Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Jesus never claimed to be anyone other than God in the flesh. In the Gospel of John, there are many instances where Jesus makes a statement alluding to His own divinity. These are known as the "I AM" statements. When Moses asked God how He should be identified to the Israelites, God said "I AM WHO I AM"…Say this to the people of Israel: "I AM has sent me to you". This phrase implies the simplest expression of God's nature: He just is, He must be. When Jesus uses this phrasing, He is deliberately invoking that same essence. The Jews knew exactly what Jesus was saying, He was claiming to be Yahweh (YHWH), the Hebrew name for God. The Jewish elite considered this declaration to be blasphemy and used it to have Him killed.
Genesis 3:15 declares God’s judgment on Satan the serpent for his part in the fall of Adam by deceiving Eve. Even in this judgment, there is mercy. God’s curse on the serpent, in particular, was laced with words of hope. The woman mentioned is Eve. Eve's offspring or "seed" would eventually produce Mary the mother of Jesus who ultimatly defeated Satan on the cross. Just when Satan thought he had won the spiritual battle by Christ's death (strike his heel), but then he realized he was defeated or crushed instead through His payment of our sins, burial and our eternal restoration by His resurrection.
We believe the antagonism of the Satan's seed against the woman’s seed in the first half of the verse refers to the ongoing spiritual battle raging between the ungodly children of Satan (John 8:38-44) and the godly seed of the woman or those who fear God, obey His Word and love others (1 John 3:1-10). The second half of the verse becomes more personal. It clearly refers to a battle between Satan himself and one specific man from the woman’s many offspring (identified simply as “He”). This prophecy promised that one special man from the woman’s seed would destroy the works of the Satan, although He would be wounded in the process.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase."
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
American Baptist Minister & Activist
Jesus’ “I am” statements would have particular significance to the first-century Jewish listener. God had revealed Himself to Moses with a resounding “I AM” (Exodus 3:14). Jesus used the same words to describe Himself (John 4:26; 6:20; 13:19). Below is a list of Jesus’ “I am” statements found primarily in the Book of John.
The Messiah was known as the Redeemer (Savior). Jesus called himself the Savior in 1 John 4:14 and so does God in the following verse. Jesus also called Himself the first (alpha) and last (omega) in Revelation 1:8 which God is also referred to below. Therefore, Jesus and God are equal. This is a great statement of the Trinity in how we can have one Savior ans also have two individuals identifying as Him.
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”
― C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity
What makes Jesus the "perfect blood sacrifice" is that Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life serving others. If He had committed 1 sin, Christianity as a faith goes out the door.
Jesus was arrested after Judas Iscariot betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver. He was taken to the Sanhedrin (Jewish Council) by Temple guards who mocked Him because Pontius Pilot and King Herod couldn't find a crime to charge Him with. There was no legitimate trial for Jesus. His life was traded in exchange for Barabbas, a well-known criminal, who already been thrown into prison for an insurrection in Jerusalem and murder.
There has been much debate over whether some of these or all of these rules were in place back in 33 A.D. When Jesus was killed, since the Mishnah was not written and codified until about 200 A.D. For several centuries oral tradition had passed down these set of laws. The fact that these were primarily Pharisaical laws and not written until after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. leads to a second objection. However, the absence of any mention of the Pharisees after Jesus’ arrest may indicate that the proceedings of the Sanhedrin was completely dominated by the Sadducees who cared very little about the laws endorsed by the Pharisees. Below is a list of the 22 laws that were broken by the Sadducees when it came to Jesus' conviction.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
— Abraham Lincoln
16th US President
22 Rules Broken at Yeshuas Trial (pdf)
DownloadWe don't know exactly how many times the Romans soldiers whipped Jesus, but Moses' Law refers to flogging (phragellosas) as 40 lashes less one, or 39 lashes. The term was meant to be a biblical one in that 40 lashes are what was determined to be enough to kill a man according to the Old Testament and thus 39 lashes was the most you give a man without declaring a penalty of death. See "Stripes" section below.
According to the scripture, Jesus experienced two floggings;
From this, we can safely assume that there were two floggings, a light one given as a way to appease the Jews and a far more brutal one preparing Jesus for the crucifixion.
The prophet Isaiah prophesied about the stripes of the Messiah that would bring healing to all mankind:
*Stripes: as a punishment were not to exceed forty (Deuteronomy 25:1-3), and hence arose the custom of limiting them to thirty-nine (2 Corinthians 11:24). Paul claimed the privilege of a Roman citizen in regard to the infliction of stripes (Acts 16:37,38; 22:25-29).
Who were the Sanhedrin? They were a group of approximately ~70 male elders of the elite, religious Jewish high council. These elder Rabbis were appointed to sit as a tribunal in every city in the ancient Land of Israel. They had the power of life and death over the Jewish people. Sanhedrin (a.k.a. Jews) were well educated scholars who had to memorize the entire Old Testament in Hebrew. In Jesus' day, the Sadducees dominated the Sanhedrin, although there were a few Pharisees in the council (Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimathea). The Sadducees were a Jewish sect whose members were primarily from wealthy priestly aristocratic families. The Pharisees (Perisha) - meaning separated one) received the full support and goodwill of the common people in contrast to the more elite Sadducees or the Essene.
In the Gospel accounts Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin Chief Priests, was instrumental in facilitating the Crucifixion of Jesus. Yet in the Gospel of John, Caiaphas utters a “prophecy” about the death of Jesus and its salvific effects. Caiaphas prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation in order to gather together in one the children of God that were scattered. Why would Caiaphas, who is presented in the Gospels as an unrighteous man, prophesy about the redemptive death of Jesus and then immediately conspire “to put him to death” (John 11:53)? Caiaphas makes a political calculation, suggesting that it would be better for "one man" (Jesus) to die than for "the whole nation" to be destroyed.
The Sanhedrin (Jewish elite) were finally disbanded in 425 A.D. after continued persecution by the Eastern Roman Empire. For the first time in almost 1,600 years the Sanhedrin reconvened and recently met because they believe this generation will be the one that rebuilds the Third Temple in Jerusalem. This prophesy's fulfillment began in 1948 when Israel became a nation and the migration back to their homeland is being fulfilled as we speak. This is truly a sign of the end times.
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."
— -John Ruskin
Author, Art critic, & Social Reformer
When Jesus was nailed to the cross he experienced more suffering than any human could ever experience. We have good reason to believe that He recited King David's entire Psalm 22 while hanging on the cross.
Two criminals were executed along with Jesus at place called the Skull (Golgotha in Aramaic ). Jesus was crucified with the criminals, one on his right, the other on his left. What's important to notice is how each criminal reacted to the peoples mocking and sneering at Jesus.
The reason criminal #2 went to paradise was not because he was a guilty, it was the way he reacted to Jesus.
Criminal #2 also knew that he didn't have much time left to seek forgiveness. Because of his actions, Jesus brought him into His paradise that day. It's not very wise to wait until the last minute to seek salvation since we never know when our final moment on earth will come. Jesus was forsaken on the cross, so we would never be forsaken by God.
Dismas is the name tradition gives to the man crucified to the right of the Lord, and upon whom is bestowed a dubious title: the “Good Thief”. The Gospel of Luke describes him asking Jesus to "remember him" when Jesus comes into his kingdom. He is given the name Dismas in the Gospel of Nicodemus and is traditionally known in Catholicism as Saint Dismas who is the first Saint to enter Heaven.
The time between Matthew 27:46 and Luke 23:46 was the time in which Jesus was paying for our sins. The Bible records that darkness covered the earth for this three hour period. We know in Matthew 27:46 Jesus was separated from God, but in Luke 23:46 He is back with God and the Holy Spirit. Peter says that when Jesus died he traveled to one part of Hades in order to pay for our sins. Jesus descended into Hell, but not into torment. Jesus first went into the place called Paradise as he promised the thief on the cross in Luke 23:43. Then He traveled to another part of Hades called Tartarus that held unbelievers and fallen angels from the time of Noah's flood (2 Peter 2:4, 1 Peter 3:18-20). Before the flood, Satan tried to commingle the human race with The Sons of God (fallen angels) to the point where there would be no more true humans left on earth (Genesis 6:1-4). Their offspring we called Nephilim. Satan did this so there could be no Savior of the world because Jesus would have to be born part fallen angel. Scripture states that Jesus Christ had to be the Son of Man (100% human flesh, 1 Timothy 2:5), not part fallen angel. If there were no more true human beings, Satan's ploy was to go before God and say that God cannot condemn him or any fallen angel because they are also part of this human race. Jesus went to those were disobedient at the time of Noah's Flood to announce that He still succeed in paying the penalty for mankind's sin despite all their efforts to prevent His birth. He didn't go there to preach to them that they might be saved because they were destined to die once, and after that to face judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
Jesus would remain in Paradise until He was resurrected from the dead the 3rd day. Before He was resurrected, He emptied the part of Hades that held believers from the Old Testament called Paradise (Ephesians 4:8-10). Before Christ's death on the cross, Satan owned the title deed to the earth because of Adam and Eve's fall, so that is why all the believes before Christ's death were held captive in Paradise. When Jesus died on the cross, he got the land deed to the earth back and immediately He went to claim His believers in Paradise that did the singular "good" deed which is believe and the evil deed is to reject it. (John 5:28-29).
The moment Jesus died on the cross the curtain that blocked access to the Holy of Holies (God) located in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The curtain measured 20 feet by 20 feet and was four inches thick. This was truly a miraculous event. The curtain was put there as a symbol making the point that because of our sin we are not able to come into the presence of God. Christ death on the cross caused the curtain to be torn which now made it possible for us to have direct access to God and come into His presence though Christ if we receive the offer of redemption.
Jesus last word on the cross was recorded in Koine Greek as "TeTelesTai" meaning "it is finished" or "paid in full". In Jesus day, when a person paid off a load they were issued a receipt that was stamped with the word “tetelestai” which meant that their debt was "paid in full." When Jesus died on the cross, he was paying off our sin debt once and for all.
The charge on the proton and electron are exactly the same size but opposite. Neutrons have no charge. Since opposites attract, protons and electrons attract each other. or held together by a force. The nucleus of an atom is held together by a "strong force" while the electrons are held in the atom by a electromagnetic "force" which keeps them attached to the atom (picture to left). There are nuclear "forces" that keep the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. The force required to split the protons and neutrons in a Hydrogen atom releases energy in an explosion. Think about how many atoms are in the universe and how much power is required to hold them together. Christ is the power or glue that holds every atom in the universe together. Science will never know where this "force" or glue comes from that holds the universe together, but we know it is Jesus Christ.
Every atom is a nucleus orbited by electrons. Every nucleus is built of protons. Every proton is - but there you reach the end of the line. Inside the proton lies the deep, unsettling truth: Stuff is made of almost nothing, held together by glue, lots of glue called gluons. Physicists first began to suspect this in 1973. Lately it has been proved by experiments.
To give an idea of the energy required; a hydrogen bomb relies on fusion, the process of taking two separate atoms and putting them together to form a third atom. With a hydrogen bomb, Deuterium is fused into Helium because it's easier to fuse than Hydrogen. The energy output of Hydrogen into Helium is .68%* of the rest mass. using the formula E = mc^2, where E = energy, m = mass and c = the speed of light. We will apply the formula to a single mole of hydrogen below (a bit over 1 gram, so not very much).
That's about 145 tons of TNT equivalent. It's a significant amount of energy (1/100th of Hiroshima) from what's basically the amount of hydrogen you find in 1/3 of 1 ounce of water.
*It takes 4 hydrogen atoms to fuse into each helium atom. During the process some of the mass is converted into energy. The difference between the mass of 4 H atoms and 1 He atom is ~0.68% of the original mass.
Jesus Christ ability to control all matter is how He will be able to resurrect all the bodies of the dead at the rapture of the Church and the unsaved dead of all time on judgement day. Once you're dead the world will forget your existence over time, but Jesus will not. He knows exactly where all your dust has settled.
There are many miracle of healings that Jesus performed during His ministry. Jesus performed many physical healings in order to bring people to a spiritual healing. The problem was that most of the healings led some to people focus more on the physical healing which is temporary, not the spiritual healing which is eternal. We believe the greatest of these miracles are the ones that defy the laws of physics and natural order. In order to perform these miracles He must have control over all matter in the universe.
Jesus Walks on the Water
Jesus Calms the Storm
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
All the miracles Jesus performed were designed to teach some greater truth. Jesus performed many miracles in the gospels and we'd like to analyze one of them for its deeper meaning. First, there are 3 Greek words used in the original gospel text for describing the word "miracle";
The word "semeion" is used exclusively in the Book of John to describe a miracle. John builds his gospel around seven (God's number of perfection) specific instances where he observed the "semeion" Jesus performed. In John 2:6-11 (below) is Jesus' first recorded miracle. What was the deeper, hidden meaning of changing the water into wine at the wedding ceremony performed near the city of Kafr Kanna (Cana).
In Jesus' first miracle there were six earthen jars (30 gallons each) that Jesus asked the servants to fill them up with water. The stone jars were typically filled wit water and used in the Jewish ceremonial system of purification. The number six represents the number of man because Adam was created on the sixth day. The jars are a physical vessel just as man is a living vessel that needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit (water). The subplot is that Jesus is doing something that can be done in any man regardless of the vessel. The vessel only needs to be available and clean. The association of wine wit the Messianic age was prophesized in Jerimiah 31.12 and Amos 9:14 as a time of abundance in the Old Testament. This could also have been why Jesus chose wine. Earthen jars were typically filled with water for ceremonial cleansing of the feet. The water in the jars represents the Holy Spirit and filling the jars represent the physical act of baptism or being filled with the Holy Spirit. People in the first century would go to a bath house to wash their entire bodies. When they would walk or return home their feet would get dirty on the way, but not the rest of their bodies. Once we get baptized or born again, we are cleansed forever by the Holy Spirit in us, but our feet will always need to be cleansed with our daily walk with Christ because we sill have our sin nature. We wash our feet daily by confessing our sin to God and are immediately forgiven because all sin has already been paid in full by Christ's death on the cross. The "red" wine represents the blood Christ shed on the cross. That's why it's hard to be in fellowship with God when your feet are dirty or there is known sin in your life that we have not confessed. If we claim we don't have sin, then God says we are a liar (1 John 1:6).
When the servants filled the jars with water it symbolized the "living water" or "Holy Spirit". Notice the vessels are already empty meaning they are "available" and they are "clean". Those are the only two requirements God asks of any man to enter His kingdom. Then the transformation miracle occurs and water becomes wine. It's not the cheap wine either, but the fine wine that is produced. The good wine is a symbol of a life filled with joy once we are baptized in the spirit (Ecclesiastes 9:7, Psalm 104:15). God is also saying that once we are transformed we too have this power from God in our living bodies in the light of the Holy Spirit. He is describing the joy a Christian life brings because the things we do in His name from that point on are the things that are eternal. They say "you can't take it with you", but that's not true for a Christian. Every time a Christian is faced with a circumstance that we have no control over and instead of panicking, we believe and rest in God's promises, we are granted an eternal reward. This reward also applies to us for reaching out to others who can't repay you and sharing the message of Gods salvation promise in Jesus Christ.
In John 11:1–44, Jesus resurrects Lazarus of Bethany who was very ill and the brother of Mary and Martha Magdalene. Lazarus died and had been deceased for four days when Jesus commands him to come out of the tomb. Jesus waited four days on purpose so there was no mistake that Lazarus was deceased because the body was in a state of decay. For Jesus to do that should be enough evidence for anyone as to His identity because no one could do that except God alone. This was the ultimate, miraculous sign in the Gospels as to Jesus identity. This was a sure sign that should convince any rational person that Jesus must be the son of God and Messiah. It brought everyone who witnessed the grieving and Lazarist's resurrection to a point where they had to make a decision. The religious ones from Jerusalem who had come to comfort the family of Lazarus during his time of death were still divided in their repose. Still some had seen all the evidence and turned it down. There was plenty of evidence The issue goes to to the heart and something much deeper which is their religious blindness.
The following verse explains why the Pharisees refused to believe what they saw. They were more interested in controlling and preserving the temple, while not having their authority compromised.
In the Old Testament Elijah raises a widows son from the dead, but he was only dead for a few hours. In the case of Lazarus he had been dead for four full days. It's also interesting in this verse that there's a foreshadowing reference to Christ's resurrection.
At the entrance of the Temple people with disabilities would gather so that others would take pity on them and make charity offerings. One day Jesus uses a blind mans disability to glorify God to the Pharisees (Jews) who were searching for an excuse to kill Him. The Jews you would lead you to believe that the only reason anyone would suffer from some tragedy, especially physical disability like blindness, is because they are being punished for their sins, their parents sins or because they don't have enough faith and don't positively confess Gods word. Indeed, bad things happen to to good people like the blind man because God has a greater, eternal purpose.
God is setting the stage using the mans physical blindness to demonstrate to the Jews, in real life form, that to be blind to the real light (Jesus is the Messiah) or to be spiritually blind to the truth is the worse types of blindness.
The "Pool of Siloam" means the pool of the one that will be sent (their Messiah). People would go to the pool to pray for the Messiah to come and solve all of their problems. The pool became a place where the disabled stayed waiting to be healed by the water itself which was not the living water Jesus was preaching about. Jesus purposely uses saliva mixed with dirt to put it in his eyes and there are several reasons He does this;
1. He wanted to pick a good fight with the religious leaders because it was the Sabbath, He also knew all of their made up rules that had been elevated to be more important than the word of God, For instance, saliva and wine were considered as a means of healing people and you could only apply it over the eye, but not under the eye because that would be considered work (work cannot be performed on the Sabbath). We know it sounds crazy, but that's how twisted the law had become. Jesus not only mixed the water with mud to make clay which is work, He also applied it to the blind mans eyes which infuriated the Pharisees.
2. There is a symbolic meaning from Genesis 2 when God formed Adam from the earth he uses dust and breath life into his nostrils. Here Jesus is using His saliva and dirt from the earth to form mud to put in the blind mans eye to heal him. He did something the blind man could feel and know that this person stepped into his dark world to solve his problem. Then Jesus sends him over to the pool which represents "the Messiah" to was the mud from his eyes. The man born blind could now see the Messiah that he and the others had been waiting for. Of course this event went right over the Pharisees' heads because they were blind to Jesus being their Messiah. There were some that were determined not to believe their own eyes, even the blind man was still spiritually blind. The Pharisees were only concerned that Jesus broke one of their rules on the Sabbath and not that a miracle had just occurred.
The Jews then did not believe that he had been born blind and had received sight. They went to the extreme to call on the blind mans parents and question them saying, “19 Is this your son, who you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?” 20 His parents then answered and said, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind; 21 but how he now sees, we do not know; or who opened his eyes, we do not know. Ask him; he is of age, he will speak for himself.” His parents were afraid if they said it was Jesus Christ who healed him that they would be excommunicated from the synagogue which meant you were cutoff from people, the covenants of God and would going to hell.
The feeding of 5,000 Jews miracle occurred near the small fishing village of Bethsaida (Luke 10:13) which is also the same town where the blind man was healed. This was also home to three of Jesus disciples (Peter, Andrew and Philip). He performed the miracle here instead on Tyre or Sidon because the people were open to His message of repentance and redemption.
The numbers in these two miracles is the key in understanding the underlining meaning. Jesus disciples were told to reflect on the miracles giving special attention to the number of baskets collected.
Manna is an edible substance God provided to the Israelites while they were in the desert for a 40-year period following the Exodus from Egypt. What does the word "Manna" mean? Manna in Hebrew means "what is it"
Did you know that the same God that parted the Red Sea also parted the Jordan River. He parted the Jordan river afterwards to remind the younger generation of the first miracle.
The basic assumptions of physics is that the laws of physics are the same at all times and places throughout the universe. That constancy is foundational to the scientific method and is the basis for all scientific research. Recent advances are yielding an even stronger case for unchanging physical laws, a development that also supports the claim of ancient biblical texts.
The millennia before scientists established the principle of unchanging laws of physics, the Bible stated that the fundamental physics of the universe has not and does not change. In Jeremiah 33 God declares that he is not like humans who seem to always change their minds. God offers an analogy. As he “established the fixed laws of heaven and earth” so, too, God’s nature and character attributes are fixed.
The constancy of the laws of physics that govern the universe and Earth, if scientifically established, would affirm the Bible’s reliability in describing the natural realm and in accurately predicting future scientific discoveries. It would also refute young-earth creationist models. Young-earth creationists acknowledge that if the laws of physics indeed are fixed throughout Earth’s history, Earth must be several billion years old (4.53 billion). Hence, they posit (assume to be fact) that radical alterations in the laws of physics, by factors of millions or billions of times, occurred either when Adam first sinned or during Noah’s flood, or both. God's laws of physics do not change and nether does His character attributes.
The laws of physics have been constant since the creation event. There are instances in the Old and New Testament where these laws are violated, but it's always by the hands of God. There are many miracle that Jesus performs that violet the laws of physics. Any violation is always at the hands of God who is not subject to the laws of physics. We are subject to these laws and all other matter in the universe, but the God who transcends the universe can.
Jesus badge of honor was being given the title of the "Son of Man". Jesus loved to use this title more than any other when referring to himself. What was unique or the great novelty about this title that He was both 100% man and God. While Jesus was on earth everything He did came from divine instruction from God The Father and not from His own divine nature. He laid His divine nature aside to do the father's will. Jesus never used any of His own divine power unless it was God's will such as performing miracles.
Jesus had always been God. God "The Son" stepped out of eternity into time to be born through a virgin as a man. This was something new and that took the greatest sacrifice He ever made. To take upon Himself forever a human nature and be bound to his divine nature. The Son of Man title means that Jesus is the only one that has the right to judge mankind. Neither God the Father or The Holy Spirit have the legal right to judge mankind.
Jesus as a true human being depended on God to work through his humanity just as He calls upon believers to call on the powers of the Holy Spirit to work the things He wants us to accomplish in life. So when we say to "walk in the footsteps of Jesus", we are talking about depending on the same Holy Spirit who worked in and through Him. Because of our sin nature we can't walk perfectly as Jesus did, but the same method is available to us.
After Jesus was baptized He went into the wilderness for 40 days to fast. It was there that God invited Satan to tempt the second person of the Trinity (Matthew 4:1). Temptation is what we humans experience daily and in order to be called the son of man, Christ too had to be subjected to temptation. God did this because it was essential to demonstrate to all of humanity that Jesus was tempted to far greater degree than any human has been tempted. Jesus walked in our shoes and suffered in every way that we suffer. He was tempted in every way that we are tempted and at a far greater degree than any of us have experienced. This was done so that no human being could say that Jesus didn't suffer like we've suffered or tempted like we've been tempted. God chose Him for our redemption before He created anything at all.
Did the Romans kill Jesus? Was it the Sanhedrin? Was it Father God? It was Jesus' love for us that cost Him His life. God freely offered up His only son as a sacrificial, unblemished lamb for the final blood atonement for the sins of all humanity. Jesus willingly went to the cross knowing the punishment and separation from God He was going to experience. At any instant Jesus could have taken himself off the cross but chose His Father's will instead of His own. Jesus showed His human side in the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem just before heading to the cross.
Jesus was in anguish because He knew what was about to happen to Him on the cross. He was in such distress that He began sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane (picture on the left). Hematidrosis is a condition in which capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands rupture, causing them to exude blood, occurring under conditions of extreme physical or emotional stress. We find it interesting that the word Gethsemane in Hebrew means "olive press" which help paint an image of the olives being crushed by the rotating press just as Jesus was about to get crushed by the Jewish and Roman authorities.
1,500 years before Christ went to the cross, the foreshadowing of Jesus sacrifice was told in the pages Genesis. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son on the third day of the journey (Genesis 22:4) or when Abraham takes the wood and puts it on his son Isaac's shoulder (Genesis 22:6). Instead of Abraham sacrificing Isaac, God provides a lamb for the burnt offering.
There are two instances in the Bible where Jesus wept and displayed His human side. The first was just before He raises Lazarus from the dead which John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Bible. The second time was during the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday.
"The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints."
― Abigail VanBuren
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