Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd
Deoxyribonucleic Acid, better known as "DNA", is the chemical name for the molecule that carries genetic instructions in all living things. Recent breakthroughs in DNA sequencing have provided extraordinary and compelling evidence that precise, genetic instruction is the foundation for all living organisms. This biological code could not be devised by coincidences or random events (See "Probability and Order vs. Evolution Examined" below). There must have been intelligent thought involved. We can only conclude from the evidence that Intelligent design is responsible for the order we see in genomic sequencing. This is an individual's instruction book for life. If we laid out your DNA from end to end, it is so comprehensive that it would go to the Sun and back multiple times. Did the instruction book for life or DNA make itself by chance?
Natural Law does indeed produce complex structures like snowflakes, but the law that produces it is just the same chemical reaction being repeated over and over. That is not information. What is stored in the DNA molecule is specified information like what you would find in a book or computer program. A book requires and author and a program require a programmer is not an illusion, it's factual as seen in the real world around us. So where did the intelligent information to selectively arrange the building blocks of DNA come from? That knowhow and forethought doesn't exist in any of the materials from which life is made and the laws of nature have no purposeful capacity to write a book or arrange its pages. So where did DNA's specified (coded) information come from? Its origin is certainly supernatural.
DNA is the genetic information encoded in the cell of every living thing telling cells how to grow and function. It's our genes that determine characteristics like our eye, skin and hair color. Genes also determine whether we are human, fish, animals, insects or plants. The DNA sequencing for ancient man is the same as the DNA of today's man. This has all been prewritten in our DNA sequence. When our bodies want to construct something, it goes back to that instruction book for life, finds that precise instruction to positions it together. We conclude that DNA's intelligent design points us to an intelligent designer.
Our DNA chains contain 4 nucleotides-based pairs called Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine. There is a unit within the DNA strand called a sulfuric bridge which holds our entire DNA strand together. This means that between the acids Adenine-Guanine-Cytosine-Thymine, a bridge is formed after every 10th acid, then every 5th acid, then every 6th acid, and every 5th acid. This connection process takes place constantly in each of our cells. The rate of connection of deoxyribonucleic acids is: 10-5-6-5. We get a repeated pattern of 10-5-6-5 within the DNA stand that never changes. The Hebrew language does not use special signs to represent numbers, but we can use simple language and arithmetic letters combinations to express each number. For example, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet א is the number 1, the second ב is the number 2, and so on. Then, by connecting them, you can create larger numbers up to infinity. The Hebrew letters of the Eternal’s God's name is יהוה or YHWH (Yahweh), consisting of four consonants, which values are the same.
ה = 5
ו = 6
ה = 5
י = 10
“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.”
― Bill Gates, The Road Ahead
Using mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomal DNA to characterize genetic variability of people around the world, recent studies suggest that humanity’s origin was much earlier than thought (250,000 to 350,000 years ago, rather than less than 100,000 years ago). These results pose a possible challenge to the biblical account of human origins. However, careful assessment of these studies and new insight into mitochondrial DNA’s mutation rate indicates it is premature to conclude that the scientific date for humanity’s origin is too old to harmonize with the first chapters of Genesis.
A study in 2012 challenged this revised date, claiming that mitochondrial Eve lived between 250,000 and 300,000 years ago.4 Researchers reached this conclusion based on a much slower mitochondrial DNA mutation rate derived from a comparison of genome sequences from humans living today.
We question the validity of this approach to estimate mutation rate because it fails to take into account the stochastic (random) nature of molecular clocks. These clocks are not metronomic (mechanically regular). Therefore, mutation rates cannot be reliably determined by comparing the genomes of contemporaries or by comparing the genomes of several generations of people in the same family. They must be determined over much more significant time frames.
A published study from 2013 takes this concern into account. The researchers calibrated the mitochondrial DNA clock using genomes recovered through ancient DNA analysis from the fossil remains of 10 humans that span about 40,000 years. (The remains’ dates were determined using reliable carbon-14 methods.) Using this calibration—which is likely the most accurate—the researchers concluded that mitochondrial Eve lived around 157,000 ± 40,000 years ago.
As of 2005 the most comprehensive analyses of Y chromosome variants returned a date for Y chromosomal Adam between 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, much more recent than mitochondrial Eve’s date. Two studies, conducted in 2011 and 2013, made use of a larger portion of the Y chromosome and rare Y chromosome variants to estimate dates of 142,000 ± 16,000 and between 101,000 and 115,000 years ago, respectively. The results of these most recent studies of Y chromosomal Adam fall in line with the best, most recent dates for mitochondrial Eve. Based on the best and most recent analysis of Y chromosome variants, it appears that the date for Y chromosomal Adam is between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, not 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.
There is no real reason to think that the dates for mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosomal Adam conflict with the biblical account of human origins. In effect, Scripture is silent about when God created Adam and Eve—just as it’s silent about when God created the earth. Though some people are tempted to use the genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 to calculate the time of Adam and Eve’s creation (usually resulting in a date about 6,000 years ago), the best scholarship rejects this approach.
Many biblical scholars point out that these genealogies are theological constructs. The author never intended them to be used to calculate or estimate the date for human origins. Instead, these lists are communicating key theological points, highlighting patriarchs of importance in the lineage of Adam to Noah and Noah to Abraham, respectively.
On the other hand, dates derived from molecular clock analysis are best understood as estimates hampered by much imprecision. Calibrating molecular clocks is extremely difficult. The best way to determine mutation rates is still unclear. Even if the mutation rate is known, molecular clock analysis is still remarkably imprecise; typical uncertainties are on the order of ± 50,000 years.
While the exact dates for mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosomal Adam may never be precisely known, the agreement between molecular clock analysis and the dates from the human fossil and archaeological records is remarkable and stands as one of the most significant accomplishments of modern science. Simply put, molecular anthropology supports a recent origin of humanity from a small population near where theologians think the Garden of Eden was located and traceable back to single ancestral sequences for mitochondrial and Y chromosomal DNA. This is significant in light of the biblical account of humanity’s origin. There is no scandal. There is no controversy. The scientific and biblical stories of human origins harmonize quite well.
Fazale Rana, Biochemist, April 4, 2013
Sometimes I like to watch the show "Forensic Files" which uses the most current science and technology to solve crimes. On one of the episodes called "A Purr-Fect Match", Shirley Duguay, a 32-year-old mother of five who lived on Prince Edward Island, Canada was murdered. A blood-stained jacket and other evidence found at the crime scene were not enough to convict her partner, Douglas Beamish, of the murder. Douglas took extra precaution not to leave any of his DNA at the crime scene. Before he left to commit the murder, he couldn't resist petting "Snowball" who was a pretty white cat owned by Beamish's parents, with whom Doug Beamish lived. It turned out to be his downfall.
Unfortunately for Beamish, DNA sequencing was performed on 20 cats hairs found on his leather jacket and Authorities we able to linked him directly to the crime. He didn't have a "Snowball's' chance in hell" as the cat's DNA convicted him for the murder. There was a 1:70,000,000 it was not Snowball. This was the first time an animal's DNA was used in a court to convict the accused. Yes, Snowball got him a life sentence. Apparently, 1 in 3 criminals own a pet and since this historic case in 2002, pets all over the world have been convicting their owners. Can you imagine telling this story to other inmates of how you got convicted. Just a footnote, a "hit" was later put on Snowball from prison...just kidding!
How could the author of Leviticus, Moses, possibly know this fact over a thousand years before Science discovered that life is found in the blood?
As recent as 200 years ago, science performed the procedure of blood letting as a means of curing the very ill. Today we put blood into people because we now know that the life of your flesh is in in the blood. When we go to the doctor for an annual checkup they always take a blood sample and analyze it so he can tell you how your flesh is doing because it contains valuable health key indicators.
President George Washington woke up at 2 a.m. on Dec. 14, 1799, with a sore throat. After a series of medical procedures, including the draining of nearly 40% of his blood, he died that evening.
"True Humility Is Not Thinking Less of Yourself, It's Thinking of Yourself Less."
― C.S. Lewis
Genomic sequencing is a process in which a sample of DNA is used to extract a normal cell having 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total) which are structures that house DNA. DNA molecule is coiled into a shape called the "double helix" and looks like a twisted ladder. The double helix is straighten and made of paired chemical letters called "bases". DNA contains about 6 billion pairs of these chemical bases. There are 4 bases in the DNA alphabet, A, T, C and G. A & T can only be joined together and G & C likewise. To read the sequences of DNA bases samples are inserted into instrument where high frequency sound waves to break the DNA into smaller pieces (about 600 bases long). Special "tags" are added to the ends of the broken DNA strands so they can attach to a glass slide. In a sequencer, each piece of DNA is copied hundred of thousands of times which created clusters of identical DNA fragments. Next, the sequencer reads the DNA one base at a time using different colored tags (A, T, C, G patterns) for each DNA base detected by the machine. The sequence of colors reveals the DNA sequence of each fragment (i.e. ATGTAGGTCCACCTAG...). Powerful computers piece together these individual DNA fragments and reveal the sequence of our DNA.
Medical experts use specialized software to analyze and compare an individuals unique DNA sequences (patterns) to identify a handful of variances that detect specific diseases and are important for receiving the proper medical care. As you are aware DNA is used for identifying blood relatives, solving crimes and a host of other things. This would not be possible unless our DNA sequences were a unique, precise science.
Science is finally catching up to the Bible!
One of the strongest direct evidences for special creation is the existence of innumerable, highly complex systems in the universe, systems composed of components occurring in a pattern of "order" rather than disorder. Creationists maintain that highly ordered systems could not arise by chance, since random processes generate disorder rather than order, simplicity rather than complexity and confusion instead of "information."
For example, consider a series of ten flash cards, numbered from one to ten. If these are thoroughly and randomly mixed, and then laid out successively in a linear array along the table, it would be extremely unlikely that the numbers would fall out in order from one to ten. Actually, there are 3,628,800 different ways in which these numbers could be arranged, so that the "probability" of this particular ordered arrangement is only one in 3,628,800. This number is "ten factorial" (or 10!) and can be calculated simply by multiplying together all the numbers from one to ten. 10! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10
It is obvious that the probability of such a numerically ordered arrangement decreases rapidly as the number of components increases. For any linear system of 100 components in specified order, the probability is 1 in 100!, or 1 chance in 10^158 (a number represented by "one followed by 158 zeroes"). A system requiring such a high degree of order could never happen by chance. This follows from the fact that probability theory only applies to systems with a finite possibility of occurring at least once in the universe, and it would be inconceivable that 10^158 different trials could ever be made in our entire space-time universe.
Astro-physicists estimate that there are no more than 10^80 infinitesimal "particles" in the universe, and that the age of the universe in its present form is no greater than 10^18 seconds (30 billion years). Assuming each particle can participate in a thousand billion (10^12) different events every second (this is impossibly high, of course), then the greatest number of events that could ever happen (or trials that could ever be made) in all the universe throughout its entire history is only 10^80 x 10^18 x 10^12, or 10^110 (most authorities would make this figure much lower, about 10^50). Any event with a probability of less than one chance in 10^110, therefore, cannot occur. Its probability becomes zero, at least in our known universe.
Thus, the above-suggested ordered arrangement of 100 components has a zero probability. It could never happen by chance. Since every single living cell is infinitely more complex and ordered than this, it is impossible that even the simplest form of life could ever have originated by chance. Even the simplest replicating protein molecule that could be imagined has been shown by Golay (1) to have a probability of one in 10^450. Salisbury (2) calculates the probability of a typical DNA chain to be one in 10^600.
However, when creationists use this evidence from probability while lecturing or debating on the creation/evolution question, evolutionists often dismiss the evidence as irrelevant, using the clever and confusing argument that no arrangement is more or less probable than any other arrangement, and some arrangement must exist!
For example, suppose the ten flash cards showed up as follows: (a) 3, 8, 1, 10, 4, 7, 9, 6, 2, 5. This arrangement obviously is unordered in comparison with the ordered arrangement: (b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Nevertheless, the evolutionist will say, the unordered arrangement has the same probability (1 in 3,628,800, or 10!) as the ordered arrangement. Consequently, since some arrangement is necessary, and any arrangement is just as probable as any other, there is no reason to see any particular significance in the arrangement which happens to occur. Consequently, any argument for design based on probability, they say, is meaningless.
Superficially, this claim may seem logical, even though we immediately sense that something is wrong with it. We know intuitively, as well as experimentally, that ordered arrangements are much less probable than unordered arrangements. Random arrangements of boulders on a hillside, for example, are "natural," whereas the same boulders arranged in a circle would require explanation. Closer consideration quickly reveal that such evolutionary reasoning is inaccurate. If arrangement (a) had, for some reason, been specified beforehand, then its actual occurrence in the shuffle would indeed have been surprising. It could then no longer be considered an unordered arrangement, since it had been "ordered" externally! But it was not specified ahead of time—it was just the luck of the draw. Arrangement (b), however, has intrinsic order and its actual occurrence, therefore, would almost certainly not have been by chance.
This type of evolutionary equivocation (attempt to hide the truth) crops up in various guises. One debater responded to the creationists' probability argument by calling attention to the particular combination of people in the audience. With all the people in the state, he noted, the probability that this specific group, rather than some other group, would come together by chance was "extremely small, yet there they were! The answer, of course, was that the group had not come together by chance at all, each person had come by direct intent. Nor had the individuals in the group been prespecified, as would have been the case in a designed system, where each component had to occupy a specific position in order for the system to function.
Once in a while, the objection is a little more subtle. The fact that a certain ordered structure, functioning in a specific way, seems to have an infinitesimal probability of origin by chance is side-stepped by asserting that if some other chance assemblage had come together, it may have functioned in some other way. Evolution might then have taken a different direction. The present functioning system is merely the natural development from the components that happened to come together, and this is no less probable than any other assemblage that might have evolved differently.
But this tenuous argument implicitly assumes that any chance aggregation of particles will contain some amount of "information" and, therefore, will have some kind of evolutionary potential. Such a belief is gratuitous and naïve, to say the least, when all real experience indicates the exact opposite. That is, it is far easier and more common to generate something disordered and useless than something organized and functioning.
One cannot simply pull a working system out of a hat full of random particles. The system must possess the requisite "information" before it can get anywhere or do anything constructive. It must be organized in some kind of pattern, and patterns do not usually appear spontaneously. They are not inevitable, as the above evolutionary argument implies, but extremely rare.
For example, although one could arrange the ten flash cards in a number of possible "ordered" patterns, the number is quite limited. There seems to be a certain amount of "information" in each of the arrangements shown below, but it is obvious that arrangements (b) and (c) are more "ordered," containing more information than any of the others. Arrangement (a), as noted earlier, contains no real order or information—it is strictly "random." No doubt a few other arrangements could be devised with a small amount of order to them, but only a few.
(a) 3, 8, 1, 10, 4, 7, 9, 6, 2, 5
(b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
(c) 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
(d) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1
(e) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
(f) 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
(g) 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 , 10
(h) 1, 2, 10, 9, 3, 4, 8, 7, 5, 6
(i) 6, 5, 7, 8, 4, 3, 9, 10, 2, 1
(j) 1, 10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7, 5, 6
(k) 10, 1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5
To be generous, however, let us assume that as many as 100 patterns could be devised for the ten cards which would contain some modicum of order. Each of these would have some amount of "information" and therefore, might theoretically be able to specify some sort of wobbly function. This is entirely speculative of course, since the only one which is known to be functional is the ideal pattern, as defined in arrangement (b).
Even at best, however, there would be only 100 possible functional arrangements, leaving 3,628,700 completely unordered, and, therefore, non-functional arrangements, a ratio of over 36,000 to one. That is, the odds are at least 36,000 to one against any random assemblage of ten components into a meaningful system, which could possibly serve as a base or pattern for anything. This simple examination merely confirms that which is intuitively obvious anyhow, namely, that disorder in a system is tremendously more probable than any kind of order in that system -- not only one specific pattern, but any kind of pattern! Furthermore, this improbability increases as the number of components in the system increases (Table A below).
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
― Albert Einstein
Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)
Disorder in a system is exceedingly more probable than Order in a system
The number of ordered arrangements shown in the Table A above is somewhat arbitrary, of course, but certainly generous. In any event, it is very clear that the probability of the chance occurrence of any kind of "information" in a system is very small, and that this probability rapidly diminishes as the complexity of the system increases.
This means that whenever one sees any kind of real ordered complexity in nature, particularly as found in living systems, he can be sure this complexity was designed.
One must conclude that contrary to the established and current wisdom, a scenario describing the genesis of life on earth by chance and natural causes which can be accepted on the basis of fact and not faith has not yet been written.(3)
It is believed that we developed this practice (i.e., of postulating pre-biological natural selection) to avoid facing the conclusion that the probability of a self-replicating state is zero… When for practical purposes the concept of infinite time and matter has to be invoked, that concept of probability is annulled.(4)
There is still one other evolutionary equivocation to be noted, however. What chance cannot accomplish, evolutionists glibly attribute to natural selection. So natural selection as a process is okay. We are also pretty sure that it goes on in nature although good examples are surprisingly rare. The best evidence comes from the many cases where it can be shown that biological structures have been optimized—that is, structures that represent optimal engineering solutions to the problems that an animal has of feeding or escaping predators or generally functioning in its environment. The presence of these optimal structures does not prove that they developed through natural selection, but it does provide strong circumstantial argument.(5)
This is a rather typical example of the way evolutionists bypass even the strongest evidences for design. Dr. Raup, with his doctorate from Harvard, is a highly competent geologist, serving as Curator of Geology at Chicago's great Field Museum, and formerly as Professor of Geology at the University of Rochester. He candidly acknowledges the complete absence of transitional forms in the fossil record and the complete absence of evidence for observable progressive evolution.
Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin's time, and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record. And it is not always clear, in fact it's rarely clear, that the descendants were actually better adapted than their predecessors. In other words, biological improvement is hard to find.(6)
Thus, in spite of the utter lack of evidence in either living populations or the fossil record that natural selection ever generates higher orders of complexity (or "biological improvement," or "better adaptation") the mere existence of "optimal structures" is taken by evolutionists as confirmation of the remarkable power of natural selection!
But such a process as natural selection does not even exist at the prebiological level! Whatever effect selection may possibly have had on random processes in later biological reproduction, it is clear beyond any rational argument that chance processes could never have produced even the simplest forms of life in the first place. Without a living God to create life, the laws of probability and complexity prove beyond doubt that life could never come into existence at all.
By Dr. Henry M. Morris. PH. D.
Founder and President of the Institute for Creation Research
Sunday, July 01, 1979
“Sometimes when I'm faced with an Atheist, I am tempted to invite him to the greatest gourmet dinner that one could ever serve, and when we have finished eating that magnificent dinner, to ask him if he believes there's a cook.”
― Ronald Reagan
40th U.S. President & Actor
The Bible says that all humans descended from one man (Adam) and one woman (Eve) who live in the Garden of Eden near the Persian Gulf (Iraq). There is no scientific evidence that prove it, but we know from mitochondrial DNA Y chromosome analysis is consistent with the idea that all of humanity coming from one man and one woman. It is also consistent with with all of humanity coming from only a few women and a few men idea.
What's remarkable about the human species verses animals is that even though there are 7.5 billion humans today, our DNA is remarkably uniform. For example, even though Neanderthals were considerably less numerous, we have significantly greater DNA variance even though Neanderthal's were around longer during the last ice age with considerably smaller populations and yet they have greater genetic diversity.
The genetic differences between human races today is very slight. It doesn't take much diversity to alter our skin color. It is documented that you can change the skin color of a small human population if you move their environment to a different location, with a different diet and environmental pressures you can actually see a change in skin color in as little as four generations. The place where we see the greatest genetic diversity is not between black's and whites, it between two African tribes described below. What's interesting is that us humans make a big deal out of our racial differences, but don't seem to care about the color differences in other mammals. If you look at other mammals on earth It is becomes clear that color diversity is a matter of adaptation. Color determination is not macro evolution, it's a matter of micro evolution.
The greatest genetic diversity we see in the human populations today is in South Africa between the Zulus and the Bantu tribes that live very close to one another. This is the case all across all Africa and is why people believe that the first humans originated there. The truth of the matter is that Africa is the place where tribes practice marriage isolation meaning they would not allow their daughters to marry outside of their tribe. That's why the Zulus and the Bantu have the greatest genetic diversity, because Bantu would never let one of their sons or daughter marry a Zulus and likewise for the Bantu. This practice has preserved their genetic diversity that we don't see in the America's, Europe or Asia where there is a lot of intermarriage.
Genetically tracing Y chromosome back to the first man and woman is an imperfect science today partly because there is not yet a standard mutation rate in genomics. It must be manufactured. As technology improves so will the ability to identify when Adam & Eve lived. We already have Biblical evidence that Eden was located near the Persian Gulf in modern day Iraq (link below). Eventually, this Science mystery will catch up to the Bible.
A paper published in the Journal Science significantly narrows the time during which Adam could have lived about 120,000 to 156,000 years ago, putting him in about the same time period as humankind’s most recent common female ancestor, “Eve." The research revises previous findings that dated Adam within a much longer period.
And the findings also ease recent doubts that the Y chromosome can reliably trace ancient lineage, renewing confidence that tracing and dating lineage using mutations in the Y chromosome could be critical in answering some of the vexing questions about how and where the first humans originated. “We’ve shown that we can do this kind of dating, and that the Y chromosome is a really powerful tool,” says Brenna Henn, a genetics researcher at SUNY Stony Brook. “Now that we can use the Y chromosome in this manner, we can go back and look into other big questions, like exactly where did humans originate (Africa?)? The ultimate goal is to understand when and where there was a modern human population,” she says.
Dr. Henn and colleagues analyzed the Y chromosome from 69 men from nine globally divergent regions, including Namibia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Algeria, Pakistan, Cambodia, Siberia, and Mexico. The Y chromosome, which in human males is one chromosome of the 23 pairs that form the genome, is a useful means through which to follow paternal lineage, as it is passed as an exact copy from father to son, whereas other chromosomes are shuffled and reshuffled in the making of a new person. The mitochondrial genome, passed from a mother to both male and female children, is likewise used to plot maternal lineage. It has been used to date Eve.
Still, over hundreds of thousands of years, the Y chromosome is not always faithfully copied. Like mitochondrial DNA mutates and those mutations can be used to trace lineage. Researchers identified about 11,000 mutations in the genetic sequences of the 69 men, after comparing their sequences to what is known as the reference genome. Those mutations were then plotted as a family tree, with the tip of each branch representing an individual’s unique mutation not shared with any of the other men.
Scientists have long suspected that those mutations occur at a regular rate, which would make it possible to then attach a date to those mutations. But since there is not yet a standard mutation rate in genomics, the team had to create their own. To do so, they referred back to a known event: the migration of humans in North America 15,000 years ago. Mutations common to all modern Native Americans must have existed prior to the peopling of the New World, whereas variants among that population must have developed during the past 15,000 years. That 15,000-years-ago marker was used to give the scientists a rate at which mutations occur, which was then applied to the Y chromosome tree. All the calculations were then redone with the 69 men’s mitochondrial DNA, to also trace their common female ancestor.
The new research dates the common Y chromosome to about 120,000 to 156,000 years ago and the mitochondrial DNA to some 99,000 to 148,000 years ago, meaning that Adam and Eve now have a 28,000 year period during which they could hypothetically have overlapped. Previous estimates had put the man sometime between the wide range of 50,000 to 150,000 years ago, and Eve at some 120,000 to 156,000 years ago.
The closing of the gap in Adam's possible time period is in part due to improved technology that makes more of the Y chromosome’s base pairs – the units that make up each chromosome and the spots where mutations occur – available for research. Previous studies had looked at hundreds of thousands of base pairs, while this latest paper looked at about 10 million base pairs, Henn said, noting that more base pairs mean more identified mutations and more accurate results. The new research also makes a major step in genomics in using the same mutation rate to trace back both the Y chromosome and the mitochondria, Henn said. Previously, dates for Adam and Eve had often been calculated using different mutation rates.
And differences in mutation rates could still also explain continued disparities between researchers on pinpointing Adam and Eve’s time period. A separate paper published in Science also identified about 11,000 mutations in their sample sequences but used a different mutation rate – calculated using an estimated migration date of peoples to Sardinia – to date Adam. That paper’s results put Adam somewhere between 180,000 to 200,000 years ago.
“Mutation rate has really been an unappreciated issue in this kind of analysis,” said Henn, adding that she and colleagues are working to improve the accuracy of their Native American-based mutation rate. Once that is obtained, the team will return to the same data to re-date Adam and Eve and possibly narrow the periods during which the two could have lived. Despite their biblically inspired monikers, "Adam" and "Eve" are not humankind’s first ancestors. Although the pair could have overlapped in time, it’s not necessary – and in fact “statistically unlikely,” says Henn – that the two ever even met. Instead, Adam’s “Y” chromosome was passed to his male children, and to their male children, and so on. In a separate event, Eve’s mitochondrial DNA was passed to all her children, and to all her children's children, and so on. Other ancient people contemporaneous with Adam and Eve also passed to their children their Y chromosomes and mitochondria, but over the past hundreds of thousands of years, that material was filtered out of humankind’s genetic makeup.
Those Adam and Eve contemporaries also have modern descendants and in fact parts of their genomes might be common in modern humans – but that lineage is not yet traceable. In short, "Adam" and "Eve" are our most recent common identifiable ancestors. “There are other segments in our genome that we could trace common ancestry from, but those are tricky things,” said Henn.
By Elizabeth Barber
Contributor, August 2, 2013
When we look at the human population today, we see that some segments of that population have a greater similarity with Neanderthal DNA then they do with human DNA. For example, those of European decent have a greater similarity with Neanderthal DNA than those living in Sub-Saharan Africa. We also see a greater similarity with Neanderthal DNA with those with Asian or Pacific Island decent than those living in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is an interesting coincidence that all of the group of eleven researchers performing the DNA study on Neanderthal's who recorded their findings in articles were of European, Asian and Pacific Island decent. Could there have been DNA contamination? Researcher articles on this subject that have followed have since denied this DNA contamination claim. The basis for the claim of interbreeding is that the realm of the Neanderthals was Southern Europe and Southern Siberia, so they would never have had contact with Sub-Saharan Africans, only the Europeans and Asians. This doesn't explain the Pacific Islanders DNA though. However, we don't find it in the Nuclear DNA, we only see it in the mitochondrial DNA which tells us that the level of interbreeding (if it's real) was at a very low level. In fact it would be lower than bestiality occurring between humans and great ape populations today. Occurring at such a low level that there's no damage to the image of God. Any offspring between humans and Neanderthals would have died out within one generation so there would be no propagation. There is genetic evidence of very limited degree of Neanderthal interbreeding with humans, but the evidence is not compelling. Even if the DNA is real, the interbreeding is not at the level we would consider particle proof. This low level is consistent with what the Bible teaches.
Even if the Neanderthal-human DNA is real, we could expect this in the context of the early chapters of Genesis. Satan is committed to damaging the image of God that is placed upon human beings as stated in Genesis 1:27. The strongest injunction of all to God is found in Leviticus concerning human sex with animals. God warns us to avoid this act because it has the potential to damage the image of God which is why Satan is motivated to use this as a tool to encourage people into this type of immoral behavior.
Humans and Neanderthals are anatomically distinct from one another as outlined in the side-by-side skull comparison visual provided. The skulls clearly display two different species. Thier body types were a lot different too. Humans are taller and slender while Neanderthals had short arms and legs with barrel shaped bodies to retain heat because of the cold climates where they inhabited. There is no undisputed proof that to show the following characteristics to be true of Neanderthals, they are all subjective.
"When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him Vandal. When he wantonly destroys one of the works of God we call him Sportsman."
― Joseph Wood Krutch
Writer and Naturalist
Cambrian Explosion was the unparalleled emergence of organisms occurring 539 million years ago (2021) and the beginning of the Cambrian Period. It's the only event in the history of life where we see the appearance of new phyla. The total number of phyla that appeared at the beginning of the Cambrian Explosion was between 50 minimum and an upwards of 100 phyla maximum. Since a number of these phyla have gone extinct, nearly all 30 phyla that still exist on earth today were also present during the Cambrian Explosion. This is the greatest fossil record challenge to naturalism or materialism. No new phyla have appeared in 538 million years.
Scientists systematically classify all living things at eight different levels (Human levels in parenthesis): domain (eularya), kingdom (animalia), phylum (chordata), class (mammal), order (primates), family (hominidae), genus (homo), and species (sapiens). Human's classification names are in parenthesis which go from broad to narrow categories. Besides domains, the largest groupings are called kingdoms and there are five kingdoms into which living things fit: Monera, Protist, Fungi, Plant, Animal.
For the 2019 date estimate below the +-3.8 represent the random error and the 6.6 represent system error. In the past, eliminate the system errors such as instrumental effect or some unknown feature in the record data point which has been a problem in dating the Cambrian Explosion because it can shift all of your measurements either to the up or down side.
Paleontologist now have measurement techniques that have improved accuracy by eliminated the systematic errors and greatly shrink the random, statistical errors. Biostratigraphic & Cemo-stratigraphic are reliable isotope data techniques used to separate the Cambrian from Avalon animal fossils. The two measurements below were taken most recently in Namibia in north west of South Africa which has one of the best exposures of the Cambrian boundary layer at the end of the Avalon explosion animals and the very beginning of the Cambrian explosion animals. The team sampled different spots along the geological boundary layer and were able to determine that the Cambrian explosion could not have occurred any earlier than 538.99 MYA and no later than 538.58 MYA, the difference being 410,000 years using accurate radiometric dating. This demonstrates that the entire Cambrian explosion event occurred in a time period less than 410,000 years! This finding is a final blow to naturalistic evolution because if the time window is this brief we would expect to see new phyla showing up all the time and we haven't seen one in over 538 million years.
Science now knows definitively that all the phyla (including bryozoa - moss animals) from the Cambrian explosion appeared in a short window of time eliminating the possibility of animal evolution. This discovery delivers a final blow to the possibility of a naturalist explanation for the Cambrian explosion because the time window is way too brief for the evolution of life. This also compliments Cambrian explosion fossil findings in Canada, South China and Australia.
The false presumption or assumption that is skipped in all the textbooks is that origins of life happened naturalistically. The theory is that life gradually and progressively becomes more complex through common decent, with changes brought about by natural selection, mutations, gene exchange and epigenetics. These are the only four mechanisms identified to create life. So all life naturally descended through common decent through these four mechanisms. These small changes occur over very long periods of time yielding new species of life, new genera, new families which produce new orders. We do see limited speciation occurring, but that is the limit observed in real time. The Naturalistic Evolution Prediction needs over 50,000,000 years to give it any hope of being a plausible theory. Since we now know the Cambrian explosion time window is 410,000 years, the naturalistic evolution model is no loner defensible.
Below is a summary of the Naturalistic Evolution Prediction. Evolutionary mechanisms will yield a proliferation of additional species which over time will produce new genera. The proliferation of new genera over yet much more time will produce new families. The proliferation of new families over much, much more time will produce new orders. There are claims of new speciation so we would see thousands if not millions of tiny changes in existing species through the four mechanisms listed above with sufficient time will produce a new species. Naturalists claim that the reason we haven't seen new genera, families, order, classes or phyla show up is that there just hasn't been enough time. They do claim that we have seen the new appearance of species we have to ask which definition of "species" are they referring to since the are 16 different definitions. They could be referring to that fact that we've been able to breed 400 different breeds of dogs from wolves, foxes and coyotes which is not significant or relevant. They also try to use birds as an example of a new species definition when a single species of birds are separated into two groups for a long period of time and then are reintroduced to each other and will not mate. This too is not a relevant example of a new species given the fact that if they are given enough time together the expectation is that they will begin to mate.
Naturalistic Evolution Prediction Model
1. New Species -> 2. New Genera -> 3. New Families -> 4. New Orders -> 5. New Classes -> 6. New Phyla
What naturalistic evolution model predict is in direct contrast to what we see in the fossil record where the phyla show up first, not last verified by the Cambrian explosion where the phyla (50-100) show up simultaneously and suddenly. There is no gradualism evolution process because there isn't enough time that as passed. They appear immediately when physical and chemical conditions first permit their existence. For example, what we see prior to 575 million years ago in the fossil record are these small microbial organism (1 mm across) appearing in the first Avalon explosion event. After the second Avalon explosion 575 million years ago we have larger phyla animals (2 meter across) showing up suddenly at the moment when there is a jump in the oxygen content from 1% to 8% which is the minimum level required in the earths atmosphere to support life. The Cambrian explosion phyla animals show up later when the oxygen content rises to 10%.
There have been no other life forms that have come into existence since human beings showed up. 50K-100K years ago there were over 8,000 mammals species over the face of the earth. Today there are only 4,000. Over half have gone extinct during that human period and the replacement rate is zero. After the period between day 6 and 7 in Genesis we have not seen the appearance of a single, new mammal species.
Cambrian Explosion Fossil Record
1. New Phyla-> 2. New Classes -> 3. New Orders -> 4. New Families -> 5. New Genera -> 6. New Species
Naturalistic evolution states that first we have physics and chemistry, then we somehow try to end up with biology (life). This is utterly intractable to start with physics and chemistry and try to get biology unless you have a supernatural mind who is able to take that and create life. Even with all the brilliant biochemists, technology and funding we have today they are not able to make life in the lab. They can only manufacture the very simple steps that are necessary for the actual creation of life. This demonstrates that someone else a lot more intelligent, knowledgeable, powerful and better funded with greater technology must have created life on earth.
We are not saying that the history of life on planet earth is 100% supernatural, but are committed to stating that it's certainty not 100% natural evolution. Where we do see natural common decent occurring is at the species level recognizing that natural selection, gene exchange, mutations over sufficient time will be capable of producing new species for some categories of life, but you will not get new classes, new phyla, or new orders by the same means unless you have divine intervention because the naturalistic process are not capable of generating changes of that magnitude. We do embrace micro evolution, but do not endorse macro evolution. The places where we see the greatest support for naturalistic micro evolution is at the level of microbes and also with insects. The places where micro evolution will be producing the most observable changes are where the animals or plants sizes are very small, the populations are very large and the time between being born and reproducing is relatively brief. A good example is a virus like Covid-19 or bacteria which can reproduce in 20 minutes given the right conditions whereas a human takes 20 years.
There is plenty of animal fossils record evidence during the Cambrian explosion, but wat about the plant fossils. Plants do not leave fossils as easily as animals do because they do not have skeletons, bones or shells. It's amazing how much of the animal soft tissue was preserved wit the Cambrian explosion fossils. Plants are much more subject to decay than animals are so we really don't have many examples of vegetation fossils. We do have them now, but previous to 2009 paleontologist had only discovered the isotope evidence of the existence of plant life on the continents and in the oceans dating at least 200 million years prior to the Cambrian explosion event. Since then they have found vegetation fossils parts and the largest vegetable matter piece found is only 1 mm across. This is much different from the animal fossils where we have complete animal body intact. So we now know that vegetation was quite abundant for at least 600 million years before the Cabirian explosion.
"The sudden appearance of trilobites, with no apparent antecedence, and absent of other fossils is "undoubtedly of the gravest nature" to my theory."
― Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species, 1st Edition 1859
"To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods prior to the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer."
― Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species, 6th Edition 1876
It is one thing to explain the appearance of new species. It is another matter to explain the sudden, simultaneous appearence of new phyla, classes and orders.
― Douglas Erwin & James Valentine
The Cambrian Explosion: The Construction of Animal Biodiversity, January 18, 2013
The suns luminosity or brightness has increased 24% over the past 4.6 billion years since life was first created here on planet earth. Unless there are some means by which a planet can have the amount of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere reduced as the host star gets brighter and brighter than the planet will become sterile for life. The graph demonstrates that we have a progression of God introducing new species of life in such a way that those new species of life require an increasing efficiency of pulling greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere through silicate erosion. Rain falling on silicates acts as a catalyst causing the silicates to chemically combine with atmospheric CO2 creating compounds like carbonates and sand that are useful for civilization. Silicates by themselves are not useful.
There's a good reason why trees didn't show up until 450-480 million years ago. It wasn't until tree roots could penetrate deep into the bedrock exposing more of these silicates to falling rain that they became abundant and diverse across the continental landmasses. Exposing more silicates causes carbon dioxide to be pulled out of the atmosphere. Only a mind that knows the future physics of the sun would be able to determine which plant species to create and at what time in the history of the earth. This mind would need to know the right plant diversity and abundance in order to extract the correct amount of greenhouse gases (methane & carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere to perfectly compensate for the increasing luminosity of the sun.
"We're here to put a dent in the universe."
― Steve Jobs
Entrepreneur & Inventor
Scientist have now resolved the fact that the earths atmosphere suddenly jumped when the earth was ~4 billion years old. The Ediacaran Oxygenation event occurred 579-575 million years ago (MYA) when oxygen suddenly jumped from 1% to 8% within a few million years. An atmospheric O2 level below 1% can only support microbial life like during the Avalon explosion. There were four primary factors occurring simultaneously that caused the oxygen (O2) levels to suddenly jump. The dates we get from the four oxygen events comes just before we see the appearance of the Avalon animals, there is little time delay between these events.
At the end of the Avalon they have discovered that there was a proliferation of filter feeder sea sponges of all sizes. These sponges remove large amount of carbon from the sea water right before the Cambrian explosion. The filter feeding of these sponges prevents the sinking of organic carbon to the shallow sea floor bottom, limiting oxidation, therefore increasing dissolved oxygen in the seawater at depths. Sponge microbial symbionts sequestered huge amounts of marine phosphorus which prevented it from oxidation causing an increase in dissolved oxygen in seawater at depths. This is the only way the oxygen levels could increase from 8% to 10% during the Cambrian explosion. This was difficult for Paleontologist to discover this initially because sponges seldom leave behind fossil evidence, however a recent study shows that sponges manifest distinct, unique silicon isotope ratios. The silicon isotope ratios measure affirms that sponges became superabundant and super diverse just before the Cambrian explosion.
God created the sun and the earth in Geneis 1:1 when there was very little oxygen in the atmosphere. Low levels of oxygen in the atmosphere means that it was extremely hazy. The haze was so thick that the creatures on earth could see the light of the sun, but not the sun itself. It wasn't until the fourth day of creation where there is a rapid rise in oxygen where the atmosphere clears and when creatures on earth can visibly see the sun, moon and stars. God says "Let there be light” back in Genesis 1:3 meaning He allows let the light shine through the atmosphere to the surface of the earth. The atmosphere transforms from opaque to translucent permitting light of the sun to come through. This is not when He created the sun because we know the sun existed in day one before day four. Another reference is in Job 38:8-9 when it says that God created clouds to blanket the seas in order to kept them dark. The big difference being the word "created" as opposed to "let there be light". The original text uses the word "let there be light" translates to the Hebrew verb "yehi", not the word "bara" which means create. The animals that God created subsequent in day five are of the species that need to know the position of the sun, moon and stars to regulate their complex biological clocks (seasons). In Gensis 1:16 below God uses the verb "made" which is "asah" in Hebrew meaning to manufacture stating that God had a direct personal role in forming them sometime in the past or before the forth day of creation.
At the end of the Avalon they have discovered that there was a proliferation of filter feeder sea sponges of all sizes. These sponges remove large amount of carbon from the sea water right before the Cambrian explosion. The filter feeding of these sponges prevents the sinking of organic carbon to the shallow sea floor bottom, limiting oxidation, therefore increasing dissolved oxygen in the seawater at depths. Sponge microbial symbionts sequestered huge amounts of marine phosphorus which prevented it from oxidation causing an increase in dissolved oxygen in seawater at depths. This is the only way the oxygen levels could increase from 8% to 10% during the Cambrian explosion. This was difficult for Paleontologist to discover this initially because sponges seldom leave behind fossil evidence, however a recent study shows that sponges manifest distinct, unique silicon isotope ratios. The silicon isotope ratios measure affirms that sponges became superabundant and super diverse just before the Cambrian explosion.
"The biggest gap, and the one the creationists like best of all, is the one that preceded the so-called Cambrian Explosion. A little more than half a billion years ago, in the Cambrian era, most of the great animal phyla "suddenly" appear in the fossil record. Suddenly, that is, in the sense that no fossils of these animal groups are known in rocks older than the Cambrian, not suddenly in the sense of instantaneously; the period we are talking about covers about 20 million years. Anyway, it is still quite sudden, and, as I wrote in a previous book, the Cambrian shows us a substantial number of major animal phyla "already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists."
― Richard Dawkins
British Evolutionary Biologist & Author
Newsweek Excerpt on his New Book on Evolution, Sept. 24, 2009
The fossil record is not a gradual, continuous progression. It is filled with quantum jumps and interruptions. There are dozens if not hundreds of interruptions. The fossil record proves that life is static for a long period of time and then it suddenly disappears. Wales are the most dramatic example because they disappear in the fossil record and reappear over and over 20 times. It seems like God creates life then He removes it repeatedly as if He is performing trial and error to see what works or He doesn't know what he is doing. These fossil record interruptions bothered Charles Darwin and he was quoted as saying, "The clumsy, wasteful, blundering, low, and horribly cruel works of nature" could not be God's creation. This is why Darwin couldn't give credit to God for the past history of life.
The Bible says that life goes extinct and God replaces it. He does this to reveal His glory in creation and to prepare the earth for human species. All life is subject to the laws of decay. After He creates man, the fossil record for the appearance of new species goes to zero and there has been no evidence of new phyla since. There are field studies that tell us that any land mammal with an adult body mass greater than 3 kg (7 lbs.) will go extinct before it can so called "evolve" into a different mammal.
The problem with Darwin and many other Naturalist is that they fail to consider that the suns' solar luminosity (its brightness is not a constant throughout history. (see section, "Life's Origin, The Sun's Brightness"). A solar luminosity drop of 2% would cause a runaway glaciation on the Earths surface whereas, a 4% increase would cause a runaway evaporation of all the Earth's surface water. Either of these changes would drive extinction. God does this remove and replace, so that we have just the right life on Earth at just the right time in order that life can compensate for all the changes in the Sun's flaring and brightness. Another major change is in the Earth's rotation rate period which is slowing down due to the gravitation pull from the moon. A full rotation day use to be 2 hours, then 4 hours and now it's 24 hours. Any change to this would also drive mass extinctions.
Adaptation is the root concept that grew into Darwin's theory of natural selection. Natural selection is the mechanism that explains how things change; adaptation explains why they adapt. There are many examples of living creatures (like Darwin's finches) that have physically adapted to their environment to survive. Those species that did not adapt went extinct. Adaptation is a far cry from speciation or evolution.
If Charles Darwin (and other scientist at the time) had been aware 150 years ago of all the supernatural design found in past history of our solar system and planet earth in particular, he would recognized that irrespective of the history of life on planet earth, you need miraculous intervention just to explain the physical features of earth. If we have all this evidence of the supernatural creator just to get the physical components correct, how much more would you demand miraculous intervention for something orders of magnitude more complicated as the origins and history of life on planet earth? If Darwin had been aware of all this physical evidence surrounding the history of our solar system and earth, it may have made him a little more measured in drawing some of the conclusion that he did about life and origin of species.
In Darwin’s defense, at that time in history, there was very little know about the fossil record when he wrote the origin of species in 1859. Darwin said that what we really need to do in order to test his theory of the origin of species is a near complete history of the fossil record of the earth. When he wrote the book, there were only a few of those fossils whereas today we have a near complete fossil record, enough where we can put his theories to the test.
Asa Gray (Nov 18, 1810 – Jan 30, 1888) is considered the most important American botanist of the 19th century. His Darwinian was considered an important explanation of how religion and science were not necessarily mutually exclusive. He was a devout Christian who accept natural selection as the cause of new species, although he did not believe it to be the only cause of variation, which he considered to be caused by some inherent power imparted in the beginning by divine agent. Indeed, he was one of the first advocates of the idea of theistic evolution, which holds that natural selection is one of the mechanisms with which God directs the natural world.
Aca thought that evolution by natural selection was a theory that was on the right track back in the 19th century, but still said it was absurd to think that in any way this undermines design argumentation. He said that if anything it makes the design argumentation stronger because now we not only have an artificer who can create these complex things designed for great purposes, but He can create mechanisms that can design things for great purposes.
”The designer is never satisfied or perhaps can never get it quite right...He doesn't just design, He does it again and again...and His designs don't last."
― Kenneth Miller
American Cell and Molecular Biologist
Only A Theory, page 52
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? If you said the egg , then how did it get fertilized? If the chicken came first and laid an egg, then how did the egg get fertilized without a rooster?
The Bible states that the chicken came first. What about the origin of human beings? Well, we came from our parents. The Bible claims that we are all decedents of our great, great, great... ancestors, Adam & Eve who were created by God to reproduce and populate the earth (Genesis 2:7-25). When Adam appears in the Bible he is a new, fully formed adult man probably. God's made Adam in His own image which is unique from all other living things. That is why we are moral beings who care about justice, truth and understand our own mortality.
The evolution myth says that we came from single-celled organisms that randomly "appeared" on Earth about 3.5 billion years ago, roughly a billion years after the Earth formed. More complex forms of life took longer to evolve, with the first multicellular animals not "appearing" until about 600 million years ago. Evolutionist are basically saying that the egg came first and somehow "appeared" out of thin air without divine intervention.
DNA has shut the door on the theory of evolution. A mans and a monkey's DNA are different and have not changed over time. Ancient man's DNA is identical to today's human DNA. You may want to ponder the following qestions:
We require oxygen to pump blood to the heart. We need both operating at the same time to function. Evolution really makes no sense and DNA has completely debunked it.
You won't because all living things were already created fully evolved. Creation ended on "day 6". Nothing new has been created since because God said He was finished.
In 1996, biochemist Michael Behe introduced the notion of “irreducible complexity,” arguing that some biomolecular structures could not have evolved because their functionality requires interacting parts, the removal of any one of which renders the entire apparatus defective. This claim excited creationists and remains a central plank of the “intelligent design” movement, despite being rightly rejected by a U.S. federal judge in 2005 in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. In Darwin Devolves, Behe continues his quixotic efforts to overturn modern evolutionary theory.
The most airtight principle in physics is the Second Law of Thermodynamics which states that in a closed system, things will always go from more orderly to less orderly unless there is directive energy put into that system to maintain orderliness.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution demands that a system went from randomness to complete order by itself without any creator or designer putting energy into the system to make it more orderly. This violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution came at the right time in history when human scientific discoveries and inventions were peaking. This lead to the acceptance of his theory by the scientific world even though there was little to no proof that it was factual.
If you enter the question "Which comes first chicken or egg?" in Google search you will get the Atheist's answer to which there is no evolutionary evidence. DNA sequencing has proven that their conclusion is an absolute untruth.
Eggs certainly came before chickens, but chicken eggs did not—you can't have one without the other. However, if we absolutely had to pick a side, based on the evolutionary evidence, we're on Team Egg.
"In China its O.K. to criticize Darwin but not the government, while in the United States its O.K. to criticize the government, but not Darwin!"
― Dr. Jun Yaun Chen
Chinese Paleontologist
Most of us learned the Scientific Method in grade school. The scientific method is based on "the collection of systematic observation, measurement, and experimentation and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses." The scientific method evidence must be observable and repeatable. Can you produce any observable evidence that evolution is true? Not a theory based on many millions of years ago, but observable evidence today that we do not have to receive by faith.
1. Can you provide one observable evidence example in the transition of species found in the fossil record for Darwinian Evolution?
2. Can you think of one observable evidence example, in regards to Darwinian Evolution, not adaptation, not speciation, but a change of kinds? Example; The change of kinds in humans, cats, dogs, cannot because the missing link is still missing...
It would take a whole lot more "blind faith" to believe in evolution than, DNA and the Bible.
Both the Old & New Testaments emphasize the importance of testing, of making sure the evidence supports truth claims. Moses instructed the Israelites to test individuals who claimed to be speaking or writing under divine inspiration (Deuteronomy 18:21-22). The prophet Malachi quoted God as saying, "Test me in this" (Malachi 3:10). The Apostle Paul urged Christ's followers, "Test everything. Hole on to the good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Apostle John similarly wrote "Test the spirits to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1, Acts 17:11)
Both the Old & New Testaments emphasize the importance of testing, of making sure the evidence supports truth claims. It isn't enough to take the Bible text literally, we must also interpret them consistently. Moses instructed the Israelites to test individuals who claimed to be speaking or writing under divine inspiration (Deuteronomy 18:21-22). The prophet Malachi quoted God as saying, "Test me in this" (Malachi 3:10). Apostle John similarly wrote "Test the spirits to see whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1, Acts 17:11) and the Apostle Paul urged Christ's followers;
The scientific method could more accurately be called the “Biblical Method.” It originated from the teachings of Biblical scripture.
1. Scripture is the source for the origination of the scientific method.
2. The scientific method originated in Scripture and in the development of Reformation theology.
3. The benefits of the scientific age come from applying the testing process as set forth in Scripture.
4. The Genesis creation account reflects the classic scientific method.
5. Historically, Christianity gave birth to both the scientific method and the scientific revolution.
Below are just 6 Bible Verses that established the origin of Scientific Method:
The Scottish academic press published a 28 volume set describing the Biblical origins of scientific method lead by Thomas F. Torrance
"The set of genetic instruction for human beings is approximately 3 billion letters long. Generation after generation, through countless cell divisions, the genetic heritage of living things is scrupulously preserved in DNA."
― By Miroslav Radman, Robert Wagner
The High Fidelity of DNA Duplication
Scientific American, August 1988
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