Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Biblical Christianity is not a religion. It's an individual's personal relationship to God through a union with Jesus Christ established by faith. Christian core principles are established by faith plus the free gift of salvation, which in return produces good works according to our talents. Below is Christianity's redemption plan:
Faith + Salvation = Good Works
Salvation is not based on merit. Performing good works does not promise us eternal life in Heaven. This is one attribute of Christianity that separates it from all faith-based religions. So, when someone says, "I’m a good person, I treat others well, I perform good works and that is why I'm going to Heaven”. That may be their personal truth, but that is not what the Bible proclaims. The God of the Bible says that our own human effort does not grant salvation, it's a free gift given to us by His grace through faith.
Once we believe in Jesus Christ plus nothing, all past and future sins are forgiven, we become God's possession and are now covered by His righteousness. As a believer we were bought and paid for by His blood on the cross and resurrection. About our salvation and forgiveness of sins, we can't earn it, we don't deserve it, we can't buy it and we can never lose it because if we could, we would.
There are two aspects where all faith based religions differ from true Biblical Christianity:
The Christian plan of salvation holds four basic truths:
Jesus Christ came to save us from religion! Religions on the other hand endorse a very different redemption plan:
Faith + Good Works = The Hope of Salvation
Religions claim that faith plus our human performance can provide salvation, but it's never guaranteed because the human performance bar is either an unknown or unattainable. There are many Abrahamic based religions such as Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, Judaism and Jehovah Witness that are essentially cults. The religious collection of ideas includes man-made systems formed among Christian and Jewish sects that originated in the first century. This influence later became known as Gnosticism. Gnosticism (Gnostics) was a prominent heretical movement of the second century that helped spark the formation of many of today's religious groups. We refer to them as the “Jesus Plus Something” faiths because Jesus Christ's free gift of salvation is not enough to secure our eternal life. They all deny the deity of Jesus Christ and promote the Bible scripture verses that only apply to their narrative. Below is a link to the "Religions" section for a more in-depth analysis.
Faith comes from hearing the word of God. A miracle takes place when a person comes to faith by hearing God's word from the Bible. This is not the Logos or written revelation from reading scripture from Genesis to Revelation, but it's the Greek word "Rhema" which is God providing a specific word to a specific person in a specific situation just like when Peter walked on water when Jesus said "Yes, come" in Matthew 14:29.
"The religion of Jesus Christ aims at nothing less than the utter overthrow of all other systems of religion in the world; denouncing them as inadequate to the wants of man, false in their foundations, and dangerous in their tendency."
― Simon Greenleaf
Founder, Harvard Law School
The Trinity is at the heart of the Christian faith and one of it's unique attributes that separates it from other faiths. The word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible and was first used by an early Christian author, Tertullian, in the second century to designate a Biblical doctrine. The doctrine of the Trinity was confirmed by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. Christian doctrine holds that God is one and exists in the form of three coeternal and consubstantial Persons (one essence); God the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We see in the Bible that they speak to one another, so they are separate Persons. They all have the same character attributes of one mind, one purpose, one goal and one plan (not different minds, different purposes, different goals and different plans) although they do divide their works. This is exactly what we see in nature, complete consistency and harmony, not multiple people, multiple designs and multiple creation objectives.
In Christianity we have a God who is experiencing love and giving love before He creates anything.
Performance based religions believe in a single God like Islam and do not have an answer for the origin of love, because they believe God is only one Person. By definition, love requires at least two individuals to express love and receive love. Hinduism on the other hand has many Gods that participate in creation, but they all have different plans. Hinduism says that creation is going to be filled with all of these inconsistencies and contradictions because of how many personal gods are involved. And all of these Gods have separate plans, not a single cohesive plan for salvation. Islam's mantra is that nothing is greater than God (Allah), but their own theology make us human beings greater than God because we come from a being that has no capacity for love and yet we have a capacity for love. To put it another way, the God of Islam must create (humans) in order to experience love. In Christianity, God is not compelled to create. Creating is something He does of His own free will because He is already experiencing love (Trinity) before God creates anything. There are passages in the New and Old Testament that makes the point that God begins his works of redemption before He creates anything, so it's not His top priority.
Love has always existed because God has always existed. Love cannot exist without being given a choice. As the Apostle John explains in his first letter, “God is love” and “love comes from God.” God is love because God is triune and altogether righteous, holy, good, and truthful. Without the triune God of the Bible, love cannot exist. Interesting that skeptics find it easier to accept the feeling or presence of human love, but not the presence of God the Holy Spirit (who is love) when both are equally invisible.
Why are there three persons in the Trinity, not just two? Notice in human psychology where you have two people, you'll get codependent love, but when you you bring in a third individual it breaks that codependency. It's in the Book of Isaiah that most explicitly teaches the doctrine of the Trinity. It repeatedly says that God is one essence, but then he names three persons who all take deity. Jesus shows us grace, God the father loves and the Holy Spirit provides fellowship. For this reason we have different Hebrew names for God. The plural noun Elohim implies more than one person in the Godhead. The singular noun JHWH (Adonai, Jahweh, or Jehovah) is used to distinguish between the persons. Elohim emphasizes the one essence of God. Jehovah emphasizes one person in the Trinity, usually God the Son.
God is one, one essence and God is light. God's light has gone out into all the world and every human has received light from God, through His son Jesus Christ who bestows life on us humans.
1 John 3 says the Father bestows love on His children and 1 John 4 says the Holy Spirit bestows truth on us. We will be judged according to what we have done with that light. If we receive that light we perceive towards salvation. If we reject that light we perceive towards damnation. God's light can be defined as a combination of His love, life and truth. The three Persons or members of the Triune God divide's His labors between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit where each Person relates to us in a distinct way from the other two Persons. One essence mans that all three Persons of the Godhead have the same mind, same purpose and plan, they do not contradict one another. All three have the same character attributes. This is how we should relate to God. Because there are three Persons, they can relate to each other and the way they relate to each other is the way God wants us to relate to one another. It's through the Holy Spirit that we gain increasing truth, through the Father that we receive heightened degrees of love and through Jesus Christ that we experience greater degrees of life.
God's Light = God's Life + God's Love + God's Truth
Light can also be regarded from the standpoint of its composition. Light is one substance, but it is composed of three different components: actinic, luminiferous, and calorific. The composition of light is analogous to the three persons in the Godhead who are of one essence. Light is one with three properties. God is one in essence, but three separate persons. This is a great example to establish that the properties of light are a scientific reflection of the God of the Bible and not a theistic god from other religions. Science only makes sense with a triune God. The Triune God is covered in great detail in 1 John.
Before Christ death on the cross and resurrection, it was possible to lose your salvation as seen In the verse by King David below. Christ death on the cross changed this because He wanted to make sure that once we are saved, we're always saved. There is nothing we can do to lose our salvation.
Just as Christ is the mediator between us an God, the Holy Spirit within us is the mediator between us and unbelievers. This is why every believer is commanded to take on the role of a priest to communicate the truth about the gospels to unbelievers (Mark 16:15).
Another role of the Holy Spirit is that He is the one that keeps Satan from destroying all humanity. The Holy Spirit is the "Restrainer" because He is a Person and a Spiritual being. He is more powerful than Satan and can keep him in check. As we approach the end times found in Revelation, the Holy Spirit will gradually release His hold over evil, so Satan is allowed to recruit followers called "the inhabitants of the Earth", gain control and wreak havoc. Believers should never be afraid of Satan or his followers because the light (Holy Spirit) is in them which is greater.
Jesus had to leave this earth after the resurrection to prepare a place for believers in the Second Creation. The Holy Spirit remained here to be His ambassador on earth. While on Earth Jesus was limited to the number of people He could reach because He was only one person whereas the Holy Spirit which dwells in every believer could preach the gospel reaching a much greater number of people. This is also why He had to die on the cross. The Holy Spirit within us allows us direct connection with God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The holy Spirit within the body of Christ acts as a restrainer of evil on earth. Once the rapture and the restrainer is gone, evil run rampant on earth in the last days just for a brief time.
Below is an example of an Old Testament verse referencing the Trinity that the Jehovah Witness like to omit.
Below is an example of an Old Testament verse referencing the Trinity that the Jehovah Witness like to omit.
"If triangles had a God, he would have three sides."
― Charles de Montesquieu
Philosopher, Writer (1689-1755)
The Bible says that all human beings are made in Gods image. The image of God is not a physical thing, its our (1) Will, (2) Intellect, (3) Emotion, (4) Moral Reason and (5) Eternal Existence. God intended for us to be eternal and live in relationship with Him forever. Humans are the only creation God made in His own image and before the fall of mankind, we were perfect in nature just like Him. Regrettably, our fall from grace gave us a sin nature.
We inherited the curse of a sin nature from our ancestors, Adam & Eve, who were given free will and chose to rebelled against God allowing evil to enter the world. The curse meant that all of their offspring would also be born spiritually dead. The curse of a sin nature created more work, pain, suffering and even death for them and all their descendants.
God banished Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden so they could not also eat from the Tree of Life because if they had eaten from it, they and their descendants would live forever with a sin nature. There would be no need for human redemption or death.
We actually inherit our parents (and grandparents) sins that were not addressed during their life and if we don't rectify them with God, we'll pass them on to our children's, children (generational curses below).
Our lives are intended to be an imperfect struggle where we have free will to make moral choices that are in line with God's word or immoral choices that seek our owe gratification. God did this on purpose in order to instruct and prepare us for eternity in the second creation. Suffering through sin causes us to mature and is one tool Gods uses to draw us closer to Him. How else could we possible develop into someone He can use for eternity if we were already perfect like Him? Our sin nature problem will not be resolved until we enter into fellowship with God and our sin nature is completely eradicated in the second creation which is only for those who are redeemed and born of the Holy Spirit.
Adam & Eve had the option of eating from either the Tree of Life or from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan had to move quickly and stop them from eating from the Tree of Life because if they had, they would have lived forever in a perfect relationship with God. Even after being warned by God, they fell into temptation and ate from the wrong tree. The penalties for disobeying Gods command by eating from the wrong tree imposed the following curses:
God appears to Moses in a burning bush, but the Hebrew word is actually describing a burning “thorn” bush. A thorn bush is a symbol of pain and suffering. God was telling Moses that He felt his pain. This is why Jesus was wearing a crown of thorns on his head when He died on the cross. He was not only taking on the curse of creation, the ground that produced thorns and thistles, He’s was taking upon Himself as the greater Moses the pain of the people saying I fell your pain. Sin entered the world through a tree, so God puts the second Adam (Jesus) on a tree for you and me to undo what the first Adam did.
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
― Socrates
Just as Christianity is a two creation model, there are also two comings of Jesus Christ to the Earth. Jesus enters the first creation as a suffering servant (see Isaiah 52, 53 below) to pay for our iniquities on the cross and in the second creation, He returns as a judge to rule over all believers. There are two stages of His second coming where the first stage is His rapture of the Christian Church when believers meet Him in the clouds (see "Rapture"). We do not know how long the period is between the rapture and the start of the seven year Tribulation, but we don't expect it to be very long time since God's Ambassadors (believers) are gone from the Earth. This is a declaration of war where the Jews become God's new Ambassadors on Earth. The second phase of Jesus return starts at the end of the seven year Tribulation when Jesus returns to rules over all surviving believers of the Tribulation taking them into the 1,000 year Millennium on Earth (for more see "End Times" section).
One of the problems with Jesus first coming and predominantly why He was a rejected Messiah by the Jews before His resurrection was because the Jews were expecting their Messiah to come only once as a ruler and king to free them from Roman dominance. There was confusion among the Jews because the Old Testament scripture describes their Messiah as both a suffering servant and a mighty ruler, however it was adopted by the Jewish majority that the Messiah would only appear once as a conquering ruler. In the Micah prophecy below written in 515 B.C.E., he not only names Messiah's birthplace, but the correct tribe He would be a descendant of.
Micah had a 1 in 12 chance of predicting the Messiah's correct tribe (~8%), but also predicting the location of his birth probability is essentially zero.
First Coming, Old Testament:
Second Coming, New Testament:
In Jesus first appearance right before His crucifixion, He's riding on a donkey making a triumphant entry on Palm Sunday. A king riding a lowly animal like a donkey would symbolize peace in the Old Testament (Zechariah 9:9). When Jesus returns a second time in Revelation 19:11-21, He is riding a white horse, figuratively or literally, which symbolizes war. When horses are mentioned in the Bible they are almost always in relation to conquering kings and war, while donkeys are mentioned in relation to common people and agriculture.
Jesus will return to Earth from the same place that He ascended to Heaven. The Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east, will be split in two, from east to west, creating a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south. His return causes a great earthquake that creates this valley. This earthquake is confirmed in Isaiah 29:6 and Revelation 16:19.
"Luck is where Preparation meets Opportunity."
― Darryl Royal
All-American Football Player & Coach
There are four phases of the first resurrection which are all "eternal body" resurrections. There is the first resurrection of Jesus Christ followed by three companies of believers who are raised at different times. These resurrections are patterned after the Harvest Feast in the Jewish calendar.
Resurrection phases are as follows:
The people living during the thousand year Millennial Kingdom are those survivors who had not followed the Antichrist during the seven year Tribulation. The only reason someone would suffer an early death in phase four would be because they are being judged for some flagrant sin (Isaiah 65:20). Those born during the Millenia will also need to accept Christ before being resurrected to join the other believers in the second Creation. During this time Jesus will rule with swift punishments for those who sin because there will be no prisons in the Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 2:27).
Christianity is the only faith that makes a big deal about a resurrection being both bodily and spiritual. The only thing the resurrection is about is bringing our bodies into an eternal, immortal state. Even if you were burned up or eaten by a shark, Jesus knows exactly where that matter is, so he can merge it back together in the last days. Please understand that once you believe in Christ, your spirit has already been resurrected and will be joined with your eternal, immortal resurrected body. Our servant Job from the Bible was a contemporary of Abraham and there was no written scripture that we know of in those days, only stories passed down for generations. It's amazing that he had the great insight of faith for someone living in ancient times. Job knew that he needed a redeemer and that one day he would be resurrected bodily to meet his redeemer again.
The second resurrection is for unbelievers which occurs at the end of the Millennial Kingdom's 1,000 years. It is the resurrection of damnation (Revelation 20:12-14). Every unbeliever from the beginning of time until the end of time will be raised bodily from the ashes and will stand before The Great White Throne to be judged by Jesus Christ based on their works since they rejected His free gift of pardon.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase."
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
American Baptist Minister & Activist
Christianity differs from other faiths in that it's a two-creation model whereas all other world faiths are a one creation model. When we examine other faith-based holy books like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Baha'i , etc. you'll notice that they are consistently a one creation model. In Christianity this was enacted so that our Creator could completely eradicate all evil and suffering while enhancing human free will. Once billions of people have had this experienced in the first creation, God will take believers from this temporary creation into a more advanced, eternal second creation where evil and suffering will never exist again. A creation where we won't be constrained by gravity, thermodynamics (law of decay), electromagnetism or by four space-time dimensions*. We will be brought into a realm where we can express our free will (no constraints) in a much greater capacity than we can today.
Other faiths do talk about a Heaven, but it's in a context that can be comprehended of what we experience in this creation. Christianity talks about Heaven on Earth in the new, second creation, in a way that's impossible for us to comprehend in the context of the physics or space-time dimensions of our universe. It's completely beyond what we can grasp or imagine. This is another unique feature of the Christian faith.
* Represented by a set of coordinates x, y, z and t. space time is thus four dimensional.
What does God say about loving the World in the first creation?
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both."
— Horace Mann
Educational Reformer (1859)
Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God subject us to so much suffering?
In the first creation, humans are subjected to pain and suffering so that (1) God can teach the angels a lesson through our human experiences about His grace and (2) so humans free will can be tested with God salvation offering required to enter the second creation. The angels are learning from our experiences here on Earth because they cannot experience God's grace themselves. God allows unexplainable problems to come into our lives so that the angels can see that an inferior creature (us) can trust and believe God in the midst's of our suffering. Nothing can touch a believer life that God doesn't allow. He does this in order to continually test our faith so it will become stronger. Faith is like a muscle in that we must workout in order to build the muscle and make it stronger.
An example of why God allows good people to suffer is in the Book of Job. God typically picks a wise, mature person to undergo the toughest challenges. In the Book of Job God allows Satan to use everything in his power to get Job to curse God, Satan's only restriction is that he cannot kill Job. Job is subjected to immense loss and suffering to the point that Job curses the day he was born, but he never curses God. God allows the same suffering and loss at the hands of Satan to disrupt our lives in a similar way especially to those He calls His own.
God uses our free will to test us through suffering in order that we may become more and more like Him. Most people think that we are only suffering because God's is disciplining us for our sins, but that's only one of many reasons for suffering. Unfortunate difficulties don't always happen to people because they are a worse sinner than someone else, but punishment does happen because they do not repent (Luke 13:1-5). God tests us through suffering so that...
God didn't exclude Himself from the pain and suffering that we endure, He sent His only begotten son to Earth, wrapped in human flesh, to suffered and die on the cross to atone for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly did this so that we would have an opportunity to join Him in eternity. God sacrificed Him so that we could all be given the opportunity to be reconciled in the second creation.
Before Jesus was crucified, the Romans soldiers tortured and beat Him beyond recognition.
God puts limits on the amount of temptation and suffering we endure. Even as we go through suffering we should also give thanks even though we may not understand why this is happening.
"We are healed of a suffering only by expressing it to the full."
― Marcel Proust
Novelist (1871-1922)
God was working on our redemption through Christ before he created the universe and laid down the foundation of the Earth. God created humans for the primary purposed of redemption.
The first creation was never intended to be a permanent home for human beings. God designed the universe so that (1) billions of human beings could be redeemed, (2) for evil to be eternally eradicated, (3) for humans free will to be enhanced and (4) for angels to be instructed about God's grace. These are the four primary purposes for the first creation of which there are many others such as:
God could have kept Satan out of Eden and the Earth forever, but He had higher goals for humanity than simply to experience paradise in Eden for eternity. Adam and Eve lack one thing that follower of Jesus Christ have today. They did not have eternal security because they were not subjected to the most challenging test, the opportunity for redemption. God purposely invited the most powerful and intelligent being He had ever created into the Garden of Eden. Lucifer (Satan, devil, dragon) was the first being to rebel against God and the first one to sin. God knew that by allow Satan in the Garden of Eden that Adam, Eve and their decedents would be exposed to the most challenging test. If we pass the test of being tempted by Satan and his demons (fallen angels), then there is nothing else that could ever persuade us to abandon our relationship with Jesus Christ. The only people that enter the second creation are those who have been subjected to the most difficult test and passed it. God knows we are no match for Satan and his demons, so He provided a way to pass this most difficult test if you come to Him for help. God the creator is all powerful and is more than a match for Satan (who cannot create), so if we come to Him we are guaranteed to pass.
Those people born during the thousand year Millennium, while Satan is bound in Hades, will also be subjected to the same test when God releases Satan and his demons at the end of the thousand year period. This is to test the children born during the Millennium because without being subjected to the test, they cannot have a eternally secure relationship with God in the second creation either.
When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, God gave them a choice to either eat form the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They decided to rebel against God, introducing sin and evil into their personal experience. What God was trying to communicate to them is that there are two ways you can learn about evil, you can experience it personally or you can receive instruction from Me. They chose to experience sin and evil personally when God's intent was to be the one who instructed them. Because they made this choice God said from now on you're are going to experience more pain, more work, and more wasted time to undo the damage caused by sin. God knows that we simply lack the resources within ourselves to be able to avoid the expression of sin and evil to pursue virtue. We need external help from an all knowing God who has a way and is loving enough to deliver us from sin and evil because He knows we are incapable of passing the most difficult test on our own. That's why He sent His only son Jesus Christ to enter into the world, become flesh, suffer and die for our sins. Death through Adam, eternal life through Christ.
In the first creation, we are being trained for an unimaginably challenging, fulfilling and rewarding role in the second creation. In the second creation humans will be ruling over the angels and teaching them. We humans will be managers over what God creates in the second creation. As believers we should have our minds focused on the second creation; eternal security, future rewards and the new roles we will be given. This should motivate us to take advantage of this brief period of suffering God is putting us through to ideally take the position, instead of despising suffering, we should embrace it for the benefits you personally receive and the benefits it has for others.
I have noticed once you become a Christian the pain and suffering doesn't go away. In my life it has increased especially in the past few years. I believe it has increased because God is drawing me closer to Him to help others make a decision for God before the Church rapture. I've labeled this suffering as being in "no man's land". He is causing me to suffer in order to mold me for eternity. This suffering inspired me to develop and in writing it, I have learned more about God's character, the truth and about myself. My hope is that it will also help others with understanding why God created us and the plans He has for our future. For without pain and suffering, there would be little to no reason for us to seek God for instruction.
Whenever I start to feel sorry for myself, I reflect on the Book of Job and all the suffering he endured. Not once through all the suffering did Job curse God. For his faithfulness, God restored Job to a level that was better than before just like we will be rewarded in the second creation for our faithfulness in this one.
"The question is not Can they reason, nor Can they talk, but Can they suffer?"
― Jeremy Bentham
Jurist & Philosopher (15 Feb 1748-1832)
The second creation will happen at the moment when God brings the full number of human beings into a redeemed state. At that moment he will replace the entire universe with a new creation. God designed the new creation so that evil and suffering will never occur and the free will capability of humans and angels to express and experience love will be exponentially enhanced. Humans are imperfect beings, but through redemption we become perfect in the presence of a perfect God in the new creation.
Entry into second creation requires suffering and subjection to the most difficult test experienced in the first creation. This process is designed to prepare us for greater responsibilities (future career) in the new creation. Those who receive entry into the new creation will never again need to be tested for their obedience to Christ. This is our eternal security. God's goal is to make eternally secure relationships.
“If the devil cannot make us bad, he will make us busy.”
― Corrie ten Boom
Dutch Christian Watchmaker & Writer
Lucifer is called the "morning star" and is God’s greatest, most powerful creation. Lucifer is an incredibly impressive, angelical being, but he is no match for His Creator. The Bible tells us that this "king" was a created being and left the creative hand of God in a perfect state (Ezekiel 28:12,15). And he remained perfect in his ways until iniquity was found in him. What was this iniquity? “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor” (Ezekiel 28:17). Lucifer became so impressed with his own beauty, intelligence, power and position that he began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belonged to God alone. The sin that corrupted Lucifer was self-generated pride.
Lucifer wanted to be like God, and he convinced many of the lesser angels that they could be like God too. He brought charges against God saying that he was not loving and was unjust. Lucifer's act of pride represents the beginning of sin, preceding the fall of the humans by an indeterminate time. Sin originated from Lucifer free will in which he chose to rebel against His Creator and was illusive enough to convince one-third of all the angels to rebel with him against God. Considering that the angelic host numbers more than 10,000 x 10,000 (100 million angels), that is a sizable group. The difference between when humans sin against God and angels do, angels' sin is for all eternity because they have no plan of redemption or savior, they are immediately condemned.
Lucifer was rightfully judged by God: “I threw you to the earth” (Ezekiel 28:18, Luke 10:18). This doesn’t mean that Lucifer could not access Heaven. Scripture verses clearly indicate that Lucifer maintained this access to God even after his fall (Job 1:6-12; Zechariah 3:1,2). Lucifer's access to Heaven is removed at the end of the Great Tribulation. As a result of his sin against God, Lucifer became very corrupt and his name changed from Lucifer to Satan (adversary or dragon). His power became completely perverted and his destiny, following the second coming of Christ, is to be bound in the Abyss during the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom in which Christ will rule the earth (Revelation 20:3). After the Millenia Satan will be be thrown into the lake of fire with his demons (fallen angels) and all unbelievers.
Does Lucifer's story of rebellion sound familiar? God gave Adam and Eve free will, they too rebelled against God and were cursed. God had given Adam the title deed to the earth and when Adam chose to followed Satan, he relinquished the title deed to the earth to Satan along with the authority over mankind. When Jesus died on the cross for the sins of mankind, He purchased back the title deed to the earth from Satan and regained all authority over mankind. His death of the cross gave mankind the opportunity to become redeemed. God wants every human being to become redeemed so He can demonstrate to Satan that a far lesser being can overcome Satan's deceptive power and choose to worship Him through His son.
In this creation we find ourselves in the middle of a spiritual war between God (good) and Lucifer (evil) to determine where we will spend eternity. Satan's (Lucifer) goal is to take everyone to hell with him to be tormented for eternity. Because all humans are born spiritually dead, we must be spiritually reborn through the Holy Spirit, so we can ward off Satan's advances and solidify a eternal relationship with Christ. Satan cannot create humans or anything else, so his scheme is to distract humans from making a decision for God by constantly deceiving us, so we will focus our attention on the temporary pleasures of this world. If he can keep us from reading God's Word (Bible) and knowing about Christ's free offer of salvation, he will be able to recruit vast numbers of people over to his side for all eternity. He already knows his permanent address is Hell and he selfishly wants us there with him.
Satan is the father of all lies and the source of mankind's blindness to knowing the light of Christ. Everyone including Christians are under the power of Satan, it's only through the Holy Spirit that we can begin to fend off his advances.
If Satan was able to recruit one-third of the angels then us humans are a much easier target. The one thing he didn't plan for was God's grace in delivering His sons death on the cross for sin to given mankind an easier path to salvation. Satan's only objective is to prevent you from knowing the truth until your passing, so you will forgo the free gift of salvation by default. Satan is so powerful that it is impossible for us humans to resist his temptations without outside assistance. God knows this and wants us to look to Him for help (Ephesians 6:10-12). Resisting Satan's temptations for the sin in our lives is the hardest test we will ever confront and it's impossible to pass it alone. If we pass the ultimate test, God's welcomes us into eternity with Him because He knows there will never be a more challenging test than Satan that could ever persuade us to rebel against Him. Humans are exposed to the ultimate tests of sin and evil throughout our lives and struggle resisting it. Because some of us decide to ask God for help to pass this ultimate test that we cannot pass on our own, we can now experience God's grace and undeserved favor from Him to do what we cannot do for ourselves.
The righteous angels are watching God’s grace playout through our human experience. Angels can’t experience God's grace, but they are intently observing us to learn about the mystery of God's grace. God could have kept Satan and his demons away from earth for all eternity, but if He had done that, we would not have an eternally secure relationship with our creator. Because we are experiencing God's grace, He is training us to one day, rule over the angels so we can teach them in the second creation what we've experienced in the first creation. This is why we need to make the most of our time her on earth. We are laying the ground work for our future positions in eternity.
Eternal security requires that we are exposed to the most challenging test. Humans are gaining something Adam and Eve did not possess before they were exposed to Satan. They did not have eternal security before they were exposed to Satan. Through this first creation experience, we are given the opportunity to choose to accept God’s help through His son, Jesus Christ, to pass the ultimate test and spend eternity with Him or we have the free will to reject His offer of salvation. The Holy Spirit currently keeps Satan in check by restraining evil, so that he cannot wipeout mankind completely. As we approach the end times, the Holy Spirit will give Satan more and more freedom to cause havoc on this Earth to the unbeliever (see Revelation).
Satan's objective throughout the Old Testament is to stop the birth of the Messiah who would defeat him. To do this Satan must destroy and/or corrupt the bloodline of the coming Messiah. If he can destroy the image of God or end the blood line of King David, he can prevent the birth of Jesus Christ. Below are a few examples of this spiritual battle between God and Satan.
Satan's objective was to eliminate all of Adam's offspring. Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel. Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer and his brother Abel was a shepherd. The brothers made sacrifices to God, each of his own produce, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Out of jealousy (sin), Cain killed his brother, for which he was punished by God with the curse and exiled outside of Eden in land of Nod (Genesis 4:1-16). Satan thought that by using the the sin of jealousy he could eliminate mankind therefore ending the possibility of the birth of a savior. Seth was born after Abel's murder and Eve believed that God had appointed him as a replacement for Abel to carry on the human race. This is just one of many examples throughout the Bible of a tug of war between Satan and God. We are are in the middle of the same tug of war between them for where we spend eternity.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
― Charles Baudelaire
French Poet, Art Critic, Philosopher,
“Le Figaro” Newspaper, 1864
Judgment always comes after resurrection. Before believers are judged, every evil deed we've committed is removed. God has already forgiven every sin that is past, present or future. He cuts it away and destroys it forever before we come into His presence. Therefore, we will not have to give an account for these evil deeds. The Judgment Seat of Christ is not designed to punish believers, but rather it is a time of examination for assigning eternal rewards based on our service to Christ. The participants in the judgment seat of Christ are members of the New Testament Church and whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. They are believers who have trusted Christ as Savior from the Day of Pentecost until the rapture of the Church. This event will occur immediately after the rapture of the Church, but before the second coming of Christ to the earth (Revelation 19:7,8). It does not include the Old Testament believers (people who lived prior to Christ's ministry) who will have a separate time of judgment and receive (or lose) rewards according to their deeds.
All believers will stand before Jesus Christ to be individually judged on their deeds after becoming a believer since the good deeds we performed before we became a Christian were not done in His name.
Some time in the near future, Jesus will return momentarily to take away or rapture the deceased believers and those believers living in current times for Judgement (see Rapture section). We are caught in the clouds with Him so Jesus never physically touches the earth. He will change believers bodies from corruptible (decayed) to incorruptible (eternal). After this momentous event, believers will immediately go to the judgment seat of Christ.
It's important to understand that entry into Heaven is only obtained by faith in Jesus Christ, not by works. This is not a judgment to determine who will enter Heaven. The sins of believers will not be an issue since they have already pass the test and their sins have been forgiven (Psalm 103:10-12, Micah 7:19, John 3:18). There is no condemnation for those who have believed in Christ (1 Peter 2:24). Those who have trusted Christ now possess eternal life (John 5:24) and the curse of a sin nature has been removed (Galatians 3:13). Jesus presented Himself as a sin offering on our behalf before God (2 Corinthians 5:21).
At Judgment Seat of Christ, each person will give an account of what we have done (1 Corinthians 3:10-13). The "judgment seat" is also known as the "bēma". The word is also translated court or tribunal. The platform could be either public (John 19:13) or private (Acts 25:22). The bēma is a tribunal for rewards. In the large Olympic arenas, there was an elevated seat on which the judge of the contest sat. After the contests were over, the successful competitors would assemble before the bēma to receive their rewards or crowns. The bēma was not a judicial bench where someone was condemned; it was a reward seat. Likewise, the Judgment Seat of Christ is not a judicial bench. The Christian life is a test, and the divine teacher is Jesus Christ. Each believer has already passed the most critical test, so now He gathers us before the bēma for the purpose of examining each one to be giving our proper reward(s). Not everyone will receive the same reward, there will be those who suffer loss and the judgment will be by fire. Fire is used in scripture as a symbol of judgment. Sodom and Gomorrah were judged with fire (Genesis 19:24, Revelation 1:14, Deuteronomy 4:24). You can lose your reward, but not your salvation (Revelation 3:11)
The eternal rewards believers will receive in Heaven are called crowns. Every Christian receives at least one crown for being a believer. The most we can receive is seven crowns, but this requires that we become a martyr. Crowns have different levels and degrees based of faithfulness. It is thought that once we are given the crown, we will place it at the feet of Jesus acknowledging His sacrifice for us on Calvary.
Crowns Defined:
"Get busy living or get busy dying."
― Stephen King
American Author described as the "King of Horror"
There will be those who have aligned themselves with Jesus Christ during the Millennia. They will enter into His eternal kingdom along with the Tribulation martyrs and the Old Testament Saints. The following groups will be judge after the Millenia and before the Great White Throne Judgment.
When the Bible speaks of the last judgment, it is not similar to taking a final test to see whether we pass or fail. That type of judgment has already taken place. This last judgment is the public recognition of decisions long-since been made. The last judgment is also known as the Great White Throne judgment that will come at the close of the Millennial Kingdom. Jesus spoke of the eventual judgment of all humanity.
The purpose of this judgment is to judge all the wicked dead who have ever lived. After the Millennia, there is a final rebellion against Christ in which Satan is defeated (Revelation 20:7-9). First, the books are opened; Book of Genealogy, Book of Remembrance, Book of Life for Every Human ever Created, Lambs Book of Life and finally the Book of Life. The Book of Life and the Lamb’s Book of Life are essentially one and the same. All the books are opened so the unbelievers can plead their case to Christ (John 5:22). The books have a record of every thought, every deed and every thing you've ever said.
The following people will be judge by Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne Judgment.
Some are condemned who never heard the message of salvation since God already knew that they would reject His offer of salvation because during their entire life they never sought Him out for a relationship and redemption. Anyone whose name is not found written in the Book of Life is thrown into the lake of fire called "Gehenna". These people experience a physical death and an eternal death. This is the second death.
Every human being ever born name is written in the Book of Life. If a person becomes a believer their name is crossed out and a new entry with their name is made into the Lambs Book of Life. This is God's Heavenly accounting system. For those who rejected God's free gift of salvation their names are blotted out of the Book of Life.
The Great White Throne is the final judgment. Those who are judged are assigned to their final state and there are no more opportunities for redemption after this final judgment. Ultimately, where we spend eternity, it's our choice.
The Bible repeatedly states a metaphor that God's Word is sharper than a double-edged sword. The reason the sword isn't a single edge sword means that it's hard to escape it if it has two sides likening it to a roman soldier's sword because you're going to get cut. One side of the sword represents the righteous and the other side represents the wicked. Having two sides exposes everything and also gives it an aspect of mercy. At the Judgement Seat of Christ, He uses that sword to cut away the sins of the believer before judgement when we come into His presence so what's remains (the good) comes in to be judged. This is an act of mercy.
Just the opposite is true for the unbeliever. Before the wicked are judged at the Great White Throne, God will use the same sword to cut away everything that is good because the wicked man said in his heart that he wants to live his life without God. There is a lot of good people or sinners living this type of life, but they are not being good on Christ's behalf. The good deeds done in pride will not to be counted against the wicked, God in His mercy cuts it away. The sword represents God's, justice, holiness, judgement and wrath on one side, and His mercy, love and kindness.
"You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper."
― Robert Alton Harris
American car thief, burglar, kidnapper & murderer
Executed at San Quentin State Prison, 1992
The United States of America was founded on religious freedom by the Pilgrims (1620), Puritans (1630), Quakers (1650), Catholics (1789), Episcopalian (1789), Lutherans (1820), Methodist (1784), Presbyterian (1789), Protestant (1700), Judaism (1820), Shakers (1772), Church Of Jesus Christ LDS (1830), Seventh-Day Adventist Church (1863), Jehovah’s Witnesses (1870) and the southern colonists were settled by a mixture including Baptists (1638), Anglicans (1607), Church of the Nazarene (1908) and Pentecostal (1906). We believe this is the primary reason why God blessed America. The original settlers of the United States of America primarily left England for religious freedom from persecution during the reign of King James I (1603–1625) and of King Charles I (1625–1649).
Contrarily, South America was colonized primarily by Spain spearheaded by the Spanish conquistadors, France and Portugal (Brazil), founding was much different from the United States. From 1492 to the 1800's, Spanish explorers were the bullies of the New World. Spain's primary colonization goals were to extract gold and silver from the Americas to stimulate the Spanish economy and make Spain a more powerful country. Due to war and disease, the native populations were decimated. Spain's also aimed to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. It is our belief that this was primarily the reason why South America never flourished like its northern counterpart.
What does God say about having multiple Christian denomination? The reason there are so many denomination is that Christians can't agree on one doctrine and follow God's advice to avoid divisions. There should be only one Church denomination that teaches sound biblical doctrine called Christianity. In general we endorse non-denominational Churches that teach sound Biblical doctrine.
"Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it forever."
― Lord Chesterfield
Statesman and Writer
Forgiveness is a Christian behavior that all believers are commanded to practice. It is not an impossible standard required for salvation. The greatest offense that has ever occurred within the entirety of God's realm are the rebellions (sin) of billions of humans against Jesus Christ. The greatest offense was Christ's crucifixion on the cross required to pay for our rebellion. It wasn't only His physical pain and suffering on the cross we could visualize, but it was also His atonement price for 100% of all the sins that every human being has ever committed past, present and future. No one has been offended greater than Jesus Christ and yet He forgave us.
When Christians refuses to forgive an offense done to us by another human being what we are saying in our heart is that we have been offended greater than we have offended Jesus Christ. That is denying what Christ did for us on the cross. God recognizes that we will have difficulties forgiving one another. If we are prepared to go to God and ask the Holy Spirit or other believers for help through prayer, we will be able to forgive at some point. Forgiveness is an act that could take years, but being able to forgive removes the burden from our hearts so we can heal. True forgiveness is when we forgive as if the act never took place which will have an amazing healing effect on others. By not forgiving, we open the door for Satan to fill us with growing hate and bitterness.
“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.”
― Corrie ten Boom
Dutch Christian Watchmaker & Writer
Prayer is basically a process of determining God’s will for a particular situation or set of circumstances. God wants to partner with us and wants us to discern His will.
An important first step in developing a fruitful prayer life is consistent Bible reading. When we read the Bible, we begin by asking God to speak to us as we read. We should ask him to teach us, to grant us understanding, to rebuke us, to redirect our plans, to show us what we should be praying for.
Second, it is important to take time to listen to God when we pray. Prayer is intended to be a two-way communication. It is important that we do not do all the talking.
Third, God wants us to pray with progressively greater specificity. For example, we can begin with a general request. However, do not be surprised if you sense God saying, “Exactly how do you want me to fulfill your request?” God wants us not only to discern His general will, but His specific will. He wants us to discern the precise steps and the order of those steps in bringing about his will in a particular situation.
Fourth, the power of prayer becomes greatly magnified when we fast. Fasting is where we sacrifice food, drink, sleep, or pleasures in order to dedicate extended focus on prayer. Some of our greatest experiences with God have occurred when we have dedicated an entire day to fasting and prayer. was created through days of prayer and fasting.
The National Academy of Sciences Journal published and article about the value of prayer in 2018. In the study a few scientist work with a sample of 482 people in the Carolina's in the damaged area right after Hurricane Florence hit. The hurricane victims were put through a test where each person was offered $5.00 to either keep, or use the $5.00 to have a Christian they never met to pray for them as they recover from this disaster, or use the $5.00 to make sure no-one prays for you. The $5.00 will not be given to the person praying for you and they will be located in a different state. They used an incentivized multiple price list (MPL) to elicit participants’ where the MPL entailed 13 choice pairs where participants chose between two alternatives: an intercessory gesture and a monetary gain, or no gesture and a monetary gain.
The results from the study showed that those in the sample that identified themselves as Christians were willing to pay money to have a stranger who is a Christian pray for them, but were not willing to pay money for an Agnostic or Atheist pray for them. Those subset of people who identify themselves as Agnostic or Atheist were indifferent to having someone pray for the unless they were a Christian. So Agnostic and Atheist were willing to pay $5.00 for the guarantee that no Christian will pray for them in the mist of their trials. The scientists concluded that Christians value other Christians praying for them and Atheist's devalue Christians praying for them because they are willing to spend money to ensure it doesn't happen. The scientists were expecting the Atheists and Agnostics to just pock the $5.00. Atheist could be making a hostel, cultural stand?
We believe the study is implying spiritually and philosophically that people who identify as Agnostic are not really neutral towards Christian prayer since they use their money the same way and Atheist does. I can understand why a committed Atheist would not want a Christian praying for them, but not an Agnostic. One plausible reason might be that the Agnostic and Atheist don't like Christian's or they don't like the Christian God of the Bible. They're ok with some other God, but not the Christian God. It could also be that the Agnostic or Atheist growing up in the Bible Belt states of the Carolina's have been exposed to Christianity and had an early bad experiences with it and are willing to pay money to avoid it. One would think if Atheist's were really convinced that the God of the Bible didn't exists they would keep the $5.00 implying that it really made no difference to fact they are not treating the Bible like a bunch of fables or a myth without any scientific or historical support because if they were they would pocket the $5.00. Something is motivating them to spend their money and it implies that they really do think there is something to the God of the Bible.
A number of Scholars have pointed out that people who are Public Atheist (in North America) all have a story about a bad early experience with their earthly father. The Christian faith makes an analogy between our father in heaven and our earthly father according to Paul Vitz who wrote "Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism". If your earthly father treated you well and loved you then it makes it easier to accept the fatherhood of God, but if your earthly father was abusing you then it becomes much more challenging.
Is it rational and logical to let a human being that the Bible declares is sinful and full of evil get between you and a God who has no sin, no evil and has a desire to have a compassionate, loving relationship with you? Make sense?
Don't let a bad experience with a Christian(s) stop you from having a relationship with God and the opportunity to spend eternity with Him.
"Churches are hospitals for the spiritually sick."
― Michael Crist
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