Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Jesus Christ will not return until all the Jewish people are back in Israel and the Gospel message has been preached to every ethnic group on Earth. He will return at the end of Tribulation which is the final three and a half years of a seven-year judgement period (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Once the full number of people God intends to redeem from hearing the Gospel are redeemed, he will return (Romans 8:23).
The first seal judgements cover the first three and a half years of the seven-year Tribulation. This is the time when the gentile's rule over Jerusalem. The final three and a half years is called the Great Tribulation when two prophets or witnesses from ancient times (Moses & Elijah) preach in Jerusalem to show God's redemptive grace. They are wearing sackcloth as a sign of repentance, mourning and grief. The outer court of the 3rd Jewish Temple is excluded in the verse because all the gentiles are raptured just before the start of the Great Tribulation.
At the end of the Great Tribulation there is a 30 difference in Daniel and Revelation prophecies above: 1,290 days - 1,260 days = 30 days.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 that no one knows the hour or the day of His return, but we do know the month and it's sometime during this 30-day period when Jesus returns and gathers up all the believing gentiles who have survived in the valley outside of Jerusalem to be judged as stated in Matthew 25:31-46. This verse proves our Premillennialism interpretation that Jesus will return before His 1,000-year reign when He divides the sheep (believers) from the goats (unbelievers). When the 1,335 days end (45 days later or 1,335 - 1,260), the only people remaining at this time are believers who survived Armageddon and they will enter the thousand-year Millennial Kingdom. All believers are warned to be prepared and anticipating His return.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
― Eleanor Roosevelt
Former First Lady, Diplomat, and Activist
Jesus Christ is the only one qualified to judge mankind because He is the Son of Man. Neither God the Father nor the Holy Spirit have the legal right to judge mankind.
When Jesus returns to the earth, those gentiles who survive the Tribulation will be divided into two groups; sheep (believers) and goats (non-believers). Dividing them into groups is proof that we know the rapture has already occurred because in the Christian Church, there is no difference between Jew and Gentile. The believers who are living just before the Tribulation period (or End of the Church Age) have already been raptured to Heaven where they are being examined and rewarded at the Judgement Seat of Christ. The Jewish people are judged separately on Mount Zion outside of Jerusalem covered in Ezekiel 20. The Gentiles will be judge in the valley surrounding mount Zion.
In verse 40 Jesus is judging (rewarding) those Gentiles who assisted in helping or persecuting the 144,000 Jewish evangelist during the Tribulation.
Believers will appear before Jesus at the Judgement Seat of Christ which occurs after the rapture of the Church. This judgement is for the sole purpose to reward Believers with crowns for the good works done in His name and to also make known the rewards we lost. Once we have been given our rewards, Believers will be ready to rule along side of Christ.
Jesus comes to put an end to the devastation caused by man to setup a new world order. Before this is accomplished He must prepare His bride to be joined with the groom (Him). All Believers are prepared by being judged (forgiven) before entering into the Millennial Kingdom to rule with Jesus Christ for 1,000 years. As a side note, God also emphasizes in the verse below how importance prophesy is to Him because it bears Jesus Christs' testimony.
Of all the peoples that could be judged, the group from Edom and Bozrah are judged first. This is referring to the lands where the Muslim countries are located. He is judging Islam first because of the suffering they intentionally inflicted on His people in the latter days which is more than any other group or nations. God is furious at the Muslims for taking His land (Israel) and mocking His people about it as explained in Ezekiel 36 & 37. Also see Revelation 19:11-16
As the end of his seven year reign approaches, the Antichrist, is still able to amass an army to go after Jesus Christ. The Antichrist and the false profit are captured, defeated and tossed into the lake of fire while their followers are killed and eaten by the vultures. This is the first stage of Christ's second coming.
The second resurrection is for unbelievers occurring at the end of the Millennial Kingdom's one thousand years (described below) and is called the resurrection of damnation. Every unbeliever from the beginning of time until the end of time will be raised bodily from the ashes and will stand before The Great White Throne to be judged By Jesus Christ, Since they rejected His free gift of pardon, they are all condemned for all eternity. This is the second death.
Satan has deceived many people who have a false idea that Believers and Nonbelievers will be judged together by Peter at the pearly gates of Heaven to see if we made it or not. First of all, the Apostle Perter doesn't qualify to judge anyone. This false theology came from the 3rd and 4th Century Catholic Church. Please understand, if you're standing at the Great White Throne, you didn't make it, you failed the only test in this creation that mattered (John 3:18).
Only those who do the will of the father's are pardoned which is to believe in Jesus Christ (John 6:28-29, John 6:38-40). Unbelievers will all be pleading their case before God the Father based on works alone, not faith in Christ who already paid for their sin in full. Those depending on anything to gain God's acceptance other than belief in Jesus Christ alone, are not going to make it into the Second Creation.
No Human merits will be credited to those who have committed just 1 sin in their lifetime.
There are books opened to show the unbelievers that Christ is the Son of Man and the Son of God. The Book of Genealogy proves that Christ was a descendant of David (Nehemiah 7:5). The Messiah had to be both a blood relative of David to have the correct bloodline and must also have the legal right to the throne. Jesus mother Mary was a descendent through Nathan, one of David's son's which gave Him the birthright. Jesus was also a descendant of King Solomon through His step father Joseph which gave Him the legal right. The book that recorded all the suffering from faith (Psalms 56:8). The Book of Life (a.k.a. Lambs Book of Life) will be opened (Psalms 56:8) recording our lives before conception until death, God keeps track of every molecule of our bodies (Psalms 139:16), All those who will be rescued (Daniel 12:1), The Book of Remembrance of those Believers during the time of Apostasy (Malachi 3:16-17),, the Lambs Book of Life from Jesus' book of Believers (Revelation 13:8), The Book of Life for Every Human ever Created (Revelation 17:8) and finally the Book of Life (Revelation 20:12). God the Father opens all of His books so that unbelievers can plead their case as to why he should be allowed to spend eternity in Heaven with Him (Romans 1:18 -32).
Those who are judged are assigned to their final state. The Bible does not indicate any chance for belief after this final judgment. All things that He planned and purposed for humanity on this earth are now completed. Below are the conclusions of final judgment upon His creation:
There are two feasts in Revelation 19 that are complete different experiences. God’s rule has been clearly demonstrated in the destruction of the anti-Christian world system and the triumph of His persecuted people. That triumph is now pictured in a heavenly wedding feast in which the redeemed are seen as the bride of Christ. They are clothed in pure white to indicate their heavenly purity. The symbolism then changes. The redeemed, though pictured collectively as a bride, are pictured individually as those invited to share the wedding feast with Christ. John, the author, overcome by the vision, is tempted to worship the angel who explained it to him. He is reminded that Jesus, not the angel, is the source of all these revelations.
God purposely chose to put these two suppers back to back. This supper features the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth to close out the Great Tribulation. The inhabitants of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds (Matthew 24:30). This supper is for the wicked who marshal themselves against the Christ the King and have spurned Him. Now they will feel His anger and wrath. In a display of glory and power, the same Jesus who willingly laid down His life (Philippians 2:8; Matthew 26:53) will single-handedly obliterate His enemies from the face of the earth (Isaiah 63:3). It hard to imagine that there are still millions of human beings foolish enough to follow the Antichrist (and his False Prophet) and wage war against the Lord. Armageddon concludes with the Antichrist and False Prophet being thrown into the lake of fire and the graphic slaughter of their followers. This battle ending kicks off the beginning of the Millenia.
"Since the body is our most valuable fleeting asset, then how much more valuable is our soul and spirit which are eternal."
― Michael Crist
The purpose of the Millennial Kingdom or chiliad is that Jesus wants to teach man one more lesson similar to Noah's Flood. He removes all human competition and replace it with something else because man blames natural selection for much of the evil and suffering in the world today. No more excuses and no one to blame. Conditions in this kingdom will be much different and the perfected saints will help him rule. When Jesus Christ returns, He will establish a world order having a perfect environment with absolute peace and where Christians will be living extraordinary spiritual lives here on earth. In our current world, Christian adversaries are as follows; (1) the world system (non-believers), (2) the flesh (our sin nature) and (3) Satan (the deceiver). In the new Millennial world Satan will be bound in the Abyss where he cannot tempt us to sin (Revelation 20:2). The Antichrist and his False Prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire before the Millennial. Satan is dealt with after the thousand years. Believers will be given a new spiritual nature like God and this new nature will desire to obey God, but our old sin nature is not removed just yet. Believers understand that there is a battle going on inside us between our new nature in Christ and our sin nature. The fact that we know this battle is occurring means that we are born again. The only battle we will be fighting is the Millennial is our old sin nature. There will be extraordinary means to live your life for Christ since we won't have to battle a world system or Satan. Sin will be suppressed and almost nonexistent. There will be no mystery about what happens after we die since there will be immortal people on earth. Motals born during this time will know that there is an afterlife since they will be living with immortal believers. Not knowing that there is an afterlife is often used today as an excuse to sin. This excuse will be removed.
The people found in the Millennial Kingdom are those who had not followed the beast during the seven-year Tribulation. The Millennial Kingdom is 100% Christian in the beginning. There won't be many mortal believers on earth who survive the Tribulation because most of them became martyrs. There will be two classes of Christians; those who survived Tribulation with mortal bodies and those who were martyred during the Tribulation will be resurrected, given glorified, immortal bodies and will receive a special reward which is to reign with Christ on earth for 1,000 years. This is the first resurrection of life. Jesus' resurrection was considered the "first fruits" or the "wave sheaf" which is phase one of the first resurrection (Matthew 27:50-53, 1 Corinthians 15:23). Phase two of the first resurrection will be the rapture of the Church called "The Harvest". The martyr's resurrection below is phase three of the first resurrection called "The Gleaning" (Leviticus 19:9-10). The resurrection of the Old Testament Saints will also happen at this time as covered in Daniel 12:1-3 and Job 19:25. Phase four is the final phase occurring at the end of the Millennia. These resurrections are patterned after the Harvest Feast in the Jewish calendar. It is thought that those believers who were raptured at the end of the Church Age will also rule with Christ in the Heavenly Jerusalem which will be suspended above the earth. Everyone will be surrounded by the knowledge of God during Christ's reign.
Even Animals will be changed from carnivorous to grass eating and will not be fearful of children. Children will actually lead them.
Believers will forget the past and memories of the unbelievers we once knew.
Believers will live the entire thousand years period and at the end of the Millennia, they will be transformed from mortal to immortal which is phase four of the first resurrection. This phase closes the first resurrection of life. The only reason someone would suffer an early death would be because they are being judged for some flagrant sin. Jesus will rule with swift punishment for those who sin because there will be no prisons in the Kingdom (Revelation 2:27). Read the rest of Revelation 20 and Isaiah 11 to get the full picture of the Millennia.
At the end of the chiliad, Satan is released...why would God release him? The Millennial Kingdom started with only believers who are mortals, and we know this because they give birth to repopulate the Earth. Immortals do not reproduce. Some of their children will be pretending to believe in Christ and are faking it in their hearts. Satan is released to bring out what God sees in their hearts. Nonbelievers will immediately follow Satan when he is released and rebel against Jesus Christ. Man rejects God proving once again that the answer isn't for man to be living in a perfect environment (Like Adam & Eve originally lived), the answer is to be born again in Christ. The issue is that man has a heart problem and only God can fix if we come to Him.
There are multiple views of interpreting the Millennial.
The second creation occurs after the last judgement of the Millennial Kingdom. The earth, our solar system and possibly our galaxy will be destroyed by fire. God will speak this universe out of existence just as He spoke it into existence. This will be done by the one who holds the elements together (Colossians 1:17). The neutron and protons of an atomic structure will be release by God so we will see a glimpse His awesome power. He will no longer have a need for this universe once the full number of people have been redeemed. All believers will exist in our resurrected, eternal bodies so we can dwell with God in the new Heaven and new earth. Our relationship with God will be at a much greater degree than Adam & Eve ever experienced in the beginning. What God has planned for us is beyond our wildest dreams.
Day of the Lord is also referenced in Jeremiah 46:10, Isaiah 61:2, Psalm 50, Amos 5:18, Romans 9.
When we become a believer, God's spirit is born in us. This is our new spiritual nature that does not sin because it is born of God (Holy Spirit). In eternity believers still have a sin nature which constantly battling side by side. Our spiritual nature always wants to be in fellowship with God and do the things that please God. This is why a believer can never be happy sinning. Have you ever heard the term "Catholic guilt"? In the second creation God removes our sin nature for those who have overcome this world. Some of the characteristic of the second, new creation realm described in Revelation 21 are as follows:
The victorious are also promised to inherit some things described in Revelation 21.
God promises that we will "inherit all this" which are seven new things that believers will receive for all eternity. The corrupt will not inherit these things:
God also promises that there are seven unpleasant things that will be taken away from believers:
When we die we are in a state of sin. God purges all of sin from Christians through a refining fire that will make us more loving to other people. We are also to recieve or lose rewards for what we did here on Earth. He does this purification instantaneously so that we can enter into the second creation as pure as silver.
"Some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good."
― Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
American Physician, Poet, and Polymath (1894)
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