Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
The Book of Revelation was written around 96 A.D. and only addresses seven large, influential churches in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) when there were hundreds of churches in Asia Minor and thousands in the world at that time. God gave Revelation to Jesus Christ who gave it to an Angel who gave it to John who passed it to the church. These seven churches were the first ones to receive the Book of Revelation from the Apostle John. These literal seven churches were chosen because of their specific strengths and weaknesses. These characteristics are prominent throughout the different Church Age periods covering ~2,000 years. These characteristics are applicable to the churches of today and were intended to be used by church pastors as a tool for correction and praise.
The number "seven" is God's number of perfection and completion. The seven stars are the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit that dwells in each church leader that will implement and carry out God's will for each church with the help of angels. Churches are to be a light to the world called "lampstands".
This verse is a reference to Isaiah 11:2 that defines the "seven spirits of God" which is the Church and is a creation of the Holy Spirit that began on the day of Pentecost. God chose these seven churches specifically for the Book of Revelation and in sequential order because they displayed all seven stages of church history. Only now can we go back throughout church history and see how each of the characteristics perfectly reflects that church era. We are currently living in the last church age period called the Church of Laodicea which is described as the lukewarm church.
There are seven different ways of interpreting the seven church letters found in Revelation and we believe they all are valid because each have something to say:
The Church is defined as every believer in Jesus Christ no matter their denomination. It's described as every believer who is in the "Body of Christ" also called "The Bride of Christ" in Revelation. Believers are currently God's ambassadors on the Earth.
The first time the word "church" is mentioned in the Bible is found in the Book of Acts. Ekklesia (or ecclesia) is the Greek word translated in the New Testament as "church." It comes from ek, meaning "out from and to" and kaleo, meaning "to call," and has to do with a group of people called out from one place and to another. It is an assembly or a congregation.
The seven spirits of the lord referenced in Revelation are referenced in the Book of Isaiah. These are the attributes of the Holy Spirit which dwells inside every believer. These are the attributes that we should gain from reading Revelation. "Fear of the Lord" can be divided into two Spirits to give us a total of seven. Reverence of righteousness (Deuteronomy 10:12, Psalms 31:19) of God and the judgment of the wicked (Leviticus 26:36, Revelation 6:16).
As a footnote, Jesse mentioned in the verse above is the father of King David from which the bloodline of the Messiah will arise.
God not only commands the church to read the Book of Revelation, but for the church leaders to preach it. Many pastors will need to give an account as to why they didn't promote it to their congregations.
"Take care of your life and the Lord will take care of your death."
― George Whitefield
Evangelist, 1770, Newburyport, MA
In Revelation chapters 2 & 3, a letter is addressed to each of the leaders (pastors) of the seven churches. In the letter Jesus gives a detailed analysis of the churches attributes; strengths (praises) and weaknesses (rebukes). Every church gets a criticism except Smyrna and Philadelphia. Smyrna was not rebuked because they were persecuted and poor, but rich in the Spirit. At the end of each letter, Christ then gives promises to meet their needs to correct their weaknesses. The best church is Philadelphia, and the worst is Laodicea because it is dead. Nothing positive is said about the Thyatira because of its corruption.
These letters also outline a prophesy about these seven churches. In Revelation Jesus warned that only two of the seven churches would survive and the other five would parish. If you travel to Turkey today (2022) these are the only two surviving churches (Smyrna and Philadelphia) that still have a presence. Ephesus period begins after the destruction of Jerusalem and template in 70 AD until the last Apostle John's death. Smyrna persecution period ends when Emperor Constantine passed an edict that made it legal to be Christian in Rome, before it was not tolerated. In 381 AD Roman Emperor Theodosius I passed a law and made it mandatory to be a Christian. Every Roman must be baptized. attended church regularly and take communion. Non-Christians would be persecuted. Theodosius I gave birth to the Roman Catholic Church and martyred Christian heroes of the faith from the Ephesus period were exalted and later became saints. In 590 AD church saints began to take on deification for divine favor and the doctrine became official exalting Mother Mary as well. The idea being that men in general are not as compassionate as women. Jesus being a man is not as understanding as Mother Mary, so we will pray to a woman instead. The Roman Catholic Church was in affect creating multiple mediators between God, anyone other than Jesus Christ who paid the penalty. These practices compromised the doctrine of salvation.
Because ~90% of the unbelieving population were forced into the Church it became morally compromised like the church of Thyatira. After 590 AD and towards the end of the Thyatira and Sardis period it was illegal (persecuted) for a commoner to have possession of a Bible or translate one in a vernacular tongue, before then it was permitted. You could own a copy of the Bible in the beginning, but not in your vernacular. The priests controlled the Bibles and read them to the congregation in Latin which no one could understand. So, the message might as well have been delivered in tongues from a charismatic preacher because only the well-educated authorities could interpret the Latin sermons. The authorities' setup a priesthood hierarchy system of "protection" or control because they claimed that uneducated commoner would misinterpret or abuse the scripture. A German Priest named Martin Luther worked his way up to the top of the hierarchy to gain access to the original scriptures. Martin realized that the scripture he had been taught was different from the actual Bible text especially about teaching salvation through grace. The Lutheran denomination broke away from the legalism of the Catholic Church but compromised by retaining the practices of communion and baptism. It took a long time for the doctrine of idolatry to take great hold in the Catholic and Orthodox denominations. It was protected by limiting access to the word of God. It didn't culminate until 1870 when we have a complete canonization of the doctrine of the deity of the saints, Mary, Popes and Apostles as intercessors. It was laid down in 1870 that Mary was also sinless and became the chief intercessor between man and Jesus Christ. Islam picked up on this misrepresented idea of the Christian Trinity from the Orthodox as being God the Father, Son and the Virgin Mary because the church had been teaching it since the 8th century. In fact, the Virgin Mary had replaced the Holy Spirit as the third member of the Trinity. That's why God tells the Sardis church to wake up, repent and change their ways or when the rapture comes, most will not be taken up and their names will be erased from the Book of Life. The Philadelphia church period is in direct contrast to the Sardis period. Philadelphia period is when the church had little power, but it's during this time that they recognized missions as a primary focus. The Moravian missionaries were the first large scale Protestant missionary movement. Missions started in 1727 and caught fire in 1750. The missions spark began in Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia) and expanded into England and then leap frogged over to America creating more denominations. This is the first time the smaller churches had the monetary resources to launch missions around the world.
Laodicea is the final period in the Church Age just before and after the rapture. Preaching God's message of redemption has been minimized in many of today's churches. It seems that the churches focus has shifted to the larger and more ornate the church building, the more substantial the church congregations' offerings. This has become a competition between churches to attract the masses. The verse below perfectly describes today's mega churches that have become financially rich organizations with amazing buildings, satellite campuses run by celebrity televangelist, but are poor in spirit because they do not preach God's word to a morally bankrupt, lawless and corrupt world. The message of sin and salvation is not a priority with many churches these days. Churches should be the moral leaders to the world, instead they have become predominantly silent on many sensitive or politically heated issues. Below is Gods response to the Church of Laodicea for being spiritually poor and blind in the last days.
Celebrity Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood "Church" in Houston, Texas is a perfect example of a wealthy mega church with a prosperity preaching leader that is "neither hot nor cold" for the word of God. After Joel's fathers passing, Joel moved from the church TV Cameraman to replace him as Lakewood's Pastor in 1999. Since, using the church as a front, he has successfully expanded the congregation and amassed a whopping $50 million personal fortune off book deals, appearances, TV, etc. So much for modest living and setting a good precedent for the congregation. Because the church is primarily responsible for launching Joel's lucrative career, shouldn't the majority of the proceeds be used to preach His Gospel? Recently, Lakewood's Osteen buckled under pressure to repay $4.4 million in COVID-19 disaster loans meant for small businesses (N.Y. Post 10/10/2021).
A church leaders' principal mission should be to bring skeptics to faith in Christ through scripture understanding and confront our sin nature. The missions' focus should not on amassing a personal fortune or gaining celebrity status through self-promotion. Joel isn't alone, there are many prosperity preachers using the mega church as a means f creating celebrity and fortune.
The victorious or overcomers are given authority from the father. We have received all authority from Him to do battle and He has fully equipped us to overcome the enemy (Luke 10:19-20). This victory is channeled through Jesus Christ alone (1 Corinthians 15:57) and it's a process (1 John 2:12-14). Through God's rules there is the only one way to receive this victory (1 Timothy 2:5, John 3:16). There is a repeating theme about being victorious in all the letters to the churches.
Ephesus Church victory promise is that we will eat from the tree of life which was taken from us in Genesis 3 and access to it will be given back to us in Revelation 2:7.
Smyrna's victory promise is that believers will not suffer the second death which is eternal torment in Hell. It's multitudes worse than the first death which is physical (Revelation 19). Many believers suffer the first death, but entirely avoid the latter. This is because they took the necessary steps in this life to avoid it.
History records that in the Roman Judicial System that whenever a man was acquitted in a court case he was given a white stone with his name written on it so that if anyone brought up the charge against him he could present the white stone to show he was acquitted of the crime. This gives the Pergamum church of believers a picture of what it's like to be victorious having been acquitted from all of our sin when we receive the hidden, spiritual manna, not physical food. God provided manna from heaven to keep the Israelites alive each day for 40 years, this is an eternal manna.
Thyatira's victory promise is the morning star who is identified as the Messiah (Numbers 24:17, Revelation 22:16). There are stars that are fixed in the sky in respect to each other and to the rotation of the Earth. There are also stars that move. The stars that move are planets called wandering stars. Stars between the Earth and the sun move in a different pattern than the stars that are exterior to the Earth. The morning star is a wandering star called Venus. Venus is the morning star is the brightness light that pierces through the darkness. This is used as a metaphor for the Messiah because it the brightness object visible in the Heavens other than the sun and the moon by a factor of twenty times.
Sardis's victory promise is the white garments (Revelation 22:14, 19:8) that we will receive because we are worthy because our names are written in the book of life and for those who don't repent their names are erased from the book after given every opportunity. White garments represent our purity in Christ and the righteousness of the Saints. Christ wears white garments and so do the angels. When we are justified of our sin, we become clean and white as snow. As clean as the angels and as clean as Christ Himself.
Philadelphia's victory promise is that we will receive a pillar in the temple of God and will be given a new name. This is a promise of a new Heavens, new Earth and new Jerusalem where we will dwell in all three simultaneously in the temple. This is the new multi-dimensional universe of the second creation.
Laodicea's victory promise is eternal security. This is a guaranteed entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. When we come to believe in Christ there was a spiritual battle that we fought and were victorious (past). There is a victory of the past and one of the present (Revelation 15:2). The present victory are those who do battle with the Counterfeit Christ in the end times and become believers.
Matthew 25 is a parable about ten virgins who lamps (church) ran out of oil when they are going to meet the bridegroom. This is a reference to the churches that run out of oil which is the Holy Spirit. Believers constantly die, move or leave the church congregation and need to be constantly replenished. The Holy Spirit inside a believer represents the oil and when the oil runs out so does the Spirit in the church. The parable says that the bridegroom (Jesus) will shut the door on these churches when He returns. This is why the church is responsible for constantly preaching the word to unbelievers.
Tradition holds that Antipas was a disciple of the Apostle John and was appointed head of the Church of Pergamos. Accuse of being a Christian, Antipas was brought before the statue of Caesar and was ordered to declare that the emperor was God. With great courage Antipas replied that only Jesus Christ was Lord and there was no God other than Him. Therefore the Roman Governor said, "Antipas do you not realize that the whole world is against you?" To which Antipas answered "Then Antipas is against the whole world."
“Social Security is neither social, nor secure.”
― Ed. C. Young Sr.
Pastor, Second Baptist Church, Houston, TX
This world can unravel very, very quickly and we are currently living at the last stage of a period called “The Church Age” cited above which is the primary focus of the first three chapters of Revelation referred to as “the things which are” in Revelation 1:3. The chapters thereafter cover the “Tribulation” period which are referred to by John as “the things that will take place after these things” Revelation 1:19. “Meta Tauta” is a Greek word meaning “after these things” which is mentioned in the beginning of verse and again at the end. From this point forward, the Revelation book time reference changes from present time to future events. John is literally taken or raptured to heaven to witness these future events, record them and return to Earth.
The Old Testament is filled with hundreds of events foreshadowing what Christ will do on the cross. For instance, the Jews in Egypt were warned to put the lambs' blood on the top of their door posts in the shape of a cross so the death angel would pass over them prior to the event thus foreshadowing Christs death on the cross. There were Egyptians too who heeded the warning along with the Israelites, many became Jewish converts and their first born were spared. These Jewish Egyptians also entered the promise land with the Israelites. Just in the same way there are many events foreshadowing the rapture found in the New Testament when Christ comes in the clouds to remove His followers right before destruction comes.
Before Noah's flood when Lot left Sodom it was a time of great wickedness and reprobation. God says that things are so bad that I'm going to send my death angel to end it. In every one of these Old Testament passage, it reflects the rapture like in Luke 17:26-29 and prefaces a visit by a death angel. Before the death angel comes there is always a rapture or rescue type event that takes place prior saving His people from the catastrophe. God speaks to Noah and warns him that this recue (or rapture) is coming. Noah builds the Ark to get people's attention and when they come to witness it Noah uses it as a platform to preach to them and did this for 100 years until the ark was completed. Noah preached to them to repent and join him on the ark as a way to escape the coming flood. And no one listened. The reason the death angel comes is because the unrepenting peoples of the world have stopped listening.
Some of our family members could suddenly be missing because they were a believer and those remaining on earth were not.
Only believers will participate in the rapture. Believing in God alone is not going to provide an escape from the Day of Wrath, or land you in Heaven, the only thing that's going to rescue unbeliever is submission to the authority of Jesus Christ. In the days of Noah and Lot there were many who ridiculed and laughed at the. So will there be many calling us crazy Christians just before the rapture event.
When Jesus was just about to be crucified, His disciples asked Him a lot of questions about the end times (Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13). One of His warnings was that when you see the armies surrounding the city of Jerusalem head for the hills and escape. In 70 AD the Romans armies came and began surrounding the city of Jerusalem. According to the historian Flavius Josephus (37–100 AD) writings over one million Jewish Christians escaped into Syria and Antioch. The Jews who remained in the city were either killed or captured and sold as slave in Alexandria (Northern Egypt) as predicted by Moses in Deuteronomy 29-30.
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
― Corrie ten Boom
Dutch Christian Watchmaker & Writer
The term rapture is derived from a Latin word meaning “a carrying off, a transport, or a snatching away.” The concept of the “carrying off” or the rapture of the church is clearly taught in Bible scripture. This is God's declaration of war on Satan. Every believer will be raptured to heaven, there is no partial rapture since we are all part of one body (1 Corinthians 12:13). Christians are currently God's Ambassadors on earth and when He removes them, they will be replaced because God always requires representation on Earth. The Jewish people will become God's next Ambassadors on earth for a seven-year Tribulation period covered in the Book of Revelation. This generation of believers who experience the rapture or "The Harvest" of the Church will never face the first death which is physical death or the second death which is eternal for the unbeliever. This generation of believers will not experience the physical sting of the first death. The church rapture event will happen in the "twinkling of an eye" which is ~ one-twentieth of a second.
The doctrine of the rapture was not taught in the Old Testament which is why the Apostle Paul calls it a “mystery” now revealed. 1 Corinthians 15:50–52 cited above. The rapture of the church is a glorious event we should all be longing for. The rapture should be a comforting doctrine full of hope; God wants us to encourage each other with these words.
The rapture of the church is an event in which Jesus Christ “snatches away” all believers in a nanosecond so He can make way for His righteous judgment to be poured out on the remaining unbelieving inhabitants on the earth during Tribulation. The rapture is described primarily in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50–52. When we die our bodies remain on earth, but our souls and spirit go to be with the Lord. God will resurrect all believers who have died, give them glorified bodies, and take them from the earth along with all living believers, who will also be given glorified bodies at that moment. This means that our body will be reunited with our soul and spirit at the rapture.
Our physical bodies will go from mortal to immortal and we will be in our father's house (Heaven) for all eternity. Jesus never physically returns to the earth during the rapture. Christians will hear His voice saying, "come up here" and the unbelieving will hear something like a horrific roar of thunder.
The rapture will involve an instantaneous transformation of our physical bodies into our eternal bodies. This is phase two of the first resurrection. The eternal body we receive will look like us so that we are easily recognized by others. Will we look like we did in our twenties or some other age? We don't really know, but what we do know is that in Genesis 2 when God creates Adam, he is a young man probably in his twenties, not an infant or older man.
The rapture is to be distinguished from the second coming of Christ. At the rapture, the Lord comes “in the clouds” to meet us “in the air”. meaning His feet never touch the Earth (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the second coming, Christ descends all the way to the Earth to stand on the Mount of Olives, resulting in a great earthquake followed by a defeat of God’s enemies.
Are children included in the raptured or left behind? The Bible does not specifically address this issue, but tells us that even if an infant or child has not committed personal sin, all people including infants and children, are guilty before God because of their inherited and imputed sin. Inherited sin nature is passed on to us through our parents.
We believe that children who are under the age of accountability will be taken in the rapture. If a child has not reached the point that they can make a decision for or against Christ, we would hold that if the child dies, they will be granted eternal life. We also hold that this principle, based entirely on God’s mercy and grace, applies to the rapture. This applies to all children, not just children of Believers.
Harpazo is a Greek word meaning "pick pocket" and is the original word that was used to describe the rapture.
"War is merely the continuation of policy by other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
General and Military Theorist
In Revelation the term rapture appears meaning "snatched up to". This is the only verse in the Bible where the term rapture is used. The verse refers a "child", but in Greek there are three discrete words for child. The first is "man-child" which can only mean one individual. The term here refers to "her child" which is generic and speaks to an entire population or the body of believers. After the body of believers are raptured, there are 1,260 days (3.5 years) that follow in the verse below. This signifies that the rapture occurs towards the end of the first 1,260 days (3.5 years) of the seven-year tribulation period. These are the days prior to the start of the millennium.
There are three individuals in the Old Testament who experienced a "rapture" event: Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) & Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Moses. We can conclude that Moses body is in heaven because when he died, they never found it (Deuteronomy 34:6). Moses body is mentioned again in Jude 1:9 and we know the Archangel Michael got possession of his body from Satan because Moses appears again at Mount of Transfiguration in the New Testament (Matthew 17:3, Luke 9:30, Mark 9:4).
Revelation 4:5 cited below is also evidence that the rapture will occur sometime during the first half of the Tribulation period because the seven lamps described below are the seven churches which have moved or are now located in "a throne in Heaven" in Revelation 4:2. The seven lamps are "burning" because they have changed from lampstands of witness to lamps of judgement. The unbelieving world is about to be judged for what it has done to the church (Christ's followers) for the past 2,000 years.
There are sentence patterns in Revelation in each of the letters to the seven churches. For example, in Revelation 2 & 3 each letter ends with the phrase: "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches"
If we flip forward to Revelation 13:9 it says, "Whoever has ears, let them hear." where the phrase "what the Spirit says to the churches" is purposely left out. This is because the rapture of the church has already taken place. Revelation 13:8 is when the "Beast from the Sea (Antichrist) is revealed and rises to power. The preceding chapters are also when the first seven seal judgements are open which we indicate that believers will be present during the first half of the seven-year Tribulation.
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
― Mother Teresa, Nun
No one knows the exact moment of the rapture, but Revelation indicates that it will occur midway during the seven-year Tribulation period. The diagram shown is a good representation of the rapture timeline using a dotted line which runs midway through the Tribulation period.
Believers will know the identity of the Antichrist world dictator who will be ruling, and we will expect to see a worldwide, organized "great falling away" of the Christian church and faith in Jesus Christ. All the Christian denominations will be replaced by a single super apostate church encompassing all religions with the same God. At that time Gods will call out His true believers to "come up" or leave. As stated in Daniel we will also have to see a 10 Nation Confederacy form encompassing all~ 237 nations in the entire world.
We also know that the rapture will occur before the Antichrist sets himself up in the Jewish template to be worshipped as God by unbelievers. The "restrainer" must be removed in order to allow this to happen. The "restrainer" is comprised of every member of the Trinity. If the restrainer is removed, then so is His body of believers (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12). This allows the Antichrist to change all the laws because there are no Christians on earth. He becomes the political, economic, religious and military ruler over the entire world for seven years as Daniel 9:27 predicted.
In summary, the rapture event cannot take place until after the following three events take place, but before the Antichrist desecrates the third temple in Jerusalem on Mount Meriah that will be rebuilt which is the fourth event described below.
Event #1. A plan or treaty for a 10 Nation Confederacy will come from the Roman Empire culture including every nation. Israel will be given "special status" by signing a treaty to disarm. Israel will experience significant economic growth for the years following (event #4). This treaty will solve the Middle East crisis.
Event #2. The Antichrist is first revealed to believers once these specific events occur because they know the scripture warnings. Basically, he takes over all the nations. Unbelievers at this time just think he is a powerful dictator.
Event #3. The apostacy of the "Christian" church is evident worldwide (Revelation 17 & 18)
Event #4. The 3rd Jewish Temple is built. Israel signs a treaty (death treaty) to disarm (Ezekiel 38:11) because it is promised that the nations of the world would guarantee Israel's security and in return the Jewish people are given permission to rebuild their temple. The second time the Antichrist is revealed it is to unbelievers by setting himself up in the Holy of Holies sanctuary of the third Jewish temple to be worshipped as God because he is now opposed to anyone worshipping Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:4) and puts a stop to Jewish animal sacrifices (Daniel 9:27). Before this event happens, the rapture occurs. The restrainer, Christian Church which includes Holy Spirit that dwells in us, God and the Angels, is removed to permit this gross act of blasphemy to take place. Once he sets himself up as God halfway through, he destroys the apostate church system found in Revelation 17, 18. The following prophesy tells us we are roughly 8 months into the Tribulation when the temple is rebuilt.
2,300 days/365 days/year = 6.3 years.
7-year Tribulation period - 6.3 years from Christs return = ~8 months
Event #5. After the rapture event takes place there are some nonbelievers who have heard the gospel message from the Christians who were raptured, witnessed the rapture and still decided not to believe. God permits a powerful delusion to fall upon all those individuals that have heard the message, understood its benefits, were convinced it was true and still said no thanks (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11). God knows these people will never become Christian who enter the second creation with Him as Lord and ruler. This is not a delusion that falls upon everyone in the world to send them to Hell. Below is a general Biblical principle cross referenced passage to describe these people.
Many people think they are Christian, but are not because they have not received, they have only tasted. One can only receive through submitting.
We've determined above that there's a very good chance that the rapture is mid-tribulation because "The Church" isn't mentioned explicitly from Revelation chapters 6 all the way through 19 during the Tribulation period. Romans 5 says that "The Church" is not appointed to wrath meaning that believers won't go through the day of wrath which is the second half of the seven-year Tribulation. Christian will however experience the first half of the Tribulation period until the time the lawless one is revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2. The second sign in 2 Thessalonians 2 is directed to the unbelievers with the great apostasy of all religions which come together to form one united world religion that claims to worship Jeus Christ but does the exact opposite. This will be the signal for Christians leave the organized church. All these things must take place before the rapture can occur. Below are some supporting verses.
The last trumpet is the call for God's people to "come up" to heaven which goes back to Old Testament and Moses blowing the trumpet three times for the Israelites to act.
The seventh and last trumpet is blown in Revelation 11 which is just before the Day of Wrath begins. This is believed to be the rapture of the church rescuing Gods people from wrath signaling a spiritual judgment event for the unbelievers. This is also midway through the Book of Revelation dividing the tribulation into two 3.5-year periods. There is no reason to divide tribulation into two halves unless something very significant happens midpoint.
There are other supporting facts for a mid-tribulation such as the ministry of the 144,000 Jews starts halfway through the tribulation. This is where God removes the Christians as His ambassadors on earth and replaces them with the Jewish believers.
The best way to determine whether the rapture occurs is by eliminating verses that have no support for their theory. We can rule out a per and post tribulation rapture based on the following verses. Taking a broad definition, there were no verses that could rule out a mid-tribulation rapture.
Rules Out "Post-Tribulation" Rapture Theory
Rules Out "Pre-Tribulation" Rapture Theory
"Comparison is the thief of joy"
― Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
26th President of the United States
One day millions of believers all over the world will be "caught up" or "vanish" from the face of the earth, this event will usher in the second half of the Tribulation period. We can surmise that the secular, fake Media will speculate that it was aliens from outer space responsible for all the people who vanished, but don't believe a word of it. The single thing that the millions of missing people will have in common is that they were all committed Christians. There is a high concentration of practicing Christians in the Americas and many of them are hardworking people. The United States economy and across the globe will be significantly impacted adversely by this major loss in the workforce. When all the Christian people are removed from the earth, who's Left? A world full of ungodly people needing redemption.
The rapture will cause the financial instability and the world financial markets will go into a free fall. Markets all over the word will literally collapse overnight. The world will be thrown into chaos and fear which will give rise to the Antichrist, who will offer the unbelieving security and peace in exchange for forfeiting their freedoms.
If you don't think a collapse of the financial markets is possible, just look at our current US National Debt (link below). The US Government has refused to balance the budget for the past 20+ years. Instead, they have been printing trillions of dollars that we do not have, increasing the national debit in order to offset unnecessary spending while devaluing the US dollar. This is truly the elephant in the room that the US Congress, Senate and Presidency continually ignore. Unfortunately, an economic implosion event must happen in order for the Antichrist can gain full control of the Centralized Banking System which are already consolidating. Elimination the US dollar is a major first step in forming a global currency. With the recent formation of the Euro, don't think this can't happen too overnight.
There will be millions of Nominal Christians left behind during the rapture event. The word “nominal” means, “in name only.” Therefore, nominal Christians are Christians in name only, but yet their life, their fruits, their true inner beliefs and their works (even the things they do in secret) is unrepentant and contrary to the word of God even though they bear the name “Christian”. These individuals have not responded in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord". They may be a practicing or non-practicing church member.
"Mistakes are part of the dues that one pays for a full life."
― Sophia Loren
Actor and Singer
Damascus, one of the great cities of the ancient world, is currently the capital city of modern-day Syria. It's the oldest city in the world inhabited for thousands of years and the cities name has never changed. In all of its long history, the city has never been destroyed. Below the city of Damascus is mentioned in Genesis. The interesting thing about it appearing in the verse is that this was the first recorded Israeli war in the Bible. Will this city also be involved in the first war of the Tribulation? The verse below is also the first time Abram is called "Abram the Hebrew".
In the last days, Damascus will be totally annihilated in a matter of moments according to Isaiah's prophesy below. The "sign" that Israel's (Jacob) glory will be made thin speaks of the ongoing strained relations between Syria and Israel. With Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad as the country's current leader, it's not a far stretch for us to see this prophesy fulfilled especially if Syria strikes first with biological, nuclear or chemical warhead. Israel will retaliate with devastating nuclear force. Israel counterattack strategy, "Samson Option", is already in place.
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave."
― Frederick Douglas
Based on the table of nations found in Genesis 10 outlining the sons of Noah and their descendants, we identify Mgog as the land also known as the Soviet Empire (Russia). The Soviet Union is the country farthest north of Israel in Ezekiel 38. Gog is the prince who rules over Gog (Russia) comprised of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Turkey). The allies of Mgog (Russia) are Persia (Iran-Iraq), Ethiopia-Africa (Cush), Libya-North Africa (Put), Gomer (Southern Russia-Slavic countries, Hungaria, Prussians.) and all its armies along with the armies of Beth-togarmah (Turkey) from the distant north, and many others. These are the allied countries in the Gog-Mgog war (Armageddon) as described in Ezerkiel 38 & 39 who attack Israel. In order for this prophesy to be fulfilled, the old Soviet Empire must be rebuilt and it's happening now. The message of Ezekiel 38 is that Russia will equip the other allied nations militarily to raid against Israel. This also seems to fit the description of modern-day Russia.
This will be the most numerous army that has ever been assembled on the face of the earth meaning that it will be greater than the 20 million Russian soldiers assembled during WW2. What's fascinating is that the Israelis will destroy this force with certain consequences. Ezekiel 39 says none of the invading army's equipment will be destroyed only the soldiers and their animals will be wiped-out. It also says that this can't happen until Israel achieves untold prosperity and becomes a country without army, air force or navy meaning it has completely disarmed. At this point the nations of the world will know this is not an accident. No Israeli suffers in the war. They'll realize God has a hand in this outcome because this would be impossible to defeat an horde of that size without an army. The tens of millions of dead soldiers' burial site will be in the geographical area between Jerusalem and the Jordan river known as the Valley of Hamon-Gog (Dibon). It's the same valley the Jordanians tried to take in the 1967 war. Over 2 million Jewish men are engaged full-time burying the tens of millions of dead soldiers over a seven-month period (Ezekiel 39:11-16). The Israelites border will expand into Jordan and Lebanon, and they will gain political power and control over the area as a military province but will not occupy it.
Sheba (India, Pakistan, Nepal), and Dedan (Mongoloid nations, Indonesia), and the merchants of Tarshish (Spain, Holland, Britain, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand) will be the countries that verbally rebuke the northern invader (Soviet Union) and their allies when they come to invade Israel in Ezekiel 38:13.
With recent control of Crimea, Chechnya, Georgia and now Ukraine by the Soviet Union, we are witnessing the beginnings of the return of the Soviet Empire. The next countries to be invaded and controlled by the Soviet Union will be the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia), Poland, East Germany, Turkey and Iran. This assumes that we are correct in identifying Mggo as the Soviet Union which is directly north of Israel. There is room for debate when using a table of nations to identify Mgog and its allies. It's difficult to do this and not an exact because the table of nations is referring to people groups, not geography. People groups do migrate and could be located somewhere else today. Although I do think God wanted us to be able to identify these areas so that we would know that when this prophesy is being fulfilled and we know no other options. We can say that the recent allied relationship between Russia and Iran has been strengthening with arms sales before our very eyes. Both are oil-rich countries grappling with grueling Western sanctions as of 2023.
Additional Source: The Late Great Planet Earth, Book by Carla C. Carlson and Hal Lindsey
The following Arab countries conspire against Israel in the end days to fulfill Isaiah 17 prophesy. Edom (Esau, son of Jacob): Edomites & Amalekites are decedents of Esau in Moab which is inn the Egyptian Sinai. Lot: Moabites & Ammonites are descendants of Lot, Ammon is Central Jordan or modern day city of Jbeil, Lebanon. Children of Lot are people in Lebanon. Hagarenes (Hagar): The mother of Ishmael are Hagrites descendants located in modern day Saudi Arabia. Amalek & Philistines: descendants are located in modern day Gaza - the home of Hamas. Assur: located in modern day Syria and Iraq. The reason for the attack is because they want the choice pastural lands surrounding Jerusalem;
One thing we know is that Damascus is annihilated with nuclear force. The surrounding Arab countries will be defeated with a thermonuclear weapon (neutron bomb) that will eliminate ground forces, but do not destroy them completely.
It's believe that the Psalm 83 war is a separate (also described in Obadiah 1), distinct war from the final war on Israel described in Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Gog, Magog war). This is primarily because Psalm 83 carefully excludes the non-Arab Muslim states of Russia, Iran Pakistan, and Turkey. In Ezekiel 38 & 39 they are included in the confederate of countries lead by Persia (Iran) in the second and final attack on Israel which doesn't list the Psalm 83 Arab-Muslim countries. Why are the Psalm 83 Arab countries not listed? It's because they are neutralized by the Psalm 83 war. Once the Psalm 83 war is over, then so will be the Arab threat to Israel. Israel is also described in Ezekiel as a land without walls and gates:
This attack can only happen if the Arab-Muslim countries are neutralized within striking distance to Israel. After the Psalm 83 war, the world is so terrified that it will give control over to a leader who is powerful enough to enforce peace. This false leader and deliverer is the Antichrist.
The Bible supports that these two wars are separated by the rapture of the Christian Church which will be during a time of peace and security within the State of Israel before the Ezekiel 38 & 39, Gog, Magog war begins. The Gog, Magog war is the mother of all wars and is referred to as Armageddon.
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
— C.S. Lewis
British Writer and Lay Theologian
Over the past fifty years, the European Churches attendance has been declining rapidly primarily because their societies have turned entirely secular. All the while the church has stood by silently, afraid to stir up the pot with corrupt European Governments. In addition, European Governments have allowed and encouraged a large influx of non-Christian, foreign cultures (majority Muslim) into their countries who have no plans to assimilate into the European culture. This has only compounded the problem. The remainder of the world is primarily made-up of non-Christian based societies including: China, India, Middle East, Africa, etc. There are scattered Christian's sect's found in most countries who are persecuted for their faith. They too will be "caught up" with other believers on that day.
Africa use to be called the "Dark Continent" because there was no Christianity found there (Jesus and His followers are the Light in a dark world). That has drastically changed over the past century. Africa has been replaced by Europe as the new, even darker, "Dark Continent" and the United States of America isn't far behind. What makes America situation worse is that we are deliberately throwing away the Light that has blessed our country since it's birth.
"Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man."
― Dwight L. Moody
American Evangelist
We now see church attendance declining in the United States too along with the rise of false religious faiths. Prayer has been removed from our schools and God's word stripped from many public spaces. As God disappears, so does a societies moral compass. Moral decay and lawlessness is increasing rapidly across the United States. We are quickly becoming the modern day "Sodom and Gomorrah" with increased abortion, homosexuality, gender neutrality becoming mainstream, accepted behaviors. These progressive behaviors create a regressive society. The Internet and smart phones are great technological advances, if not abused. Facebook, Google, Instagram and Twitter have become public sewers that censor and track us and are run by secular companies that are now responsible for raising our children. We will soon surpass secular European allies with open borders, encouraged lawlessness, wokeness and recent "cancel culture" ideologies.
Why are people are leaving the Church?
The Church should be the place where people can go to ask the hardest question and have those questions answered. Churches should be using the book of nature to bring skeptics to the book of scripture.
According to recent research by Springtide Research Institute, many young people consider themselves religious or spiritual, but they are wary of religious institutions. And so, they are approaching their faith in ways that, to an outside observer, might not look like traditional worship. Springtide’s latest survey found that 71% of Americans between the ages of 13 and 25 identify as religious and 78% embrace the label spiritual. But they don’t find much comfort inside the four walls of a church. Even among those who identify as “very religious,” only 40% said they found comfort by connecting with their religious community “during challenging or uncertain times,” the report stated. While almost half of those surveyed reported they attended at least one online service during the pandemic, only 13% reported finding joy in virtual worship; a similarly low percentage said that they found hope in online services.
Experts said that because the numbers reveal a deep disconnect between America’s youth and the country’s religious institutions, religious leaders seeking to keep the young in the fold don’t need to think about better programs in their churches, synagogues or mosques. Rather, they need to think outside of the institutional box.
Josh Packard, executive director of Springtide Research Institute, explained that while young Americans are distrustful of religious institutions, “They express a high level of trust in individual relationships. You’ll hear young people say, ‘I don’t like youth ministers, but I like my youth minister.’”
"Civilizations in decline are consistently characterized by a tendency towards standardization and uniformity."
― Arnold Toynbee
Historian (14 Apr 1889-1975)
The United States, and Western Europe (Tarshish) are allied today as described in the prophecy verse below, while Russia (leader Gog and Magog) continues to build alliances with Middle Eastern nations of Iran (Persia), Sudan - Ethiopia (Cush), North Africa - Libya (Put), and most of the other nations of the Middle East in the Persian Gulf are aligned against the West, again just as prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39. This alignment is setting the stage for Armageddon.
The USA is only mentioned once in the Old Testament prophesy as the "young lions" of the merchants of Tarshish. Great Britain is one of the merchants of Tarnish whose national symbol is the "lion" that once ruled over American colonies "young lion" until its independence in 1776.
Why isn't America mention more in the last days? We believe that the rapture event impacts the stability of America to the point where it is no longer the world superpower. The people who remain are judged harshly by Jesus Christ for the lack of faith, immorality and the abrupt stance for traditional Judeo-Christian values.
In 1630 a sermon by John Winthrop is now famous mainly for its proclamation that “we shall be as a city upon a hill.” Beginning in the 1970s, Ronald Reagan placed that line, from that sermon, at the center of his political career. Tracing the story of America from John Winthrop forward, Reagan built a powerful articulation of American exceptionalism—the idea, as he explained, “that there was some divine plan that placed this great continent between two oceans to be sought out by those who were possessed of an abiding love of freedom and a special kind of courage.” In 2012, American exceptionalism—as summarized by the phrase “city on a hill”—became an official plank in the platform of the Republican party. Hardly anyone knew this sermon existed, and no one described the nation as a “city on a hill.” It wasn’t just Reagan who picked it up, either. After Perry Miller discovered the origin in a mostly forgotten text, John Winthrop’s text has been quoted by almost every president to hold office: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
― J.K. Rowling
It took mankind from Noah's Flood until 1850 to reach the 1st Billion people on Earth. It took from 1850 to 1930 to reach two billion and we reach three billion people in 1960. Now we are over eight billion people worldwide as of 2022. We are approaching a point where the number of people that can be redeemed is becoming exponential signaling that the end of the age is closing in.
Do you know why Christians say "Amen" after prayer? It means "I believe" or “to be trusted." Jesus is the "Amen".
"I would rather wear out than rust out"
― George Whitefield
Evangelist, 1770, Newburyport, MA
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