evidence of the nonexistence of God. The reason being that "couldn't an all-powerful, all-loving God of the Bible create and design the Earth so that it would not have devastating earthquakes?" What we see in the context of the laws of physics that God chose to govern the universe is that the quantity and intensity of earthquakes is fined-tuned to make human civilization as optimal as possible.
Ground (G) acceleration is the most important factor in determining the impact of an earthquake even more so than the magnitude. Another factor is building construction. For example, the buildings and homes in California that are in close proximity to the San Andreas fault are designed to withstand major earthquakes. There are strict California building codes put in place to help minimize casualties during an earthquakes in fault areas. One positive attribute of faults is that they prevent earthquake energy from traveling very far and California has lots of faults. The more faults that exist in an area, the lesser the quake magnitude because the energy stops when it runs into another fault. This keeps the magnitudes of California at a maximum of 8.0, whereas in other places can get up to 9.0, which is a ten times greater energy intensity for every magnitude. California gets ~100 earthquakes every day of 1.0 to 2.0 magnitude, but are not noticeable unless you are right on top of the epicenter. California gets six earthquakes per year that are of magnitude 5.0 or grater and six per decade that are of magnitude 6.0 or greater. The earth's tectonic plate activity was designed to have an exponentially greater number of earthquakes at a lower magnitude. It was also designed to have way more smaller magnitude earthquakes than larger ones. In order to sustain life on earth the tectonic plates must move.
The 2010 Haiti earthquake in Port-au-Prince was a magnitude 7.0 and very devastating with 200,000 deaths and every building collapsed. In contrast, the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California was a magnitude 6.7 with only 60 death which were mainly due to heart attacks from the shaking, not from collapsed buildings or homes. The Northridge area has very strict building codes. What's interesting about the Northridge earthquake is that it holds the world record for the greatest amount of ground acceleration in an urban area at 1.82 G's. The Haiti earthquake was of greater magnitude, but the real measure is the ground acceleration which is really what determines the total damage. The 2010 Haiti earthquake in Port-au-Prince had a ground acceleration of 0.65 G's which is three times less than Northridge's. The devastation in Haiti was primarily because of the construction or lack of building codes do not take earthquakes into account even though the frequency is much higher than most places.
To minimize the earthquakes magnitudes there are various known terrestrial water reservoirs like lakes, rivers. glaciers, icefields, troposphere (atmosphere), shallow ground water (0-2 MM depth) and deep ground water (2-10 MM depth). Canada contains more than half of the worlds lakes so this is a great source of water. Water acts as a lubricant (called talc) so the tectonic plates can efficiently slip past one another easier generating less friction maximizing the number of small earthquakes and minimizing the number of large ones. Without water or talc the plates get stuck and the pressure builds up causing major eruptions. If we didn't have all of these water sources including the oceans, earthquake magnitudes would be enormous at 10.0 to 15.0. It requires all five terrestrial water reservoirs plus all the water in the oceans to sustain plate tectonics at the minimal level needed to recycle life essential nutrients at an optimal level of 29% of the Earth's surface. Once the earth's surface reaches 30% we will no longer be able to sustain a global, high-technology human civilization, only a primitive one according to American paleontologist, Peter Ward. Isn't it interesting that God created human beings right at the time when the continental landmass reached 29%. Even though we have aggressive erosion of our coast lines here in the U.S., states like California are growing in landmass size faster due to the high plate tectonic movement. Hawaii is the fastest growing landmass state. We also need all five of these terrestrial water reservoirs to ensure sufficient mantle convection needed to sustain Earth's magnetic field and magnetosphere. Earth's magnetosphere is a magnetic shield that protests us from deadly cosmic and solar radiation and prevents the sun from sputtering away our atmosphere and hydrosphere.
Given the laws of physics that God choses to govern the universe and the timing of our appearance here on Earth, we are experiencing the best possible earthquake plate tectonic activity. In the Second creation God will create a realm where natural disasters will not occur by having different universe and laws of physics.
What Jesus is saying that humans know we live in a world where things happen and that's why a wise man builds his house on the rock. For instance, if you live on the coast of Florida or New Orleans it would be wise to be prepare for hurricanes. We all know that the potential for an earthquake, hurricane, tornado and other disaster can occur especially if our residence has experienced them in the past and It's our responsibility to prepare for these event or we may suffer the consequences.
The only information in the Bible that we know of that came directly from God himself were the Ten Commandments as God wrote these on two stone tablets which he gave to Moses. The rest of the information in the Bible came from other people that God somehow allegedly communicated with. Also, the words that Jesus spoke were communicated to us via other people years after Jesus said them. The only other time when God may have communicated with us directly is when Jesus was baptized but we're not certain.
We have yet to find a provable error or contradiction in the Bible, except when Satan or humans are being quoted. That is certainly not the case for the other holy books that undergird the world’s predominant religions. Furthermore, the Bible has demonstrated unique predictive power. It predicted future historical events and future scientific discoveries specifically, frequently, and accurately. The Holy Spirit inspired the human Bible authors to write what God intended. 1 Peter 1:10–12 and 2 Peter 3:15–16 indicate that Bible authors understood that they were inspired by the Holy Spirit and longed to understand all that the Holy Spirit had inspired them to write. Jesus himself declared that the Scriptures were inerrant in John 10:35 when he said, “Scripture cannot be broken.”
This is called the Law of Decay or Law of Entropy (2nd Law of Thermodynamics). We wouldn't enjoy the life we are having if the rate of decay wasn't as high as it is today. For example; the rate of decay is optimal in the universe for the formation of stars and planets that physical life requires. If we increase or decrease the rate of decay they wouldn't exist. The decay rate is also optimal on planet earth for allowing plants to produce food for animals to digest the food. Change the rate of decay any less, physical life would be impossible. The fine tuning of the Law of Decay is extreme in order to make the abundance of life possible. Notice the rate of decay is not so high as to discourage work and not so low as to let sin and evil go unrestrained. We may be physically be wasting away, but our spirits are being renewed.
When Adam and Eve rebelled against God in Eden they made a choice to experience sin and evil personally. This introduced the law of decay, the laws of physics and the law of gravity. Because of these laws, mans sins will lead to more suffering, more work and more wasted time in order to undo the damage caused by sin. This should wake us up that we lack the resources within ourselves to be able to avoid the expression of sin and evil to pursue virtue. We need eternal help from an all knowing God who has a way and is loving enough to deliver us because he knows we are incapable of saving ourselves. That's why He sent His only son Jesus Christ to enter into the world, become flesh, suffer and die for our sins. Death through Adam, eternal life through Christ.
Prayer is the most powerful tool God has granted to us humans. The power of prayer is illustrated in the sacrament of communion. The bread in communion symbolizes Jesus’s body broken on our behalf that removes the barrier between us and God the Father. We who have committed our lives to Jesus Christ as Creator, Lord, and Savior now have continual access and fellowship with God as a result. Thus, God always hears our prayers and is able to communicate truth to us through our prayers. The wine in communion symbolizes Jesus’s shed blood during his death on the cross. Because of that shed blood we have access to power from God. “There is power in the blood.” We gain power from God through prayer.
Anything we pray for that is in line with the will of God will happen. Prayer is a process wherein as we relate to God and listen to him, we discover in greater and more specific detail what his will is for a particular circumstance. We partner with God in seeing his will done through prayer. If we do not pray, God looks for a different partner and we miss out on seeing God’s miraculous hand at work through us.
Because prayer is such a powerful tool, God puts restrictions on how and when it is to be used. For example, we are not to pray for our own selfish desires (James 4:3), we are not to utter babbling, repetitious prayers (Matthew 6:7), and we are not to pray for reprobate people (1 John 5:16), people whose evil is so ubiquitous and entrenched that they are incapable of doing, saying, or thinking anything good and incapable of receiving any grace or truth from God.
Because prayer is such a powerful tool, God strongly exhorts us to use it and to use it often. We are to pray individually and privately. We are also to pray corporately and publicly with other people. There are times when God calls us to pray and fast, where we intensify and focus our prayers through abstaining for a time from some basic need such as food or sleep.
In a world view, opinions can change from moment to moment. What was once forbidden human moral behavior by our society only a few decades ago is now considered acceptable. Just take the issues of gay marriage (desecration) and abortion (murder) that are now legal, mainstream practices that defy God's word. Man's morality is a moving target, but God's word and character never changes. God is a constant like Archimedes' Constant (Pi) and mankind is a variable.
There are many people who have never read a Bible, attended church or have been introduced to a Christian. How can those people be saved or be judged if they never heard about God? In spite of this concern God clearly states that all have heard the message Colossians 1:23). God's handywork is evident through the creatures that exists around us for His care for us. God does send Christian missionaries to some of us, but He also provides through His creation a constant reminder of His existence, love for us and a desire for a relationship with Him. God's light has gone into every dark place where there has not been contact with the gospel message of salvation, the problem being that not everyone has received it. God did it this way so that we would also seek Him out. At some point in everyone's life God has spoken, worked miracles and given us opportunities regardless of our heritage, Jew or gentile. We have all received God's supernatural grace which brings salvation, and He has made it abundantly obvious. Not all have received God's message, not because it isn't abundantly clear or because it hasn't been preached over and over, it's because of our own wickedness and rebellion.
How can God judge a human fetus who dies before being born? In Psalm 51:5, David declares that he has been a sinner since he was conceived in his mother’s womb. The reason I and many other Christians are against abortion at any time after conception is that based on this text and Exodus 21:22–25 (see The Fetus in Biblical Law), such an act is taking the life of a spiritual being. If the fetus is indeed a spiritual being, then it is likely that God’s Spirit can communicate with the fetus’s spirit independent of education, experience, and brain development.
Exactly how this communication occurs is unknown. However, based on John 1 we are persuaded that it does. John 1 declares that God’s spiritual light has been communicated to every human being. If any human receives God’s spiritual light, that person proceeds toward redemption and salvation. If any human rejects God’s spiritual light, that person proceeds toward condemnation. As for what exactly is God’s spiritual light, John addresses that question in 1 John. 1 John declares that God is light. 1 John:2–4 explains that God’s spiritual light has three components: life, love, and truth. God the Son gives us life. God the Father gives us love. God the Spirit gives us truth. Evidently, every fetus somehow has the capability of perceiving God’s life, love, and truth. Another scriptural example is Luke 1:39–45, where the fetus in Elizabeth responds to the fetus in Mary.
There are are a few things that God cannot do that are not part of His character. God cannot lie, deceive, or sin (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Psalm 89:35, Hebrews 6:18). He chooses never to violate His character attributes and in that sense He not all powerful. He is all powerful and has the capacity to do anything, but He chooses certain things never to do.
As an all-powerful being, God can choose to limit himself. For example, God chooses not to ever sin or commit evil (Job 34:10–12). God chooses never to lie or deceive (1 Samuel 15:29, Hebrews 6:18). God chooses always to do good (Matthew 7:11, Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18). He chooses to never alter his character attributes (Malachi 3:6, James 1:17). He chooses to never change his mind or his purpose (Hebrews 6:17).
A human analogy may help. An athlete can consistently run a mile in under four minutes. However, that same athlete can choose to spend twenty minutes walking that mile. The fact that he takes twenty minutes to walk a mile in no way proves that he lacks the power to cover that distance in under four minutes.
Jesus' great commission will not be fulfilled until a large percentage r of Jewish people all of the world have come to faith in the one they have pierced as mentioned in Zechariah 12, 13 and 14. Also see Matthew 10:23. We are currently seeing more Jews in Israel converting to Christianity since the times of the Book of Acts.
In the late mid to late 1980's AIDS virus was predominant in the homosexual community. This viral infection attacks the immune system eventually causing AIDS. Homosexuals were the main target although there were also many heterosexuals and straight Christians who died from AIDS too. Romans 1:26-27 clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, and a penalty is charged if practiced by an individual or adopted by a society as acceptable behavior. God said it is the Churches responsibility to reject this lifestyle and stop it from spreading to the masses as normal behavior. This is the reason some people died from AIDs who were not practicing homosexuals. God allowed this to occur to get man's attention because the Church allowed homosexuals the freedom to express their way of life when God told believers don't let this happen. The Church has continued to allow this behavior to run ramped in society to the point where it is now mainstream. This is why God allowed believers to die from AIDS. The problem is that homosexuality is evangelistic hence we now allowed gay marriage and gay baby adoption. What the homosexuals are really pressing for is to evangelize everyone to their lifestyle and if the heterosexuals allow them to do this then God is going to deal with us. Homosexuals are not content with just practicing their homosexuality in private. Now they have constructed a gay rights movement to carry out evangelizing the rest of us to their lifestyle.
There are numbers that are repeated over and over in the Bible like the number "3". God attaches specific meanings to these numbers.
#1 Union and oneness, perfect unity
#2 Division, companionship, witness
#3 Triunity of divine design, perfect harmony as in the Holy Trinity
#4 Creative works of God
#5 Man’s humanness: limitations, insufficiency in himself, death
#6 Six is the number of man, man was created on day 6
#7 God’s number of completion, perfection, and rest
#8 New beginnings
#9 Finality and faith
#10 Completion of divine order
#12 God’s perfect government (12 Apostles, 12 Tribes of Israel)
#24 Associated with Priests (Leviticus)
#30 Dedication to a task or calling
#40 Trials, probation, testing's, and preparing
#70 Seventy can be understood by understanding it’s the product of 7 x 10
Worship in it's simplest form is loving God back though He loved us first. You cannot love if you have no choice. Love is based inherently on the choice not to love. We show God love by choosing to obey His Commandments. That's why God created mankind to have the freedom to choose. You can't love God back until you know how much He loves you. God gave up His only son for our sins to show how much He loves us. Because God is love He immediately initiated a plan wherein He to become a man, live a perfect life, take our place and die in our place for our rebellion. So that Not based on human merit, but purely on grace He would give us forgiveness if we would accept it as a gift. In order for Him to give man a chance to accept the gift of pardon He has to put up with all the evil choices of the bad people who will not accept the gift of forgiveness and be saved.
Marriage is a covenant, not a contract and cannot be separated. When you become married, you are not just marrying your spouse and becoming one flesh, you both are in covenant with Jesus Christ. Marriage mirrors the Trinity. This covenant cannot be invalidated just because two people grow apart. Modern day divorce is was designed by mankind to allow an easy way to escape the challenge of the marriage covenant.
Most people don't understand that if you have sex with another person you are married to that person in God's eyes.
There are only 3 reasons God allows divorce. Infidelity, death and if one of the married partners becomes a Christian and their spouse remains an unbeliever, the Christian is free to leave the marriage. God shows grace in that even if a believer is married to an unbeliever God will sanctify the unbeliever through the spouse. If you remarry or have a partner under any other circumstances you will be committing adultery in that relationship.
Even though God allows for divorce, he still hates it.
We typically see paintings of Jesus as a feminine man with blue eyes, long hair and a beard. Jesus was a carpenter by trade so he worked a lot with his hands. Carpenters in the ancient world would have to cut down trees, physically shape the wood and build the objects by hand. In the first century, this would have been very labor intensive work and would require a strong man. It is thought that Jesus walked 25 miles a day since that was the primary means of transportation in that day. His diet would have also consisted of healthy food like fish, nuts, bread and berries. Once can conclude that he was in excellent health. Jesus must have been a muscular man with great physical strength and minimal body fat. There is proof of His presence when He attacks multiple men at the same time conducting business on the holy temple grounds with a whip. Notice how He drove out the money changers and they didn't fight back after he pours out their money and knocks over their tables. I can only imagine the fire in His eyes and the temptation to use His divine powers to eliminate them.
Isaiah describes Jesus as not vey attractive, dignified or impressive. Isaiah describes Jesus in a kind ways as not physically attractive. The average height of a first century man was 5'1" which compared to today's man he would have been shorter, stocky with probably brown eyes which were more common with Jewish men."
Jewish law required that every man should pay a tribute to the service of the sanctuary with a half shekel coin. It was a Tyrian shekel, not a Jewish shekel or Roman currency. So it became a matter of convenience that the money changers would be located at the Temple where people could exchange their Roman (Pagan) currency for Tyrian shekels. Of course one would have to pay a small fee for the exchange. Thousand came during the Jewish festivals so exchanging money became a very profitable business connect to fraud and further oppressions of the poor. Similarly, It was also required that sheep, doves, pigeons or cattle were required by Jewish law for certain religious sacrificed. A lucrative business also sprang up at the Temple for selling preapproved, high priest approved animals with the sellers gouging the faithful with high prices. The exchanges all occurred at the edge of the temple where "stoa's" or columns with a roof had been added by Herod the Great during his massive remodeling of the complex. The temple was surrounded with the column structures which became a farmers market and commerce place, not a holy place of worship. This is why Jesus became so angry and this started the violent clash between Jesus and the Sanhedrin who were profiting from temple activities by preying (or swindling) on the poor. According to the historian Josephus, Herod's reign began in 37 B.C.E. and the temple construction began in 19 B.C.E.. and ended 46 years later which puts this even occurring sometime around 28 A.D..
When Jesus confronter the money changers in Matthew 21:13 He was referencing the passage from Jeremiah in the Old Testament. He was primary upset because they were desecrating a holy place of worship.
He certainly knew who he was when he was twelve years of age. Luke 2:39–52 records the account of Jesus’s family celebrating the Passover when Jesus was twelve years old. While in Jerusalem, Jesus’s parents lost contact with him and spent three days searching all over Jerusalem for him. Eventually, they found Jesus in the temple posing questions to the chief rabbis. When Jesus’s parents asked why he had left their presence, he responded, “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?”
There is a hint in the Bible that Jesus may have been aware of who he was much younger than twelve years of age. When Mary visited Elizabeth when she was pregnant with Jesus and Elizabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist, Elizabeth exclaimed that the fetus within her womb jumped for joy at the near presence of Jesus. If John the Baptist knew who Jesus was while they still were both in the fetal state, it follows that Jesus also knew who he was even before he exited the womb of Mary.
Let us first sum up what we know from the New Testament of the brothers and sisters of the Lord. They are mentioned in Matthew 12:46-50, 13:55-56; Mark 3:31, 6:3; Luke 8:19; John 2:12, 7:3; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5; and Paul speaks of a James as Jesus' brother in Galatians 1:19.
Of the brothers, there seem to have been four who are named in Matthew 13:55: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas (also see Mark 6:3). Matthew and Mark mention the sisters, but neither the number nor the names are given. From the language of the Nazarenes (Matthew 13:56, "His sisters, are they not all with us?"), there must have been at least two, probably more, and apparently married, and resident at Nazareth.
These brothers and sisters are not mentioned at all until after Jesus began His ministry and are first mentioned as going with His mother and Himself to Capernaum (John 2:12). It is in dispute whether any were believers in His Messianic claims, at least until the very end of His ministry (John 7:3-10). Most say that they were made believers through His resurrection, as they appear in company with the Apostles (Acts 1:14).
In all the references to Jesus siblings several things are noticeable: first, that they are always called brothers and sisters, not cousins or kinsmen; second, that their relationship is always defined with reference to Him, not to Joseph or to Mary; they are always called His brothers and sisters, not sons and daughters of Mary; third, that they always appear in connection with Mary (except in John 7:3) as if her children, members of her household, and under her direction.
In the Book of Acts you will find believes who are not baptized in the Holy Spirit. The disciples were not baptized in the Holy Spirit, but they were believers who knew the truth. The Samaritan's (mixed Jews) were believers who were not baptized and the same goes for the gentiles. The Jews themselves before the day of Pentecost were waiting for the Holy Spirit to come, they were believers who were not baptized. Historical doctrine found in the epistles from the Book of Romans through Revelation whenever it speaks of baptism it's synonymous with salvation. They are one in the same. All the epistles were written after the 3rd day of Pentecost. There are not one, but three days of Pentecost. There is a day of Pentecost for the believing Jews (Acts 2) that received the first anointing 50 days after the resurrection. The Samaritans and the gentiles are excluded. A few years later we have the day of Pentecost for the Samaritan's (Acts 8) and later the gentiles (Acts 10). So after those chapters of Pentecost's any believer is simultaneously baptized in the Holy Spirit. The reason in Acts 19 & 20 there are people who believe but are not baptized in the Holy Spirit is because they only had heard the Gospel of John the Baptist Gospel. They had not yet heard about the ministry of Jesus Christ. No physical, second baptism is required, but is should be part of the Christian experience.
Genesis 1:26–27 states that God created humans in his own image. Do you think the angels also were made in the image of God? Weren’t they referred to as “sons of God?”
The term “sons of God” is used in the Bible to refer to either angels or to humans who have been redeemed from their sin. The Bible never refers to angels being made in the image of God but the angels being called the sons of God implies that in some context God did make them in his image. However, the manner in which God created humans in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) is distinct from the manner in which God created angels in his image. Only humans, for example, are recipients of God’s grace and directly experience God’s grace.
That we humans possess the image of God or that angels are referred to as sons of God does not put them anywhere near to being on a par with God. God is superior to both angels and humans (Hebrews 1:4). Both angels and humans are spiritual beings, but Hebrews 1:3 makes a distinction, for example, between Jesus and angels and humans. It declares, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” Neither angels nor humans are the exact representation of God’s being, but each possesses some distinct components of God’s image.
Some people think that angels are neither male nor female which rules out that they procreated with humans in Genesis 6. The Bible is silent on the gender when it comes to angels gender. If we interpret Genesis 6 literally, then angelic beings must have had masculine features in order to create offspring with the daughters of mankind, but the Bible isn't explicit on angels gender although everything we read in the Bible about them indicates that they all seem to be the same sex. It's speculation, but Angels and demons are not constrained by the space-time of the universe so there's a possibility that they don't have sex, but have the capability and power to take on sexual characteristics. In the occult it seems that wherever humans have interactions with fallen angels (demons), the demon possessed person always seem to be obsessed with sexual immoral behavior.
In Matthew 18:10 Jesus says beware of abusing children because there are angels watching over them. That doesn't guarantee that every human has a guarding angel. God does however have angels that protect those who are very young or weak. Revelation 5:11 states that God has at least "ten thousand times ten thousand" or 100 Million angels at His disposal so I don't think everyone has a guardian angel, but they are called upon do do Gods work when requested.
In Genesis God has granted all angels the ability to take whateve physical form they want temporarly. Lucifer is a fallen angel and in the Garden of Eden he took the form of a serpent. They can take the form of a human being dead or alive, they can take the form of a animal as in Balaam’s Donkey speaking in Numbers 27-28. If you have had a visit from your dead grandparent or relative, it wasn't them, it was an angel or fallen angel (demon). Some angels can not only impersonate the persons appearence, but they can also have the same voice. Below is the verse that will allow you test wether the angel is a demon or an angel from God.
Angels (and Demons) have varying powers, some are stronger than others. The stronger ones can appear in any physical for they desire. Angels can take the form of those who have died. In the Bible there are many examples of the righteous angels taking on forms of a human being and were actually able to eat food as they did in Genesis 8 when three angels appear to Abraham. They can operate in physical ways just like humans. Unlike humans, angels are not constrained by the physics of the universe, so they can leave the physical and return back to their spiritual realm. They can travel back and forth, but we cannot go into their realm. They can appear in any form such as a U.F.O., leprechaun, talking snake (Genesis 3:1), talking donkey (Balaam’s Donkey in Numbers 22:21-39).
The fallen angels are called demons. Lucifer (Satan) is the greatest fallen angel ever created. Judas conspired with the chief priests to trap Jesus in Mark 22. We see in this passage that Satan enters Judas to betray Him.
They can take various forms and enter into humans and animals too. In Mark 5 a demon possessed man named "Legion" has Jesus cast out a large number of demons who enter into a large hear of pigs.
Like man, angels are also created in the image of God which is not a physical thing, its our (1) Will, (2) Intellect, (3) Emotion, (4) Moral Reason and (5) Eternal Existence. Angels have the same characteristics, but are more powerful and exist in a different realm. There are different levels of angels like The Angels of God who are those angels that didn't rebel with Lucifer against God. The nine different types of angels are described at the bottom of the page.
If creation took only 6 "days", how did the dinosaurs fit into that scenario and how does this explain the fossil records? (see "Creation" section for creation "days" in Hebrew explained)
Large retiles called dinosaurs lived during the Cretaceous or Tyrannosaurus Rex period, not the Jurassic period which lasted about million years. All Cretaceous dinosaurs were driven to extinction 65 millions years ago when an asteroid or meteor hit the earth and the impact formed the Chicxulub crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Dinosaurs did not exist in Genesis day six when man was created because they were extinct by the end of day five.
Dinosaurs are not mentioned in the Bible. We believe that God inspired the many authors of the Bible to communicate to all generations of humanity and it does not address dinosaurs, Neanderthals, protons, neutrons, etc. for the simple reason that people living generations before us wouldn't know what the Bible was talking about. The Bible does have predictive power about future events and scientific discoveries, but they are written in terms that all generations can understand.
It has been speculated that the Book of Job is addressing dinosaurs specifically, Job 40 & 41 when there were no Bible commentaries ever mentioned about dinosaurs existing until after the 1850's when dinosaur fossils we discovered. Before the 1850's people didn't know about dinosaurs. Before the 19th Century Job 40 & 41 Bible commentary consistently interprets "Behemoth" in Job 40 as a Hippopotamus and "Leviathan’s" as a Nile Crocodile. The verses mixes literal and metaphoric statements using the words "like" and "as" twenty-one times. It's contrasting descriptions of these creatures meant to be taken literally with metaphorically passages meant to be interpreted by the emotion impact we would have if we came in contact with one of these creatures.
This verse describes what is believed to be a hippopotamus where its "tail sways like a cedar" describing a cedar tree which is very large. The term "tail" can also be translated to mean the "hind quarters". Hippopotamus have been know to use their enormous hind quarters to defend their territory. The Book of Job also refers to the Behemoth as a herbivore that has the ability to hide itself in rivers and the Leviathan’s as a carnivore. Crocodile hang out with Hippopotamus because they hide in mud, are vert territorial and surprise their victims because they are hard to see when submerged in mud. When the Hippopotamus attacks the Crocodile moves in to feed on the victim. Together they account for 95% of the deaths of humans in Africa by wild animals.
The Leviathan was a mythical creature with the form of a sea serpent in Judaism. It is also referenced in other books of the Hebrew Bible, including Psalms, Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos. The point we need to make is that these creatures were nephesh animals, which are also the most difficult to train.
God subjected the entire universe to a pervasive law of decay or thermodynamics (Romans 8:20–22) as a means to efficiently eradicate evil and suffering. Consequently, all physical life on Earth experiences death. Psalm 104:29–30 says that it is the property of all life to die, but that God re-creates and renews the face of the earth. Psalm 104 also implies that God has packed Earth with as much life as possible and as diverse as possible.
When much of Earth’s landmass was covered by huge shallow seas, God created large dinosaurs. Thanks to the shallow seas, these large dinosaurs could take advantage of the shallow seas to support their huge body masses that otherwise would have been impossible to sustain. The existence of a huge, diverse, and enduring population of dinosaurs during past eras when much of Earth’s continental landmass was covered by huge shallow seas significantly contributed to Earth’s present store of biodeposits. Examples of such biodeposits include limestone, marble, coal, oil, and natural gas.
Dinosaurs, therefore, are expressions of God’s love and generosity. It is thanks in part to God’s creation of dinosaurs that humans possess more than 76 quadrillion tons of biodeposits that we can use to develop the civilization and technology to take the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to billions of humans within just a few millennia.
God reveals Himself, His attributes and His purpose through two utterly trustworthy and reliable means: the book of nature and the book of Scripture. They are both perfect revelations from a perfect God.
"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31
Reprobate is an individual who has practiced wickedness to such a degree that he is no longer capable of repenting. He cannot forgive or receive forgiveness and everything he does is evil.
The Bible specifically says that the “love” of money is evil. If we put money above God in any way, our relationship with money is unhealthy. In fact, the Bible never states that you should not use debt. It does state however many times, that you should use extreme caution when doing so. See Deuteronomy 15:6, Deuteronomy 28:12, Matthew 5:42, Jeremiah 15:10, Isaiah 24:1-2.
Jesus Christ is in control of all matter including dust. This is how He will be able to resurrect all the bodies of the dead who have been buried in a casket or cremated. He knows where every atom of are being is located.
The Bible neither favors or forbids the process of cremation although there is a pattern of burning or fire associated with evil characters. Here are just a few examples; 2 Samuel 23:7, Psalm 21:9, Isaiah 26:11, Ezekiel 5:4, Daniel 11:33, Ezekiel 23:25.
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The Northern Lights appearing while a volcano's erupting.
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